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Everything posted by scrapbookbuzz

  1. Good morning! The Lounge is now OPEN! I decided to open the lounge today as I have a feeling I'm going to need it later! Routine is off already this week with dh home today and my time of month having hit yesterday (probably the day before, really, judged by my mood!). Come in, take a load off, chat awhile, snooze awhile. Today is Columbus Day, or Discoverers Day, depending on where you live. Are you schooling today or taking the day off? How will your routine be interrupted this week/today? What are you looking forward to this week? Here: our mountain trip. Still trying to figure out a way to stay there and not come back to the low desert! Talk to me! :bigear:
  2. We do have hammocks. Great idea! Any other ideas from anyone?
  3. Dear sweet mama, you are NOT alone in this! This statement right here ^^^applies to ALL of us. We all struggle. We all have self-doubt, moments of despair, panic, etc. I'm not belittling your struggle or dx at all. I know it's a rough road. But I want to let you know that you are not alone.
  4. Can't say as I agree. I live in a big city, too, and their are ordinances against this sort of thing. But criminals will be criminals and stupid people will be stupid. We happen to live across the street from an apartment complex full of stupid people, since our PD is there more than anywhere else. The police helicopter flies over this area every other night it seems, and at least twice a year we hear gunshots. Remember, we live in a big city. But that doesn't ensure our safety! As for the OP's situation, more than likely, when the perpetrators are caught and charged, they will be doing more than just paying a fine!
  5. Thank you, all! After I made the request I did think of a few things, but keep the ideas coming! These are great!
  6. Great ideas. No tech, though, beyond what is essential. Kindle included. The point is to get us unplugged as possible. I have a NOOK and I rarely use it. Had a Kindle and rarely used it. I'm a paper book kinda gal. B-) I may have a hard copy book somewhere about identifying trees and plants. Thanks!
  7. All great ideas - except the driving around. We're up at the TOP of a mountain and there's no driving unless you have to go into town! ;-) I may be experimenting with high altitude cooking and pointing out what's different.
  8. Sort of. I've been enthralled by healing spices and herbs as of late and am AMAZED at what I'm learning.! Therefore, I'm pretty sure I'm sending ALL distant family black cumin (not the same as regular cumin at all). For friends and family here, I'm planning on making tinctures, teas, or vinegars. Hmm, guess I better plan that out pretty quick! Tea blends are easy enough to make but the other concoctions take 3 or more weeks to make!
  9. Well, I'm not there yet but I'd LIKE to be living in the mountains. We'll have a very brief taste of it this week when we head to a friend's cabin, which is almost entirely off grid. While I'm looking forward to the solitude and nature, my kids have never had this experience and I know there will be instances of "I'm bored" and "I don't know what to do." Other than sending them outside, repeatedly, to fend for themselves in regards to entertainment, what are some other things we might have on hand for them to do? There are a slew of trails to walk down and forest to walk through. PLENTY of pine trees, deer, squirrels, exploring. Sadly, we've allowed our kids, and ourselves, to become internet addicts - thus, part of the reason for this trip. To get us connected with anything other than being inside all day. However, we're obviously not going to be hiking ALL day, EVERY day. Personally, I would, and have, but not my kids. So during their down time, or in the evening (we do have electricity - powered by a generator), what can they do? DD18 is planning on working on knitting on her circle look and has chosen a book to take with her. We may also be teaching the kids how to use a saw, and possibly fell trees. But what else might we have DS12 do? There is not livestock, no garden - this is our friend's 2nd home so no one is there long enough to tend a garden. For those who live in, have lived in, or vacationed in the mountains off grid with kids, what are your suggestions? (We will be there approximately 5 days.) Talk to me! Thanks! :bigear:
  10. I just called a friend and left a message about the possibility of going to a movie tonight. Been trying to talk myself out of it - to no avail. I think it's just TIME. Movies are my escapism AND it usually helps my subconscious work on the necessities. On that note, the Lounge is now CLOSED for today. See you all next week!
  11. Well, I am currently snacking on almonds along with a Fizzicist (Kroger/Frys version of Dr. Pepper, but made with sugar, not high fructose corn syrup (which despite the Corn Growers Association's claim on their website, it NOT the same as actual sugar-cane sugar) ). DH and DS are out shopping and I'm hoping they'll get something to eat too! DD is upstairs and we were supposed to go over her math lesson while the boys are gone. Not sure that's going to happen. If only I can keep myself focused on OTHER things that need to get done! What are you all up to right now?
  12. Tea is always a lovely idea. I may take my hubby to a relatively new tea shop in town. I only discovered it this year but evidently they've been there about two years! I have fun talking with the married couple that runs it. We have fun discussing the ayurvedic properties of herbs. As for Rocky Horror, I can't really blame your son. The first time I saw it was on video, and then I saw it 'live' - in the theatre with a lot of costumed folk. I just don't get the attraction. But if it's fun for you, go have fun!
  13. Happy Friday! The Lounge is now OPEN! Fresh brewed vanilla coffee available! Along with the Natural Bliss brand of French Vanilla or Pumpkin Spice creamer. Has anything disrupted your day today? Here: I forgot hubby was working from home today so we can take his car into the shop for maintenance. We'll see if any schooling gets done! Anyone changing up their plans from what was originally scheduled? Here: I've decided to NOT go to the crop - I have other, more important things to do here. Besides what I wanted to do there I'm not prepped for anyway. Also, contemplating taking myself off the work schedule for tomorrow. Supposed to work Monster Jam but last week at work I was having some twinges in my lower back AND this week I have a heat rash. Since I live in the urban desert, not sure long hours standing in the sun is going to help me much. We'll see. What good movie(s) have you seen lately? Here: we saw "Sully" a couple of weeks ago. What an amazing true story! I also want to see Miss Peregrine's School for Unusual Children. Not sure I can convince my hubby to go with me although, based on the previews I've seen, it reminds me somewhat of the mutants in "X-Men." Talk to me! :bigear:
  14. Huh. I was always under the impression that unschooling was part of the homeschooling menu, so to speak. We kind of do an eclectic mix here of by the book homeschooling and unschooling. I can see how families who don't homeschool might get weird about unschooling - people fear what they don't understand. But I've never experienced what you've mentioned. I found your comment about the punks-goths tradition amusing. I immediately pictured teen unschoolers dressed all in black, wearing dog collars! B-)
  15. Okay, everyone, the Lounge is now CLOSED for the evening. It may or may not be open tomorrow. I'm supposed to go to another crop (scrapbooking) tomorrow afternoon/evening but I may not go, due to other things going on here. We'll see. If not, see you all Tuesday!
  16. Well, it took us ( 'us' being my son with lots of prodding from me) to get through our WriteShop (Language Arts/composition) lesson. DD18 did her assignment and was done. DS12 moaned and groaned and threw fits, tears and everything, asking why he had to do TWO sentences for each one given when "I already know how to do this." Well, he doesn't, at least, not well. And he's complained before, "You two are the writers, I don't know HOW." Hello? He could have been done in 30 minutes if he'd just done the assignment instead of trying to find every which way to avoid doing it. But I'm worn out, don't want to deal with his moodiness during a different subject as I have OTHER things I need to get to. So that may be school for today. Ugh. Ah, well, I'll eat the snack I was going to give HIM before he stormed upstairs. And then I'll get to doing my other responsibilities. Trying to make room in the kitchen for a container garden. Possibly.
  17. Jean, no one IS ever caught up with all they have to do. If we waited for that, we'd never do anything fun. You have to MAKE TIME for it, my friend! As for working at the polling site, it's paid. About $100 for the day. At least here that's what they pay.
  18. *taking tea to a sick friend *getting kids to attend to the laundry, specifically the large pile of dry, clean clothes on to of the dryer! *building a small river (think fairy-sized) with kids as part of, get this, an experiment from DS's devotional yesterday! *cellular jello experiment - IF we can find DS's science book! *WriteShop *Mapping Your World with Art *making dinner *washing some dishes *15 minute room rescue of kitchen *TKD for the kids tonight
  19. Sounds like it's the unknown that really scares you right now. As Jean says, have your doctor run tests first. THEN go on from there. You can't do anything, really, until you're certain and an OTC preggo test is not always 100% accurate. Go see your doctor. AND...if it turns out you ARE pregnant, don't be afraid to tell your husband. You are partners in this. It takes two, remember? :001_cool:
  20. Oh, yes, forgot I need to go to the Farmers Market too. Thanks for the reminder! On the camping front, we're headed to the mountains this next week - staying at a friend's cabin. SO looking forward to that!
  21. Since I've had the experience of heart-attack symptoms that actually were stress/anxiety related, I feel I can weigh in here. More than likely, it's stress, based on what you've told us has been going on lately. However, if you have even the slightest inclination that it might be heart related, I would at least go to Urgent Care. If the blood test and EKG come up negative, chalk it up to stress and do what you can to alleviate some of that stress. Ask, no, TELL, your husband and family you need HELP, otherwise the party isn't going to happen. YOUR health is priority because nothing else will matter if you can't function. Some valid stress relievers: *a bath in Epsom salts, possibly with a couple of drops of a calming essential oil such as lavender *drink a couple cups of an herbal tea, containing chamomile, during the day. Do this while sitting, and not on the go. Make yourself sit on the back porch or at least look out the window at nature. Give yourself a break from social media (including WTM forums). *Do what you can to get plenty of sleep. If your mind is going a mile a minute when you lay down at night, have a cup of that chamomile tea before bed and/or take a quality melatonin supplement. Feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions. Take care of YOU!
  22. The Lounge is now OPEN! Looking forward to seeing you all as you pop in throughout the day! Help yourself to a cuppa fresh-brewed vanilla coffee! I'll be stepping out a bit later to refresh my supply of tea. Just realized last night that most of my looseleaf tea is over a year old. Eew. Ah, well, I wanted to try some new blends anyway. Anyone ever been a County Board Worker for an election? Here: several times and looks like I'm working the BIG ONE coming up in November. Thankfully, the last board I worked with was phenomenal. We all got along so well we asked them to have us all work together again! Just received notice that we will be. Yay! What's on the agenda today besides schooling? Here: if I remember, I want to take DD to take the written exam for her permit. I really need her to be driving by next summer! Also, the kids have tae kwon do tonight. And later this morning I'll be taking a wonderful, restorative blend of tea to a friend who is sick. What are your plans for the weekend? Here: another crop (scrapbooking even) tomorrow afternoon/evening; working on Saturday; church, weekly food prep, and rest on Sunday. Talk to me! :bigear:
  23. Okay, ladies, the Lounge is now CLOSED for the evening. See you all tomorrow!
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