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Everything posted by scrapbookbuzz

  1. I don't know that it's had affect on hormonal swings but when you cut out what was giving you brain fog, you're less tired, and less cranky. I feel a HECK of a lot better since I started eating pale. I felt GREAT when I was really disciplined with it. Sadly, I've allowed sugar back in my diet, but not to the extent it was before. Overall, yes mood swings happen less and I'm glad for it!
  2. Carrie, you are not the only one with a weird day. Blame it on the full moon! Technically, the 'official' full moon isn't until Sunday BUT it's certainly been affecting MY day today! So you can claim it, too!
  3. We can go to Sedona, AZ. I have a timeshare there. Not exactly "in the mountains" but it is slightly cooler than Phoenix, especially at night. And free hot chocolate is included, if I remember correctly. B) There's a lake not too far away, I think. Or we can just wade through the creek at Oak Canyon. When do you want to go??
  4. Where are you going? Can I tag along? I don't have the money to pay for gas or lodging but I do have some Larabars. Does that work? B)
  5. To those that have been supportive today, I thank you! To those that weren't, I truly hold nothing against you. I know how frustrating it can be to just wonder how you're going to get ahead, if ever. My prayer is that things improve for you, as well! It's been a rough week mentally, with today featuring a rather "LOUD" visit from Depression. Ugh. I am feeling better now and thinking what I can do to cut back. There's not a whole lot but I'll see what I can do. Again, thanks for the compassion. I pray that those of you NOT in this situation don't have to find yourselves there someday. To those that ARE there, or under it, I'm sorry for the mental gymnastics you most likely go through. The world, sadly, seems to run on money, so when we don't have it, it feels stifling, and is simply just no fun. Now, may you all have a GREAT night's sleep and wake up refreshed and rested in the morning! Good night!
  6. Enough. Your comments are no longer welcome. I specifically stated I was frustrated and venting. Nothing you have posted has been encouraging. I understand living on less than $3k a month. i've been there. I also said we're LUCKY IF that is what my dh brings home a month. FYI: we DID have an emergency fund. and when things got tight we tucked into it because we still had those monthly bills and needed to put food on the table. You're frustrated with your situation. I get that. But that gives you no right to villify me for simply venting mine.
  7. For today only! It's just been 'one of those days' (weeks?) and I needed a place to hide, chat, and eat comfort food. Do you know how hard it is to find gluten-free comfort food that is corn-free to boot? *sigh* Anyone started school yet? Started and thinking about stopping for awhile to regroup? (Pick me, pick me!) Wondering if you're insane for trying to do this for yet another year, while also trying to keep the house clean, dishes washed, laundry done, etc? Anyone want to run away with me to the mountains for a week? a month? Talk to me! :bigear:
  8. We haven't had cable for years, nor a landline. I'm tempted to cut internet for now since we really don't NEED it at home. I live in the low desert where it regularly reaches over 105 F, usually a daily basis. Turning the a/c OFF is not an option. I'd love to be able to use the food bank but having one of us with specific dietary needs doesn't really allow for that. I'm trying to figure out how to bring grocery costs down but we can't do processed foods. I know it will get better, I just needed to release some frustration this morning.
  9. For a family of four, one of whom has special dietary needs, it just makes it really tight financially. The destitute comment was out of frustration and being very discouraged.
  10. Sadly, our household income is now WAY back down to where it was about 4 years ago at this time. Where money pretty much runs out after necessary bills are paid (most of them, anyway), about one week before payday. Went to DES (Department of Economic Security) yesterday, spent FIVE HOURS there, only to be told we don't qualify for food stamps NOR do we qualify to get our kids on the state-assisted medical program. I said to the lady, "How destitute does a family have to be to qualify??" My husband works on base + commission but commission is slow these days. Therefore, after taxes, we're lucky if he brings home $3k/month. I know it has to look up from here. I'm just frustrated right now. Thanks for letting me vent.
  11. White Board vs. Chalk Board Ugh, my Mom still doesn't get it What exactly is it your mom doesn't get? Is it how to use a whiteboard vs. a chalkboard? Maybe I'm the one who doesn't get it because I thought they pretty much worked the same. Or are you trying to start a fight between the whiteboard and the chalkboard and want your mom to referee? Have you explained the rules to this fight? Are there offsides, penalties, goals, how scoring works? Is this a new sport? I think you have some 'splaynin' to do.
  12. I am a thread murderer? how did i do that? did i unravel it? chop it to pieces? how can I feel ashamed when i don't know how i did what you all think i did? B)
  13. Debating between afterschooling and hs'ing, and wondering if there's another option... Grade Skipping? Well, I suppose that is ONE option.
  14. Chickens Questions about homeshool form so do the chickens have questions? or are you wondering about formatting lessons for the chickens? how do the chickens feel about homeschooling? have you discussed how it will be different than chicken-coop (pronounced 'koop', not 'koh-op') schooling? and what does your spouse think about wantin g to homeschool the chickens? or are you wondering how to fill out your Affidavit of Intent to Homeschool My Chickens? I might be able to help better if you would clarify your question, please.
  15. Ooo, I thought of a good one! How about shopping your own stash for all that curriculum you were going to use "some day"? Gee, what a concept! ;) Or look through your household library. If you need to, you can come over for coffee and shop through mine! B)
  16. I don't know about a "narcassacistic" mother. Is that a combo of a narcissistic mother and a sarcastic one?
  17. "Dads at playdates" how often do your kids' dads have playdates? do you think itks important for their socialization or does it just wear them out? if they do have playdates, are they one on one or in groups? do you pack or serve snacks for them? B)
  18. yes!!! you donkt know that you wonkt use it. and it's using your money wisely and being a good steward to reuse it. plus, for an example, right after i sold one of my sonlight cores, i realized it would be perfect for my son the next school year. *facepalm* don't sell i until you're absolutely 100%sure you won't use it again.
  19. #yallmessedupinthehead #whostakingnotesagain?
  20. I had techwife send me that list. sheks not kidding, it's quite extensive1 anyone else have suggestions? I've often thought of starting a homeschool curricula lending library.
  21. Started out looking for curriculum for my high schooler but I also found some LOTR curriculum (FREE) that I may be using with my linguistically-gifted 5th grader. So, to benefit you all, here is the link to that post.
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