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Wheres Toto

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Everything posted by Wheres Toto

  1. Are all these activities happening indoors with no masks in places without mask orders? As a business, I really have no choice but to require masks in the absence of health issues. Especially for teachers/hosts/coaches/etc. I would think masks would be standard if only for liability reasons.
  2. Dh said something like that. I could probably get their names off public record. Although I'm sure the cops have thought of that right?
  3. We put in a ring doorbell a few weeks ago but it faces out at the street so nowhere near their house. We did look yesterday to see if it caught a car or anyone walking around the time of the incident yesterday. They knew when because the robbers set off the alarms at a specific time. They must be getting them on camera but it must not be helping. Maybe they are wearing something so they can't be identified.
  4. Childhood: A few sprained/jammed fingers, stitches a few times, runners knee. Adult: Snapped bone in my foot walking up stairs Sciatica from sleeping wrong Badly sprained ankle from walking off deck and stepping on wood beam that rolled Shattered wrist from car accident A few broken fingers and toes from hitting or kicking things Pulled muscle in neck not sure how
  5. Edited since it was a lot of details. We do now have a police car sitting on the main road into the neighborhood. Not sure what they expect the thieves to do with the police in sight of the house. ETA: This has a lot of details so I may delete in a little bit. Just felt the need to "talk" about it with someone.
  6. Morning. Dog was a pita again. Woke up at 3-something wanted to go out, woke up at 5 -something wanted to go out, woke up at 6-something. I had an alarm set for 8 since I'm trying to get into a better routine for the days I don't meet oldest dd. I'll let the younger guys sleep until 10-ish and get them up. I'm trying to ease them into things. I still haven't set up their school for the next two weeks. I'll do that once I finish my tea.
  7. Ds almost 15 is doing both. He actually started them last year and is doing them through the summer since we are year round schoolers. This is what happened when I was in high school. In order to take calculus senior year, you did Geometry and Algebra 2 concurrently. I decided to do that since ds is good at math (even if he doesn't like it), this way he wont' forget all the algebra while doing a year of geometry and we skip the few algebra questions in geometry. He's doing a simple Algebra 2 (MUS) and a meatier Geometry (Jacobs from My Father's World plan). ETA: We are taking slightly more than a year to do both. We will NOT follow that plan with dd13. I'm just hoping to get her through Algebra 2 before graduation.
  8. We had one social occasion with two other families, outside at our lake, distanced with masks if anyone got closer. Other than that we see my mom, my oldest daughter, and dh sees his mom. We've had a mask order since March or April so all shopping, doctors appointments, etc are mandatory masking. Our numbers were looking really good but they are going back up again because people are being stupid and throwing parties.
  9. Looks like he was getting a bad response from some of his patients.
  10. Morning. Looks like it's going to rain here for the next 4-5 days with a possible tropical storm/hurricane in there somewhere. Fun. Good for the garden but this kind of weather makes me feel itchy for some reason. Has for a long time. Didn't meet dd today so slept in after letting the dog out at 5:45am. I'm going to work on classes, set up school, maybe do some cleaning. At least put away the laundry sitting next to me on the couch. I've already warned the kids that we are getting back onto a better schedule starting tonight. They've been feral (as they call it) for too long. I'm going to add exercise to their days, school, more chores. I'm going to try and establish a good routine before classes start up again in 6 weeks (assuming nothing around here changes to the point we can't open up).
  11. I think there needs to be a clause cutting some slack for those of us with multiple teenagers, especially those of us who are old. This is why I changed my signature to month/year. I was always forgetting to change them. We have 4 summer birthdays within a month, plus one Spring birthday. When I was in college in Texas, I called in to a radio station once and asked them to play "Cheap Trick, The Flame". But I must say, I knew all the lyrics listed above but I didn't realize all those songs were Cheap Trick. Some of them seem older than that.
  12. I've had some backlash for my classes. Nobody I would call vicious, just withdrawing registrations once I published my handbook. I think I have the advantage that it's actually the law here so I have to require face coverings except medical/special needs exemptions. I'm a business, so I have to follow the law. Businesses have lost their licenses or been fined here and I can't afford either one without shutting down for good.
  13. Ugh, I don't know why so many people are suddenly being stupid around here, just when our numbers are going up again. Our Rt is back above 1.
  14. There's been some evidence that certain people who have been behind the push for HCQ bought up a large quantity of it, as well as stock in the company/companies that manufacturer it, and now it looks like they are going to get stuck with it and lose money.
  15. Sure, when someone is dying and there are no proven treatments but there is something that MIGHT work, yes doctors may try it. But we're not in that situation here anymore. We have other treatments that appear to work better. If we're going to do a final Hail Mary and try and save someone who has no other options, wouldn't we use something that showed some sign of working, not something that has already been shown to not work? Even in that situation, the idea is to make an educated guess, not just throw everything at it. IF we're talking credentials, I've worked pharmaceutical marketing and on drugs in Phase III trials (including lots of off-label use), including analysis and FDA submissions (Biology degree), Dh is in analytical pharmaceuticals mainly for generics but currently biopharma (Chemistry degree).
  16. Overblowing the pandemic so they can get big bucks out of a vaccine? Maybe? I find there's very little logic to any of this shit.
  17. It's not just your state, it's the entire country. I'm in a previous hotspot and people seem to have forgotten all about it already. Our numbers are starting to climb again.
  18. We have a gravel driveway so no washing the driveway. Dh is down at his moms. She was sounding depressed on the phone so he headed down early. Slept like crap because I had to get up with the dog but had to get up early to work out with dd. Today I'm going to work on setting up school for next week and do some work on classes.
  19. Latest thing I keep seeing is Fauci can't be trusted because he's in the pocket of big pharma, is doing this for the money (??), and has been lying about everything from the beginning. I can't even deal with people anymore. The reasonable people are faint voices in the wilderness of conspiracy nuts.
  20. Isn't this called "white coat hypertension" or something like that?
  21. My 13 year old with ADHD and anxiety went back to Tai Kwan Do this week, everyone distanced and wearing masks. She also has asthma. We've been treating masks as necessary but she personally hasn't had to wear one often. Basically only when she had to go to the ER one day (and she wore it for 4 hours that day). I told her about the olympic athlete that wore it during his race because of allergies. And the people who wear masks to avoid germs and pollutants due to asthma. I told her to make sure she takes deep breaths. And she was fine. As was every other kid in her TKD group, some wearing cloth masks, some wearing ear loop/surgical masks and some wearing N95s. I think a lot of how kids react is going to be in how the parents and other adults in their lives react. And CO2 and O2 molecules are much much MUCH smaller than viral particles, so the whole CO2 can't escape but virus can get in is a load of bullshit.
  22. Morning. I'm being super lazy today, just finished my second cup of tea at 11:00am after staying in bed until 9:30am. Dd and I are meeting every other morning to workout and today was not that day. I should go to the science center and do some work but I'm tired and it's super super hot here. Dh is going down to his moms again in the next few days. She has another pretest for her surgery. At the rate things are happening, I have to wonder if the surgery is ever going to happen. My dad is back in rehab because he fell again. My stepmother took a week to call and tell me, which is weird because they wanted me to take my dad to an appointment yesterday. It's nice that she told me before I drove up there to take him to an appointment.
  23. Am I the only one bothered because it should be incubi and succubi? Or it should have been "an incubus".
  24. This is what I was told - if it's just cut or a section removed but the ends are left open, the egg can jump the gap. If it's burned/cauterized, there's less chance. Mine were cut and burned.
  25. ((Hugs)) I definitely get it and agree 100%. I've unfriended and unfollowed a bunch of people on Facebook but I have no choice but to be on there because of my business and 4-H groups. I'm not as weary as I was yesterday. I sent out and published my handbook for the first time yesterday, with wording about face coverings (which are required by law here, so not sure what people expected) and got the responses you would expect if you follow any of the threads around here. Not everyone of course, but more than I would have thought considering you see basically 100% compliance around here.
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