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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. Well then growing up in America kind of explains why we followed that tradition. We also had the shower, the church, the flowers, the reception, and the honeymoon. But we mostly did those things for our parents- except the honeymoon;). Wedding traditions are more for the parents anyway. Back to the ring. It wasn't really my style back then either. But he had to have *something* to hand me when he took me back to the place of our first kiss and got down on one knee. It could have been very awkward if it ended there. ;) I don't think he is sentimental in a female sort of way. He likes it when he sees the ring. He also likes tacos, when I wear knee length skirts, and to sit down with me on the weekends with a cup of coffee. I make and do those things too. But the ring is a little different. And btw, not wearing a wedding ring is a non option. We do live in a country that identifies people's married status by their left hand. In Hawaii, long ago, the way to identify a married woman was by the ear she wore a flower on. Societies do have their own way of identifying married status. I don't like the gold in my wedding band, but I would never, never, never consider ditching that! Anyway, I already wear the ring infrequently. It just feels wasteful somehow. :001_huh: I'm not exactly sure why. Jo
  2. About the "made in China" problem. I still don't like it. I hate to contribute to the long distance shipping, trade issues, and overall lack of oversight in that country. However the Sigg website will not disclose the formula of the liners in their bottles, but also mentioned that they were "flexible" in case of dents. This made me wonder what the heck that liner is made of. Stainless steel is simple. No paint, no mysterious components. It took me entirely too much time to figure these things out and decide. I still don't like buying from China, but I felt more informed than with the mysterious Sigg ingredients. Just my opinion. I could have almost flipped a coin at the end. :glare: Jo
  3. At least valuable jewelry. Give me a hemp string and a bead, and I can make that work. :001_smile: Shiny things aren't my style- unless you consider pearls shiny, because I can make pearls work...and sometimes platinum...but not silver or gold or diamonds. :glare: So I have this diamond engagement ring on my finger. I love it. I love it because of the memories and the symbolism, otherwise it DRIVES ME CRAZY! It snags on clothing, it wounds my children, and snags in my hair. I have gone without wearing it for long periods of time, but when I wear it for "going out" my dh makes a big deal about how much he enjoys it when I wear it, so here it sits on my finger. I have thought about having it remounted or converted into something else, but it seems like it would take the symbolism away. And quite honestly, I think my dh would be offended at the suggestion. Unless {this is where you creative people come in} I can think of some sort of compromise.... Ideas? Experience? Tomatoes for even considering such and inconsiderate action? Jo
  4. If you buy a Klean Kanteen there a few places I know where you can use a coupon code. I just noticed that Amazon has Klean Kanteens for slightly less than the KK price and they qualify for Prime/free shipping I did actually go with the KK from Amazon because the actual KK website wanted over $20 in shipping [choke, sputter]. Unfortunately, I can't find the insulator thingies on Amazon- perhaps I'm using the wrong name- but if the coupons you mention, Hooty Tooty, apply to the insulation pockets then I would love them. Thanks so much everyone. Jo
  5. was with the lamination on one project. They cut the laminate on the front and back cover too close and it separated quickly. The cutting and spiral bind was otherwise very well done. Jo
  6. From their website... Why is the Kanteen made in China? The Klean Kanteen is made “responsibly†in China because one of our founding principles was to produce an economically priced high quality stainless steel bottle as an alternative to plastic and lined metal containers therefore promoting healthy living with respect for the environment. Our preference from the outset has been to produce our bottles closer to home but extensive research in the manufacturing sector left us resolute that our bottles can not be made closer to home at a reasonable price without sacrificing quality and safety, something we are steadfast against. Hmmmm. And it's still dadburn expensive. Something to think about. Jo
  7. I always check the caller I.D. because my dh has limited opportunity to call during the day and I will stop whatever school is going on to talk to him. Sometimes I answer for friends during school hours, it just depends. I'd rather answer and say, "I have to run" than ignore them all together. But like Jill said earlier, it depends on various factors and I don't have any strictly followed policy regarding the phone. One thing I know for sure, I ALWAYS multitask when talking on the phone. I consider phone time, chore time. :D Jo
  8. My dh needs a refillable water bottle for work. In the past he has always used Nalgene, but I thought I would try for plastic free. He wants to be able to add ice, and he has told me not to spend a lot on it- because honestly, he doesn't give a hoot more than he needs agua readily accessible throughout the day, and there aren't exactly water coolers around every corner on the submarine. :D Klean Kanteens seem pricey, but perhaps I don't know. Any ideas? Thanks. Jo
  9. Welllll. Not to bash our wonderful military pharmacy, but I did call them and they suggested flushing. :001_huh: Of course, he sounded like he was about 18 and not exactly "in the know." But it is Saturday. I think we will dissolve in the bottle and then trash them. Jo
  10. My dh has an entire bottle of a narcotic that he was given for an outpatient procedure. He didn't use any and we don't want it in the house. I recall that flushing is not recommended anymore, should we just trash them? Jo
  11. I think of the "hive" reference as ironic. :001_smile: I rarely visit other online discussion groups, but I can't imagine one that is more diverse in its opinions. I can't get upset about the term "hive", when the reality is anything but. Jo
  12. Child A. Nausea and Vomit, fever, intestinal issues lingered Child B. Fever, severe cold symptoms- red eyes, runny nose, general lethargy, progressed to a deep chested cough (almost bark like) Child C. Fever, tired, otherwise no progression Child D. Fever, Deep nasty chest cough (bark like again), diarrhea Child E. Fever, sore throat, and today beginning the cough In all my sick days I've never had a virus that created an intestinal event (nausea, vomit, and diarrhea) as well as a nose/cough cold type of event. Have I just been lucky? Or am I most likely looking at two viruses? Opinions? Perhaps others could enlighten me about how often this happens. Thanks. Jo
  13. This is the mystery book both my 9 and 11 just devoured from the library! I completely forgot about it. :001_smile: I must confess I didn't read it before them (they got to it before I could) so your description is very helpful to me!! ;) You were able to bring their intermingled narrations into a cohesive picture. Thanks so much.
  14. My son has taken a fancy. He's not quite ready to be introduced to Lord Peter Wimsey ;), my favorite, and the only, mystery series I read. What are the best, well written, starter mystery books? Thanks so much. Jo
  15. Thanks everybody. Perhaps we should also make the "what's for dinner?" posts a daily item and I will take full advantage of the time zone difference. :D Some of us students need a little more hand holding than others. Jo
  16. We tried Sherlock Holmes last year but he was in a dragon phase. We'll try again. Any other? Jo
  17. Linkity Link!! Good to see you. Welcome to the revised board. It blew me away when the format changed- I'm sure you'll pick it up faster than I. ;) It's nice to see you here. Jo
  18. I am NOT letting you brilliant cooks off this easily. I will continue to bring this post to the top until you reveal your secrets. Actually you don't even need to qualify as "brilliant", I just need to know how you come up with your meal ideas. Beg #2. Jo
  19. I have struggled with this for a while and I would like to conquer this failing. I don't think I'm a food person. I'm a very simple eater. I could easily become a raw-foodie. Bread, cheese, and fruit is my *favorite* meal. I read through the "what's for dinner?" post and I am so impressed. Even the people who were just throwing a meal together at the last minute...gah! I'm just impressed. :001_unsure: I love my family, and I know making them nutritious balanced meals that are appealing is a way I can serve them. Is there something I can read? Will it magically happen when I don't have a baby and preschooler around the ankles? Opinions? :001_huh: Help me Obi-wan (the metaphorical representation of the hive mind), you're my only hope. Jo
  20. "Parents may not be perfect -- some are pretty bad -- but a cold, faceless bureaucracy is no better." I like it. Jo
  21. Yes. My dh was responsible to transfer all lecture material into Ppt format while teaching at the Univ. of MN a while back. He was a big fan of "modernizing" the presentation. At the end of this monumental task he had to admit that although something was needed to upgrade the visuals during lectures, he found the retention success of the Ppt format minimal. This was for undergraduate work. He now believes Ppt can too often be used as a crutch for bad lecturers. In his opinion a good professor keeps his class engaged through a variety of techniques and rarely, very rarely is powerpt involved. But that is simply his opinion. He's not here to ask, but I would guess he would put a large chunk of the responsibility in the student's lap as well. Jo
  22. Perhaps she was the troll? Hee, hee. Absolutely kidding. But it seems odd that she would think that. :confused: And that's all I'm going to say since she isn't here to defend or explain. Jo
  23. We must understand that my parents travel a good deal. I do not exaggerate when I tell you that my mother has two full medicince cabinets and more than half of a shelf in the linen closet lined with hotel shampoos/conditioners, soaps, and lotions. I use them when I'm home, but there is a limit.;) I once did a collection of these toiletries in college to use at the homeless clinic I worked for, and they were very appreciative. Jo
  24. What about motel/hotel soaps and shampoos? My mother has cupboards full of them stockpiled for the day of disaster (I suppose). She can't leave a hotel bathroom without bringing all the freebie toiletries including shower caps. The above goes hand in hand with the various packets that accumulate in her pantry- until I come home and secretly throw them away without her ever noticing. ;) Jo
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