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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. UPDATE: The dr's have asked the parents to decide whether or not to take him off life support. There is nothing else they can do at this point. The parents will not make that decision as they say it is God's decision alone. Please continue to pray for a miracle for little Armondo. Seems this was a horrible accident where the driver simply could not see the toddler as he was turning into a driveway, as the toddler was behind a parked car, blocking the drivers view. Things can change in the blink of an eye. Hug your babies today and thank God for their health and safety.
  2. I just love DR...'cept when I *need* new stuff!
  3. I guess it depends on your def. of "enough". I did WT with LLATL for my 5th grader last year. I wanted more writing than LLATL provided so that is why I added WT. There is grammar in WT and many use WT alone. IMHO, it would be enough. If I were to choose one...WT would probably win b/c it does have more writing involved. I liked LLATL for the short lessons and all-inclusiveness as well as the dictation/copywork and book studies. Since you already have it...could you just use the book studies portion along with WT? Perhaps choose a few of the dictation exercises if you are so inclined? HTH a bit...seems to me I was about as clear as mud but my brain is on overload right now!
  4. :grouphug: to you Linda. My family is all at least an hour away. My mother and father do babysit occasionally...but we have to go to them of course. And, they are getting up there in age and so taking on 7 children is a bit much for them these days. Still, at least once every few months I get in a bind and she'll take them. I have a neighbor who is willing as well...but works full time right now. It is hard. I don't have many people willing to take on 7 more children. True, my oldest is 12 and can babysit if I go to the store for a few moments...but now she's in ps! Argh. I do feel your pain and can empathize. I love my kids and love being with them, but sometimes to just go shopping ALONE is blissful. My dh also helps a ton and is a real saint, but he also needs his time alone. This, too, shall pass...they are only little for such a short time.
  5. The little boy is the son of a friend who is on the FIAR boards. His name is Armondo and he was hit by a car outside his home just yesterday. The car fled the scene. Last update, he was in a coma with bleeding on the brain and not expected to make it. But we serve a God of miracles! And I am praying and believing for one right now! Please join me in praying for a miracle for baby Armondo and his mother, Nicole and their whole family? Thank you!
  6. Oh Chris. I just saw this. I am so sorry. Please know I am praying for Olivia's family during this time of enormous grief. I just can't even imagine the pain they are going through. I hurt for them. Lifting your entire congregation up in prayer as well. Did Dana know them? I should call her...
  7. Yeah Aubrey! I am absolutely THRILLED for you!
  8. Oh Imp, I am so sorry you are going through this. Prayers that this all works out very soon to your benefit. Stay strong and keep fighting. I know it is hard (never been in this situation, but fighting in general), but you mustn't give up. :grouphug: to you and lots of them...sure wish I could be there in person!
  9. I must say I am enjoying the banter over this topic. :tongue_smilie: I'm not going to fight this one right now. My dh did point out that there are other "classics" that get into controversial material (he mentioned Catcher in the Rye having the metion of prostitutes). True enough. So, I suppose I am "overreacting" to this, probably b/c I just don't want her there anyway. To fight this, would mean alienating her from her class during discussion time and she certainly doesn't need that, kwim? So...we'll just discuss it at home. Fact of the matter is...she wants to come home and it is only a matter of time before that happens. So I'll just ride this one out. Thanks everyone!
  10. I've had this off and on for over a week now. I've had some diarrhea with it, but mostly just the pain...feels like cramps but up higher. No fever, no vomiting (thank God). 4 of my dc had some 24 hr. stomach bug a few weeks ago, some with just pain and some with vomiting. Hope you feel better soon! I don't take anything for the pain.
  11. HOAC (http://www.handsofachild.com), Knowledge Box Central (http://www.knowledgeboxcentral.com) and http://www.currclick.com are 3 of my favorite sites for Lapbooks to purchase. I also love homeschoolshare for lapbook ideas.
  12. The small ones won't work. Ask my why I know. :glare: The size they recommend is probably a good size. Do you really NEED one? That's up to you. I like having it b/c I can keep all the tiles all laid out and in order for the next lesson. Also, my dd4 likes to play around with them...I got her her own set just for that. Check clearances at Target after back-to-school madness is over...sometimes they clearance them. HTH.
  13. My dd just turned 4 and for months now she has been extremely clingy to me. Wants to go everywhere I am, always wanting to cuddle, sit in my lap and must have me to "cuddle up with" as she is falling asleep. At bedtime, she'll say, "Come on, Mommy, I want to cuddle up with you". It is precious, but it can get rather old...especially when Mommy has a boatload of things to do at night when the house is quiet. :) But honestly, she was my only cuddler and I am savoring every moment of it b/c I know it won't last.
  14. I didn't read such things in 8th grade...and that was 25 years ago. Might be appealing to most ps kids but I for one find it inappropriate for 12/13 yos. True, my daughter has been homeschooled since 3rd grade, but it's not like she lives in a cave. She's been exposed to talk about drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, etc. Seems like the kind of book the kids could just read on their own if the interest was there...not a book to be assigned to (forced on) a class full of young adolescents. I mean, the protagonists/s in the book are 16yo. World of difference btwn. 16 and 12, kwim? Don't mean to start an argument, or be a prude here or whatever...I just find it inappropriate.
  15. Dd12 was assigned this book by her ps teacher (8th grade). I find the material completely inappropriate for that age group (drugs, street violence, drinking, drug overdoses, dating/girl-chasing, pool hustling, bar fights, etc.) and fail to see the educational value of it. Has anyone's dc read this? Thoughts? Am I overreacting? For the record, dh disapproves, too. Can the schools not find anything more educationally appropriate and thematically appropriate? Sure, this book seems to really catch the attention (it's exciting and suspenseful) of this age group, but aren't there more appropriate books out there that could do the same? Any thoughts are welcome. I'm just not liking this. :glare:
  16. Growing With Grammar. Very independent. We used it for 4th and my son, who needs his hand held through most of his schoolwork, did it almost 100% independently. I don't know if GWG has a level 5/6 out yet...haven't looked at it in quite a while.
  17. My dd12 (8th grader) was assigned this book today. It is about these 16yo boys who have grown up together as best friends. Now, one is discovering that he has issues with the drugs and violence happening all around him while the other seems to be gravitating toward that "bad crowd". Themes in the book: drugs, alcohol, overdosing, dating/kissing, acid trips, smoking, hustling pool at the local bar/pool hall, street violence, etc. I'm not prude, but I find this extremely inappropriate for a 12/13yo. I'm appalled that this book has been assigned to 8th graders. Are there not more appropriate, worthwhile books to read out there? Why do public schools seem to gravitate toward these "new classics"? My dd is a voracious reader...this book has mature content, but no educational worth what-so-ever. What would you do? Ask if she can read another book? This is just one more issue I am having with dd's school. Grrrr.... Anyone have a child who has read this? Your thoughts? Am I overreacting? For the record, dh doesn't approve either.
  18. No experience w/ click n phonics, but my ds6 is enjoying ETC online. Seems just like the books, only on the computer. It's easy to navigate, even for a 6yo and the games/lessons are relatively enjoyable. Much seems to repeat, though, so after a while I can see him getting bored. Guess that's to be expected. We only use it as a supplement...3 days/wk or so or whenever he wants to "play". HTH.
  19. We've been using Singapore for a year now and I have not used the HIGs at all. Recently I'm wondering if i am missing something by not using them? I am a mathy type person and "get" math and can teach it...but am not very creative when it comes to using manipulatives or games, kwim? Would the HIGs be helpful to me? Ds8 is on 1B, moving quickly to 2A. He still doesn't have his facts down cold and must use fingers or manipulatives for addition and subtraction.
  20. I'm trying not to count my chickens before they are hatched, but also trying to be prepared. Dd12 confided in me tonight that she wants to come home and be homeschooled again. She is not liking ps. While I told her she needed to give it more time (can you believe I actually said that? :001_huh:) and we'd talk about it in a week...I want to be prepared at least on paper if she does still want to come home (and dh approves). Last year dd12 did Saxon Math 8/7 (mostly complete...few more lessons to go), LL7 (did not finish and we have since sold it), LLATL Green, VfCR A (did not finish...still have it), MFW ECC (again, did not finish but have since sold). She has expressed interest in Ancient History (biblical times) and I do still have Diana Waring's curriculum we can use (and she can be somewhat independent). My thoughts for this year (should she come home) are: Finish Saxon 8/7 and move to Saxon Alg. 1 Diana Waring Ancient Civ. and the Bible VfCR A and B Auralog's Tell Me More Spanish I need an English (grammar or all in one) like LLATL again, writing, Science (would CKE Earth and Space work for her?), literature (not sure about LL8). So, would you share what your 7th or 8th grader is doing this year (dd12 could technically be considered 7th b/c of her age)? I just want an idea of what others are doing so we don't miss something. Thanks!
  21. I don't have much to add to the generous and wise advice from the veterans here (I still consider myself new to hsing since this is only year 5 and only year 3 outside of a cyber). What I am finding is that homeschooling does NOT have to mirror a public school. Duh, right? Well, not so duh if you are me! We don't have to follow their schedule (academically or time-wise). My kids like to be "done" by 4pm when their friends were home from school. That gave us plenty of time to get our work done, with breaks and playtime included. However, there were some days that we saved some academic work until after "school" (reading, projects, even math sometimes although not often b/c I firmly believe math should be done early when the mind is fresh). The beauty of hsing is that we can learn ALL DAY...anytime, anywhere. This year, my plan is to be more flexible. Your schedule looks great and I am envious that you get it all in by 2pm. We have not started yet this year, but I foresee our day running until 2 or 3 or later depending on the number of breaks ds8 needs. If I can get him to do his main subjects by 2pm...I will be thankful. Good luck to you!
  22. Thanks Lisa...and btw...NONE of us are experts by any means, veterans or not. :) Thanks for your feedback. I was going to get WWE for ds8 or use SWO for spelling (but he hates workbooks) until I could purchase PR level 2. Then I found SS on the shelf and thought, hmmm...dictation, copywork, some rules...I could use this! Anyone else?
  23. Anyone? Somebody here has used or using this...right? :)
  24. Jessica at TA...I know you use it or have used it. What do you think so far? Anyone else have any thoughts on this book? In planning curriculum for ds8 who can already read very well, but not spell very well, I am looking at SS, The Phonics Road (progressing quickly), SWO (which he probably will not like b/c of the workbook). These are the programs I already have on hand and cannot spend money on more. So, can anyone tell me what they think of SS? Is it a good way to learn to spell? Do your dc actually learn to spell with this program? Or, is a rules based program like Phonics Road better? Thanks for any reviews!
  25. After weeks (if not months) of prayer and thought and going back and forth, this is what we have. Any comments? ds8 (the tough one to school): finishing Singapore 1B, 2A/2B (hopefully), FIAR, The Phonics Road (moving quickly through level 1 and into 2 very soon), might add WWE depending on his tolerance, reading good books ds6: FIAR, The Reading Lesson/The Phonics Road, ETC online, Progress in Math (1st grade) and moving to MFW 1st by Jan. dd4: MFW K, FIAR w/ older brothers Any comments/suggestions? I realize ds8 has a "light" load...but I must make it tolerable for him this year and as fun as possible so he doesn't fight me quite so much, kwim? He reads very well and so I'm hoping to breeze through PR level 1 and into 2 very soon (and as soon as I can afford it). Thanks!
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