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Everything posted by nicurn

  1. lt-tutorials.schools.officelive.com/ I highly recommend laurel tree tutorials. My 8th grader is taking Intro to Literature and my other middle schooler is taking Intro to Composition. Both classes have been great and Rebekah has been wonderful. I searched online writing classes for both of my kids for the same reason that you stated here, and these classes have fit the bill perfectly. Their writing has definitely improved; they we both sorely lacking in writing skills prior to taking these classes. The classes this year started in August and will finish up the end of April. In the comp class my son has written/ will write pesuasive essay, comparision essay, personal essay, short story, and Research paper (he has just submitted the research plan this week). They also do peer reviews on the rough drafts. In the lit class my son has written/ will write character analysis, research paper, imitation paper, group project (which was writing study guides on 2 short stories), comparison essay, analytical essay, and a second imitation paper( which I think is going to be poetry) They also do peer reviews and have weekly chats. This class also has a mid term and final exam. Rebekah, who teaches both class, has been great. She is very quick on feedback, grades, and answers question promptly. My kids have enjoyed the classes with her, which is saying alot since neither one of them really likes to write. I have enjoyed having someone else handle it. I have enjoyed it and been impressed enough that Rebekah has a customer in me for the next several years.
  2. Singapore is not expensive, but if you have a child that sturggles with math I don't know that I would pick it as my spine. Singapore moves quickly and does not have alot of review in it. I have used Singapore with all 3 of my boys and absolutely LOVE it, but with my youngest son he is just not getting enough review to solidify and retain what he has learned.(We use the text, workbook, extra practice, CWP, and IP) He is in the 2B books and even though we are still plugging along in his singapore books, I have just recently bought CLE and am piggybacking that into the Singapore.
  3. I don't know if you would be interested in or not, but my son is doing a Intro to Comp class on-line through Laurel Tree Tutorials. My son, he is 12, sounds alot like you daughter. (We completed IEW student intensive B last year, and it was okay, but nothing spectacular.) Laurel Tree this year has been wonderful, and I have nothing but good things to say about the classes. (My oldest is taking an Intro to Lit class with Laurel Tree as well, and will be taking the high school Intro to Comp class next year.)
  4. I will enroll my youngest son in the self-paced New Testament Greece and Rome for next year. He is doing Old Testament and Ancient Greece now and loves it. I am also thinking very seriously about putting him in Latin 1A for next year. I already have my oldest registered for his high school classes and my middle registered for Omni 1 primany and secondary.
  5. This is what I did with my oldest son last year. He is an October baby. Like you, we started him early. The cut off date in NC used to be Oct.16, which is my son's birthday, so he just did squeak in by the skin of his teeth. He went to public school for kindy and I pulled him home in 1st. He did fine for the first few of years, then started struggling. We could also tell that the maturity level was not there. Well, we kept plugging along and he got behind in his school work. So, last year as a 7th grader we ended just telling him that he was staying in 7th grade until the 7th grade work was completed to my satisfaction (which is A or B standard). This year as an 8th grader it is the same. We didn't necessarily end up repeating anything, other than logic which he is doing this year. We also made some changes in his curriculum. Basically what it is boiling down to is that it is taking him 3 years to complete 7th and 8th grade. He will start 9th grade next year on time as a 14 year old and graduate at 18 instead of 17. As far as school for him, this has probably been the best decision I have ever made. I just wish I had done it sooner. I can tell that he has matured considerably over the last year or so and is much more cacable of handling the work load of his classes and his grades show it. He says that he wants to go to college, so he has a college prep curriculum. I decided, because of his age-he was so young- that I had a year to play with. Also, that if I was going to have to hold him back that I would much rather do it while he was in middle school where it would not affect him than in high school where it would.
  6. Hi! I don't have my book to help you with the problem, but you can join the forums at http://www.singaporemaths.com and ask you question there. Jennifer Hoerst who wrote the home instructor guides for singapore math is the forum moderator. HTH
  7. We also used the US edition. I am finishing up 6B with my oldest and it has worked fine. Love it!!!
  8. Thank you everyone for your input. This is such a hard decision. I had not heard about Laurel Tree. Will be checking them out as well.
  9. We did Challenge A this year with my 7th grader and started the Latin's Not So Tough. Yes, it is an easy program and would not conflict with the memory work of foundations. The books are simple and should not be a problem for a fifth grader. The first lesson in Book 3 reviews the Latin alphabet, second reviews diphthongs, and lessons 3-5 are vocabulary reviews. It is a very elemantary program. I am going to be starting my rising 6th grader this year. Hindsight being 20/20, if I had know the latin program would have been this easy, I would had started both my 5th and 7th grader together, instead of my 7th grader alone. HTH, Cheri
  10. I am looking for an on-line writing course for my 2 oldest. They have both completed IEW's Student Intensive B, but neither one of them are great writers, and to a great degree do not care for writing. Writing is not my forte, therefore I have a hard time grading and giving feedback. I know that they need to write and will be required to write essays, formal lab reports, research papers, etc... in the future. I would like to find an on-line writing course(s) that will teach them how to write and write well, and also offers treacher feedback. I have found several, but not sure which would be the best . The ones I have looked at are: www.home2teach.com www.writeathome.com www.pottersschool.org (The downside I see with this is I have to sit in on the class for the first semester, and I have others kids to teach The positive is I would learn a few things about writing and how to grade.) www.bravewriter.com www.time4writing.com Has anyone used any of these? What did you think? Was it worth the money? How were the instructors? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks, Cheri
  11. Thanks for thee suggestion on Ask Dr Callahan. I had never heard of him. Just checked out his website and I like what I see. I think that I am leaning more toward a DVD driven math program, and this will definitely go on my short list.
  12. This is not an issue for us since we are military and will be leaving California in about 6 months or so and will be heading back to the east coast, but thanks for your input.
  13. I posted this in the K-8 forum as well hoping to get alot of feedback. I am trying to lay out what we will do for math thru high school and I need some help deciding what to do for math next year (and beyond) for my rising 8th grader . He will be doing Algebra I, and I am not sure where to go for next year. It would help if I could lay all of the choices out side by side and look at them, but since I can't I would like some help. A little background: We are finishing up Singapore 6B this year and he has done all the books (Text, workbook, ex practice, CWP, and IP) Math is not his strongest subject, but he likes it okay and does okay (no math whiz by any means). He wants to go to college, but will most likely not major in math or a math related field. Also, once he gets up into the higher maths, I don't know how much help I will be. Since he will be starting in Algebra 1, I would like to find a curriculum and stick with it all the way through the high school years. Here are some of the choices I am looking at: 1. continuing with Singapore and doing NEM or Develpomental Math 2. Life of Fred (Is this strong enough for a stand alone math program or more of a supplement?) 3. A combination of LOF and NEM or DM 4. Videotext 5. Chalkdust Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Cheri __________________ Wife to dh (15 years) Mom to ds (13), ds (11), ds (8), dd (4)
  14. Thanks for your response. Anyone else?
  15. I need some help deciding what to do for math next year for my rising 8th grader. He will be doing Algebra I, and I am not sure where to go for next year. It would help if I could lay all of the choices out side by side and look at them, but since I can't I would like some help. A little background: We are finishing up Singapore 6B this year and he has done all the books (Text, workbook, ex practice, CWP, and IP) Math is not his strongest subject, but he likes it okay and does okay (no math whiz by any means). He wants to go to college, but will most likely not major in math or a math related field. Also, once he gets up into the higher maths, I don't know how much help I will be. Since he will be starting in Algebra 1, I would like to find a curriculum and stick with it all the way through the high school years. Here are some of the choices I am looking at: 1. continuing with Singapore and doing NEM or Develpomental Math 2. Life of Fred (Is this strong enough for a stand alone math program or more of a supplement?) 3. A combination of LOF and NEM or DM 4. Videotext 5. Chalkdust Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Cheri
  16. We are a Singapore family (finishing up 6B with my oldest) I feel like they do need to learn their facts.(Having said that, I also used my fingers when counting with my 1st grader last year, and he ,now 2nd grade, still uses his fingers at times.) If you are concerned with if she is ready to move in to the 2A, have her take the 1B placement test. Use it as an exit exam to see if she has learned the material. That way if she passes the test easily she should be good to go and if not you will see what areas that she needs work on. (I know that is what we do and what alot of Singapore users do as well.) Also, personally I like Challenging Word Problems and the Intensive Practice book. It ramps it up a little over the word problems in the workbook. The Extra Practice books have problems along the same line as what is in the workbook if you feel she needs more practice. Also if you are not a member, join the forum on Singapore's website. Lots of great info. HTH, Cheri
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