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Everything posted by scrapbookbuzz

  1. No, my daughter baked the cookies, because I asked her to. But again, even the attempt at the belated birthday celebration fizzled. I really hope it's not indicative of the rest of my year! Good night, all!
  2. My Tuesday is mixed up, Jean, 'cause dd doesn't have Biology class today. My brain is definitely out - and I even had coffee today!
  3. Well, that would mean they are both nearby...me. I'm in Phoenix and it's around 70 F today. Now, where to look? Want to come help me?
  4. My plan was to get up early this morning and work on my own schoolwork. I got up around 0730 but my brain is only now clear of the sleep-webs that made it next to impossible to concentrate on my work. But in a few minutes is work time for me for an hour, followed by some necessary baking for tonight's belated birthday celebration (mine), followed by schoolwork with one kiddo, and reminding the other he needs to REST. Sometime today I'll get my homework done, hopefully. I just need this class to be done so I don't have to THINK about anymore. Too many things to think about! Has anyone seen my brain lately? It may be sleep and coffee deprived. I am sipping a hot one right now, hoping it will fully show up soon. Anyone with me on this? :bigear:
  5. He definitely needs professional help if he has those thoughts. As for depression, a HUGE dietary help with that is to completely cut out sugar. And I mean completely.
  6. Greetings and Happy Friday! The Lounge is OPEN! If you haven't been here before, the Teachers Lounge is the place for homeschool TEACHERS/PARENTS to come in, take a load off, and enjoy some adult conversation, snacks, or maybe just a nap! Sorry, no students allowed. What's for lunch? Me: I'm having a protein/blood sugar balancing shake because I just don't know what else to have right now and don't have the energy to think about it! What's for dinner? yeah, I don't know that, either. I may leave my family to their own devices on that one especially since I won't be home! What are you up to this weekend? Here: tonight, I'm joining some friends for scrapbooking, tomorrow: farmers market in the am, family gathering in the afternoon, possibly followed by taking my daughter to The Lego Movie IF I can swing the funds! She really wants to see it and we just haven't been able to get there yet. Sunday is church, followed by dh and ds going out shooting, daughter probably holing up at home, and me discussing curriculum with another homeschooling mom. Sometime in there I need to wrap up and finish my first paper. Health issue are so random, though, that my plans may change at any minute! What's the best, funniest, or weirdest thing that's happened to you this week? For me, probably the best thing that happened is discovering that by boosting my iron and my B vitamin intake, my body feels about 60% better on most days. The random symptoms of chest pain/pressure and shortness of breath (which are not cardiac related) still show up, however, I'm just thankful that something makes me feel better! Talk to me! :bigear:
  7. I told my kids we would resume schooling at 1pm. It is now 1:18pm. About 8 minutes ago I decided I'm too worn out and weary to hear whines and groans when I call them back. SO I'm conducting a 'test' to see if either one of them will own up to their responsibility and come find me when they're ready. They most likely won't but I don't need the frustration right now. I'd love to take the family on a mini-trip, especially since dh's work is really slow right now. However, we just discovered that someone hacked into his company's server, absconded with personal info, and filed multiple fraudulent tax returns, including ours, AND accepted the refunds! Urghhhhhh. However, amazingly, I am at peace and not stressed out because I know God is in control and He will make His Presence tangibly known to us in the most amazing ways. Can't wait to see what He does! Truly!
  8. The Lounge is open a day earlier because **I** need some adult, non-whiney conversation! Welcome to the Teachers Lounge! A place for homeschool teachers to come in, take a load off, and enjoy some non-whiney conversation. Snacks today include Lemon Loaf cake, GF and non-GF Tyson Chicken Strips, organic Fuji apples, coffee, and tea. And, of course, you're always welcome to bring in some of your own! What are you up to today? Today is the first time I've felt mostly 'normal' all week but the kids' behavior threatens that delicate balance right now! So I'm hiding in here! B-) Going anywhere today? me: to the Food Bank. Not helpful for my GF needs, but helpful to keep the family from saying, "There's nothing to eat." And considering checking is overdrawn and I can get an 'emergency' basket, I'm good with that. Any special occasions coming up? I had a birthday the other day but we won't talk about that. Not because I mind birthdays but this one wasn't much fun due to health. I may have to do some yummy GF baking today, if I can squeeze in the time! Talk to me! :bigear:
  9. I remember this age with my daughter and people telling me that 9 years old is a "high training age." I KNOW it is. But that doesn't make it any less frustrating. It might be less frustrating if I didn't also have an Aspie teenager who often needs to be kept on task, as well. Anyway, thank you, ALL, for the encouragement. And let's all celebrate that we are NOT ALONE in this! :grouphug: :party: :thumbup1:
  10. :rant: Anyone else have or had a nine year old boy that complains about every assignment you give him? Or has a meltdown when you suggest he start an assignment? and to top it all of either can't or won't tell you what's wrong? I finally told him today that when he is ready to learn he can come let me know. And when he's ready to tell me what's going on with him, come find me. Until then, I'm DONE.
  11. This isn't exactly a 'public' forum as most of us don't really have any idea what her real identity is. Consider it a semi-private forum. Thus her comfort in stating at the beginning of her post that she just need to rant (aka vent). Maybe she doesn't have anyone close with whom she can share her frustrations. She didn't ask for advice or seek encouragement for doing degrading things to her family. She simply need to vent somewhere. She's already feeling belittled and disrespected at home, she doesn't need it here. Don't get me wrong, those Scripture verses are great . . . but they would have a better effect coming from someone she knows personally than a practical stranger. To the OP, vent away! But I also agree that sometimes, in order to 'wake up' those around us, we have to do something radically different. There is nothing wrong with you going on strike for a few days, maybe a week! To one of the previous posters, my kids get all sorts of picky too often, too, and my husband is often not at home for dinner, either, due to work. I liked the suggestion of only cooking if you want to and if not, just have food on hand to which they can help themselves!
  12. Okay, the Lounge is now CLOSED. See you all next week!
  13. Wow, another very S-L-O-W Friday in the Lounge today. Where IS everyone??
  14. Thanks for the input, all. Yes, she had an IEP a few years back when she was in elementary school (6th grade). I have not needed one for her since then, since we've done her schooling at home. This year we outsourced one class, which is where I think the accommodations need to come into play. (Side note on the green pencil: she doesn't always use it, it was just available, and it is a pencil, after all. Think Aspie literal world here.) I will be calling the school district SpEd Director to talk about my options. I am considering having her do future science classes at the local high school and some community college classes (thus getting dual credit). Based on what's been said here, I think I should look into both options ASAP.
  15. Sad that often people tend to only see what they want to see and not the truth of the matter. Sorry you're being unnecessarily pressured. Hope you feel better soon, though!
  16. Jean, I don't have Celiac Disease, so airborne gluten does not affect me. Only the consumption of it. I think at this point maybe you should be thankful for being ill so you don't have to be on the Moving Crew!
  17. Happy Friday! Welcome to the Teachers Lounge, a place where those in the trenches of teaching troops at home can come in, put their feet up, and enjoy some food, fun, and fellowship (aka adult conversation), or maybe just take a nap! It is Friday and while I told the kids we'd "start stuff" at 9;30am and it's 9:28am right now, I'm just not ready! I would also like us to maybe go hang out at a local cafe to work on school but when one is gluten-intolerant, where does one go? What's on your menu today? What's your schedule look like this weekend? Anyone going to do any scrapbooking, quilting, crafting over the weekend? Talk to me! :bigear:
  18. My 15yo freshman has ONE outsourced class: Biology. And while the teacher stated that she has a learning disability of her own, she doesn't seem to be willing to give my daughter any wiggle room for hers. Today, in fact, she emailed me to let me know dd had done her homework in green colored pencil and that "in high school, ALL work should be done in (regular) pencil." I've also spoken to this teacher about having my daughter do her weekly element quizzes orally instead of written. She said she'd be willing to do that but couldn't figure out when since she takes care of other classroom business while the kids are taking their quizzes. Do I need to figure this out for her (the teacher)?? I don't really have anything against this teacher, but I just feel like she expects my daughter to 'be like every other student' and she is most definitely not! So now I'm looking into either getting a high school IEP done for her or a 504. Any thoughts? suggestions?
  19. Evidently today is another day of rest, mostly for ME. Woke up this morning with similar health issues that I had earlier this year. Blah. Nothing to do for that but rest and not have to do anything that requires intense thinking because that's just not going to happen. *sigh* Hope everyone else is having a much better day!
  20. Hope your son feels better!
  21. It's only in the 70s here today and I'm already getting spots of heat rash. Ugh. I may have to go visit my BFF in WY sooner than I thought!
  22. Evidently, today was more of a day of rest than actual schooling. My son is the only one not resting but has spent most of the day outside on his bike. This is okay since all too soon it will be over 100 F every.single.day here. My daughter and I both wound up taking naps. She is 15yo but I sent her to take a nap because she was so whiney earlier. Then about 20 minutes later, I needed to take one because I was so dang tired. Not sure I slept but it was nice to shut out some stimuli! Anyone else's "school day plans" change out of necessity today?
  23. I'm thinking I may need to watch a rerun of Sherlock now . . .
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