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Everything posted by scrapbookbuzz

  1. Yes, I DID! B-) Thanks for keeping me accountable! Quiet day in here today, again. Hmmm. Maybe I'll have to change the day for the Lounge. Anyway, it is CLOSED for today! See you all (or maybe just you and me, Jean) sometime next week!
  2. Must be the day, Jean, because AGAIN I remembered, by reading this thread, to take vitamins, which I haven't done yet. Off to take my vitamins before I forget agai...SQUIRREL!
  3. Jean, just reading your post reminded me to take my vitamins! Thanks for that! I also have a bit left on my Starbucks card (I know, I know), so I may go use that up! I'm sure my kids will appreciate not being strangled!
  4. It's Friday! Evidently it's Bad Attitude Friday - and not because of the kids! Don't know why but I have a bad attitude about something right now. Trying to work through that! What's the attitude at your house today? Right now? Weekend plans? Despite having no money, I still plan on seeing a movie with a friend tonight - because I have a gift card! Woohoo! Tomorrow morning, I may be having a yard sale. Not sure yet. We desperately need money but past efforts at yard sales have resulted in too much effort for too little return. Hmm... Then tomorrow night is a wedding at church. Yep, they're going to have to wait on a gift from us. And Sunday is church. What's for lunch today? Can I come over? :) Talk to me! :bigear:
  5. I would love to just escape to a forest for the weekend, personally. Right now, I have to figure out why the toilet keeps running, before going to . . . drama. why do I need to take a kid to drama class when there's enough here??
  6. Welcome to the Teachers Lounge! It's Friday April 4th, 2014 if you can believe that! Where does the time GO?? I'm having a bit of an off day, okay, off week, so anything goes in here today! My husband (who's very Dutch) told me to go eat a big steak today! So I plan too! AFTER I drop off DD at her drama class. What are you up to today? Too much to list. What's the plan for this weekend? Get taxes done. Bleah. Table read of various manuscripts with friends. Sunday is church. Somewhere in there I might figure out how to go see more green (as in trees). So tired of the desert! Talk to me! :bigear:
  7. We worked on a schedule revamp today. We'll see how it works. On the plus side, we all did get some housecleaning done!
  8. Julie, have you ever watched any Kenn Kington videos or seen his comedy act in person? He talks about how in marriage what "we" really means. There is the we-we, me-we, or he/she-we. You can find clips on kennkington.com Very clean and very funny! Shanvan, you go, girl!
  9. You all should check out Shanvan's thread that was evidently inspired by this thread. I'm sure we can all relate!
  10. shanvan, I chuckled and nodded my head through your entire post. I can SO relate! And I also thought that YES, perhaps we DO need to just let our family members make their own choices ... and deal with the consequences. Let's stop running to "help" or "put out fires" when truthfully what the family member really needs to realize, the hard way, is that they should have done what you (or I or whomever) said in the first place. I think as moms we put too much of our self-worth and identity into how well our kids do, in anything. As hard as it is, let's make a promise to ourselves that once we've told the various family members what needs to be done and given them the proper instructions, the rest is on them. When they come running to us because they did not follow our instructions, we will not go running to their aid, interrupting ourselves again and again (unless it's a true emergency) and let them learn from their own mistakes. Will this be easy? No. But they need to LEARN so that something actually CHANGES and we don't subject ourselves to a Groundhog's Day-like life (that was a movie reference).
  11. Thank you, everyone, for your input! She is interested in a science field so math is essential. However, Algebra is proving to be a challenge. We may have to have her apprentice somewhere after high school so they can see her actual aptitude and not just an unreliable grade on paper. I value and appreciate any other input!
  12. Day Two on the Unmotivated Scale. Doesn't help that both my kids are displaying moody attitudes today, either! Lovely. Hope you all are having a BETTER day than yesterday!
  13. My dd is 15yo and a freshman in high school. She is in ONE outsourced class this year, because it just wasn't getting done at home, and it's enough to make me want to pull my hair out! Today isn't helpful, either, since it's that monthly time for her. Is anyone struggling with a teen Aspie's low self-esteem, who is greatly unmotivated, and may also be suffering from depression? And it's a full moon this week, which doesn't seem to be helping things. Tell me I'm not the only one dealing with this!
  14. I wound up taking the kids to get sandwiches at Sprouts (a local Farmers Market store), then we hung out on the Starbucks patio, reading and discussing ancient Greece history. I found a few dollars for sandwiches and had money on the Sbux card. It was a nice day to be outside! In a couple of hours I'll leave for the community center so I have some time to study my own homework before ballet. Tonight is my first night "en pointe" (in my pointe shoes, aka toe shoes) and I'm very excited about that! One of these days, God will finally help me totally refuse to worry about anything . . .
  15. Anyone else as unmotivated as I am today to get their kids on task to do their schooling? I just don't.want.to.do.it. And, yet, it needs to be done. I'm thinking next year that maybe I should be part of a co-op again. Then again, settings like that are difficult for my Aspie dd. Bleah. But for today, I just don't want to do it. And we have no money to do anything else. So here we are. I really do need to get us on a schedule, which I despise. Anyone else in this mode besides me? :bigear:
  16. Okay, those that pray, please pray for me. I just want to be DONE with this stupid paper but my mind is not cooperating!
  17. I really need to get back to my paper so I can FINISH already but I'm so good at procrastinating! A bit distracted, too, as I keep mentally willing the Realtor to call me! Anyone else waiting on something?
  18. Any schedulus interrupts should be blamed on the full moon that's coming! B)
  19. It's Friday again! And almost the end of March! How did THAT happen? Where did the time go?? What are you all up to today? Me: currently figuring out what's for breakfast that will satisfy all of us! Then Spanish for the kids, followed by a chiropractic appointment for me, then taking the oldest to her drama class. Don't even ask me what's for lunch when I don't know what's for breakfast! Plans this weekend? Here: the boy wanted to go to the RenFest but it's just not going to work out. Friends invited us to join them for a movie but that may not work out, either, as it makes the schedule a bit tight with a date night I've planned with hubby! I wanted to go check out some properties for sale in a town north of here but cannot get ahold of the Realtor. Hmm, maybe God's trying to tell me I should just stay home! ;) On a positive note, my appointment with my doctor went fairly well yesterday (even though I found out he's leaving :( ). Heart and thyroid are fine. Anxiety and depression still pop up their ugly heads now and then BUT we're trying a new med to see if that helps. He said give it about two weeks, but awhile after I took the first capsule yesterday my head was clearer thought-wise that has been in awhile! I'll take it! B) what's going on in YOUR world? Talk to me! :bigear:
  20. Jean, sorry it hurt! Hoping it's helpful! Scout, yay for quiet! There are presently no boys/men in my house either and it's quite lovely, and quiet! B-) Except for the dog that occasionally barks at nothing. :-P Okay, all, the Lounge is now CLOSED. Until next week!
  21. Now to take DD to drama, then see the boys off, then out to visit my mom.
  22. Prayers sent! Hoping you all have a GREAT weekend! I will be back a little later today. Back to help dd with her math! Little did I know when I gave up on Algebra in high school I'd have to revisit it!
  23. Welcome to the Lounge! A place for homeschooling teachers can come in, kick your feet up, and enjoy some adult conversation. You might even be able to sneak in a nap! HAPPY SPRING!!! Well, it's spring according to the calendar, anyway. Certainly feels like it here with temps in the 60s and 70s. I know where some of you live you wonder if spring will EVER get here! Come in, warm up, thaw out! What's up in your life today? Here: dd is currently taking a supervised (by me) Element Quiz for Biology. She'll do a bit of math later and the this afternoon is her drama class. Have to call the owners of the company about our remaining payment. Maybe I can trade them curriculum instead? They homeschool, as well. I have to finish my paper still. Sent it to my instructor for review before submitting it for a grade. Looks like I might have to completely redo it. At this rate, I may never finish this class! I think I may go visit my mom while dd is at drama, since Mom and stepdad are heading back for the Midwest in a week. DH and ds are going camping this weekend. What are you up to this weekend? While the boys are camping, dd and I MAY go to the Renaissance Festival. That's if there's any discretionary funds left after I pay bills! Anyone need/want prayer for anything? Me: just that I can finish this paper so I can move on to the other assignments already. Health issues have already delayed it. I just want to be DONE! Talk to me! :bigear:
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