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Everything posted by dansamy

  1. The city has a leash law. The county is supposed to have one, but it's never enforced except in subdivisions with HOA built on old farmland bought for pennies. In the areas where it's still mostly farm or wooded, you never see animal control and rarely see a leashed dog. You might see one of those zip lines.
  2. We're in a rural area. No fences. Most folks have hunting dogs too. If a hound doesn't show up to get in the truck after hunting, they can end up being left. It's not unusual. Yes, she was out this morning unleashed to potty. That was a bad, irresponsible decision on my part. She's hurt and it's my fault. All I can do now is do everything possible to help her heal and make her comfortable. She's pretty much been under my feet all day. That's where she wants to lay. Other than a couple of scraped areas & two punctures, she's in good shape. No signs of shock. I think I do need to put up a run. It would prevent any future incidents
  3. Our doxie/sheltie mix was injured this morning before church. At first, I thought it was dog bite injuries, but a neighbor reports that she was "hit by a car". Her injuries are not consistent with auto vs dog. This is a small dog. She should have had some shattered bones or ... something. This looks more like dog bites. She's current on rabies. I've cleaned the wounds. I've given her a baby aspirin to reduce the inflammation and relieve pain. I gambled that it was a dog fight and not an MVA. If it was an MVA, aspirin could increase any internal bleeding. I've fed her half a can of canned food, which she never gets, in order to increase her caloric intake to nutritionally support/promote healing. I've done all that I can humanly do. The only thing the vet would add is an xray and shaving the hair around the wounds. Maybe a prophylactic antibiotic. I plan to watch her the next day or two for signs of infection. I'll take her in for that. I think maybe it's time to buy the dog run I keep threatening to put up. It's just a lot safer and more responsible.
  4. I don't have one in high school yet, but I'm interested to learn what's out there.
  5. Stop exploding the ants or I'll have to take away the magnifying glass. Who drank my ___?
  6. Faith, would this be a good time for you guys to make a quick and quiet visit to the hospital to offer love and support? Just a "I know we've had our problems, but I wanted you to know I'll help you any way I can" kind of thing? Sometimes the "fuzzy aftermath" of a new baby can soften hardened hearts.
  7. My mom always hand kneaded her dough until the consistency was "just so". Sadly, she never taught me to make biscuits. I'm afraid my idea of baking biscuits is the frozen aisle at the grocery. :( I do know that lack of an adequate amount of butter/shortening will make the biscuits too crumbly and dry.
  8. I am glad that the baby made it. I agree with a PP who posited that neglect may be an issue for this young mother and child. This is definitely a family at risk that could use some help. It sounds like she's rebuffing the only people who truly want the best for her and her child. Very sad.
  9. I was at home sick with my 3rd pregnancy. I was laying on the couch watching one of those morning shows filmed in New York. I saw both planes impact. The first one, they thought was a small plane and an accident. Then the second one came& it was clear then. I saw the towers collapse and I saw people from the upper floors jumping out the windows. I saw people's faces as they fled up the street away from the towers. I saw firemen and LEOs and medics running to the scene.
  10. Either way, this MW is on the hook. If she doesn't cover her hiney 90 different ways, she's hung out to dry. Documentation, documentation, documentation!
  11. I don't know about midwifery in other areas, but in my state a MW must be a certified nurse midwife. Once she assumes care of a patient, she is responsible and held liable for the outcome. If a reasonable professional with appropriate training would provide a certain level of care, that is the standard by which the situation is judged. A post-dates patient with stalled labor just bought herself an emergent c-section. Especially with the familial history. If the MW doesn't transfer care soon, she could be liable for the resultant injury/death.
  12. Oh good! Now, in addition to PE and recess, I have some other beaurecratic nonsense to add to my dc's report cards! Yay! Can you fail "Fresh Air Time"? Is it a weighted class? :p
  13. Bumping to see if there's any other newbs to chime in! Come on in and commiserate. The water's fine! :D
  14. I hope someone can help this young woman and talk some sense into her. She's putting both their lives at risk. Can you try to call her or go see her? Take her out to lunch and have a heart talk? I'd be so worried/scared for that baby!
  15. Transcripts from the high school I graduated from have an embossed seal.
  16. My dc was never able to finish her food because they had only 30 mins to eat. Including going through the line. They line kids up by last name. We're in the last half of the alphabet....
  17. At the local public middle school, they are not allowed to greet each other in any fashion in the halls. It's been that way for at least 5 years. The kids are still doing things like oral on the bus ride.... This is why my kids will not set foot in there. Maybe back to public for high school. I haven't decided But definitely not middle.
  18. Well it might be because I rarely have a grand plan or get uptight, but we're not doing badly. We haven't done much math or grammar yet, but it's all good. Of course, my planned-to-the-minute sister shot me dirty "you're being neglectful" looks when I mentioned that. We *did* finally start grammar & math this week. Finally. We still need to add spelling & writing. And art. And music. And PE...... Maybe throw a foreign language in there
  19. At my house that would be packed back in a box and on its way back so fast their heads spin!
  20. I would go with the blue worktexts that are grouped by subject instead of the grade level ones.
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