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Everything posted by scrapbookbuzz

  1. 5 - 10 minutes ago I put water and coffee in the coffee maker. It still hasn't brewed . . . because I didn't press the START button! :laugh: :closedeyes:
  2. I just noticed the time and don't want to start! BUT we need to get Language Arts done so then DD can help DS with his math and I can look for number I need to cancel my appointment! Where's the coffee again??
  3. The Lounge is now OPEN! Sorry I dropped the ball and wasn't here yesterday. Not even sure what happened there. Might have had something to do with the fact that we didn't officially have school yesterday. Third Wednesdays are my busy days and I just do not have the time to keep my kids on task to get their work done, nor do I have time to teach new material that day. It's best just to have the day off! Today is another disrupted day as I have an appointment at 1pm. Thinking about not keeping it. It's not 100% necessary and it is way too time consuming. We'll see. I really want to get us on a routine schedule. Is that even possible? The last several years have proven that it's really not. Argh. Anyway.... Who wants some coffee? I visited Sbux this morning but I may brew a fresh pot at home! What's for breakfast? I bought some chicken sandwiches for the kids, one spicy, one not. I'm munching on cheese, grapes, and nuts. What's on your schedule for today? Talk to me! :bigear:
  4. Ausmumof3, I don't know about the similarities as I've not used the Animals of the World curriculum.
  5. It's overcast here (unusual for the desert) so that makes focusing a bit challenging. AND our schedule has been disrupted once again today. At least it's a pleasant thing, we're able to go visit with friends we haven't seen in a few weeks. We're used to weekly visits so all of us (including them) have been in a bit of withdrawal. However, this also means, once again, putting off the start of Mapping Your World with Art. I REALLY want to get that started! I may need more caffeine to get through this day, though!
  6. I was on Twitter this morning and that's all the "News" channels seemed to talk about: Angelina and Brad's divorce. Sorry, but I have other things to focus on and that I think are newsworthy. A divorce is not news - they happen every day. To actually be news,it would have to be "So and so couple filed for divorce but then changed their minds and decided to really commit to making it work." I have very little tolerance for the majority of divorces that happen. **sigh** (Steps off soapbox and goes to pay a bill or two. . . ) Might have to go find the chocolate now too!
  7. Now that I've spent WAY too many minutes playing Bejeweled Blitz, I think it's time to refresh the coffee and get to being productive! I'll pop back in at least once today. B-)
  8. Good morning! The Lounge is now OPEN. Did you sleep well? Here: I did but not long enough. Hard to find the right balance between enough sleep and getting everything done that needs to be done! Thankfully, I've discovered that when I take my custom vitamins with my Melatonin/valerian root blend, I actually am well rested despite few hours of sleep. Doesn't mean I won't take a nap mid-afternoon though! :sleep: What's on the schedule today? Here: as I was working on lesson plans last night, I realized we have a day OFF from school tomorrow. PLANNED because the third Wednesday of every month is busy for me with author/writer meetings. So today we SHOULD get some work done - especially since our schedule has been so sporadic. We'll see! Come on in, have a double chocolate muffin (gluten free and yummy), pour yourself a cuppa, and relax for a bit. Talk to me! :bigear:
  9. The Lounge is now CLOSED for the night. Good night!
  10. Back to the daily grind, isn't it? I am now back from dropping off kiddos. Trying a Pumpkin Apple Cider (sparkling) while I do household stuff. It's not bad! Now to sort through the mail that didn't get picked up while I was gone, do the grocery planning stuff, and maybe some lesson planning. we'll see how that goes!
  11. AND... no rest for the weary (traveler). It's time to head out again!
  12. Happy Monday! The Lounge is OPEN! A day earlier than anticipated. B-) Hope you all are well. Lunch today is breakfast sandwiches from Starbucks for the kids and Freschetta's gf mini pizza for me. Soon it will be time to head out for their theatre class. Then I'll come back home to do some grocery shopping planning, etc. It's always so hectic when one returns from being out of town! Oi! What's going on with YOU today? Talk to me! :bigear:
  13. Thanks for checking in!. The Lounge is now CLOSED until Tuesday 9-20-2016. See you then!
  14. NOTICE: The Lounge will NOT be open Thurs-Sunday September 15-18. Sorry for opening late today! Schedule got diverted starting yesterday and evidently my brain has since taken today off too. NOT really helpful when trying to stick to a schedule! Then again, I should know better than to get ANYthing other than packing accomplished the day before a trip! Oi! Maybe I should go take my vitamins ... What's happening in your world today? Here: see above! What's going on this weekend? Here: see above! Can someone please fix dinner for me?? Talk to me! :bigear:
  15. Personally, I think too many adults today have forgotten what a joy children can be. Sure the youngers interrupt inappropriately and don't lend to a serene environment. They enliven whatever is going on around them! True, it IS up to the host, but I think in the OP's situation, and for invited guests who have young children, it was rather rude not to give a heads up.
  16. Oh, now I remember that I wanted them to focus on memorizing their lines, keeping house, and learning to cook some simple meals this week. NEXT week, after I get back, we'll tackle the structured schedule again. I may need to start diffusing some Rosemary essential oil this morning to help me FOCUS. Also, who's up for another pot of coffee?? :hurray:
  17. Jean, a goulash, stew, or jambalaya might work. Have a Crockpot? Throw in some meat, veggies,maybe some rice. Cook on low for the next 6 or so hours. Voila! Dinner! I had my muffins and coffee. DD18 ate her muffins since she likes them warm. DS12 is waiting on his because he likes his cold. Both had cheese quesadillas. They are now running lines for their theatre class. I'm contemplating a nap! OR I could work on a manuscript I'm reviewing. Should probably get on that since I'd like it done before I head out of town later this week!
  18. ***WE'RE OPEN*** Sorry for not having the Lounge open yesterday. We don't officially do school on Mondays. Although, I did teach the kids a crockpot recipe (Home Ec?), they went to their theatre class ( Performing Arts), and DD18 went to a business meeting (Business Math) with me last night. So I guess there was some education going on yesterday. B-) What is/was for breakfast? I'm nursing a cup of coffee and munching on two double chocolate gluten free muffins. They're homemade so they are GOOD. What's on your or the kids schedule today? Other than keeping them to their studies, I am also contemplating signing up for a tap class at a community center. And I'm doing laundry so I'll have clean clothes for my trip to Illinois later this week. Ask me a random question. Talk to me! :bigear:
  19. I was simply going to say we have plenty of political signs here. And then I read your comment about Presidential candidate signs. Haven't seen a ONE anywhere IRL. That is a bit strange.
  20. Thanks, all, for visiting the Lounge today. I ate very poorly today (as in, all the wrong foods) and I'm feeling it now. Bleh. Thought about driving up north a bit tomorrow as I am so TIRED of being hot BUT I don't want to go alone and couldn't find a friend to go with me. I'd hibernate in the house but evidently dh has hit his once-every-six-months cleaning frenzy and has threatened, er, suggested we'll all be cleaning house tomorrow. Ugh. He's not pleasant when he does that and the kids often wind up crying. Ah, well, here's a reminder to ME to do better with my housekeeping duties! May go do a little more reading now, followed by an episode or two of White Collar on Netflix. Probably one of the CLEANEST shows I've seen on TV in awhile! The Lounge is now CLOSED! Good night!
  21. Well, the best laid plans and all that. . . I've stopped the lessons for the day, mainly because there are other things I'd rather get done. And I know we'll get to the lessons on Tuesday. DD18 accomplished Bible Study (on her own) and Algebra (short lesson w/me). DS12 accomplished Bible study/devotions with me. That's it. Evidently there was an issue DS hadn't dealt with and the devotional about self-control, featuring Moses and Aaron, brought up repressed feelings. Wow! BUT I'm glad it came out instead of him continuing to suppress anger, etc. I gave him space and later talked with him about it. I also gave him an hour without me at home! B-) His sister was here and I think that helped. In a little while I'm taking DD to shop for hiking boots which may be needed on an upcoming trip. Anyone thrown off course today? I'm not worried about it. Evidently, these were the things that needed to be accomplished today. ;-)
  22. I like 80s music. I do NOT like music videos. And I was in high school in the 80s.
  23. And the Lounge is OPEN! Come on in! Put up your weary feet, rest your weary head. Or tell us what we should be celebrating with you! Remember when I didn't know what was for dinner last night? GOD provided! Hubby brought home many leftovers - yummy wraps from an office meeting. There were so many, I even had one for breakfast this morning! What's for lunch today? Here: no idea! What's on the lesson plans today? Here: Bible, math, Latin, Language Arts, and Science. For my DD18 I'm going to forego the formal lesson and help her recognize some patterns in Algebra. She was having a hard time yesterday figuring out which formula to use to solve her story problems so I figured maybe we should go over that! (And if you're thinking I'm some sort of math whiz, think again! I pretty much received Cs and Ds in high school Algebra. However, God has been kind and helped me to understand it a bit better 34 years later! :w00t: Anyone else live in the desert besides me? Sick of the heat yet? I am SO tired of the heat! I have a fresh pot of Kona coffee brewed. Anyone want a cuppa? Talk to me! :bigear:
  24. PS The Lounge MAY be open on the occasional Saturday as our school schedule for now is Tues through Saturday. Good night!
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