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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I still have no idea why I couldn't print out the labels. I ended up opening up my account from our old dinosaur computer. Apparently no problem there. :glare: But thanks for your help!!! ~Jo
  2. No, but that was a good guess. I'm not using Chrome. I'm on Safari currently.
  3. I think what your dog did was normal. I would have given the dog a harsh toned "bad dog" but really he wasn't instigating the aggression.
  4. My printer is working correctly for other printing jobs today. My adobe has been updated. My pop up blocker has been disengaged, just in case. What am I doing wrong? I have used this system every year for at least five years. I've used in from this Mac book. Hints? Ideas of what I should check? My tech support (dh) is unavailable for the afternoon and evening. Thanks. Jo
  5. For our humanities we have chosen Tapestry of Grace. It is Christian based. It keeps our 5 + grades on the same era of history (which I *highly* recommend). It offers a writing plan that uses the history and literature selections as topics. We personalize Science, Math, Logic, and Latin. It took me a while to understand the program, but now it is invaluable for our large family. Welcome to the boards. You might also get more attention with this question on Curriculum board. ~Jo
  6. We played at the NEX last night. We needed a Shuffle for our daughter's birthday and it gave us a chance to look at computers. I'm glad you reminded me about movie camp. I need to look into that! Thanks. We just want the right home computer for schooling purposes. Too many options. More input: :bigear:
  7. I should also mention, that I don't much about computers, and even less about ipads or Kindle Fires. Husband and I went to look at some options last night and we decided on one thing: we just aren't tech gadget people. :D Still, that 27" Mac desktop screen is awesome!:001_smile:
  8. We have 2 mac laptops and a pain-in-the-rear desktop with Vista (let the name of the creator of that system forever be cursed, Amen :tongue_smilie:). Needs: 2 teenagers with increasing amounts of online work. More use of the computer for educational games, etc. A large screen so when I am streaming documentaries or Discovery Education videos everybody can see (7 heads around a laptop takes years off my life). The Vista computer is rarely used because of all the incompatibilities and unreliability. Husband will be deploying soon and taking one of the laptops (the one my oldest son uses daily) with him. We have completely taken it over. Choices: Get rid of the hard drive on the VISTA desktop and get a new Windows based system and keep the screen from the current desktop- cheapest option. New MAC desktop with monster screen that everyone can see and can stay in the main living area of the house. Earphones for lectures, etc. A new Laptop that we hook up as needed to the back of the TV and stream onto that perfectly good TV screen. An ipad or Kindle Fire. Apparently I can use Apple TV???? What says the hive? Pretend money isn't a factor. It is, but I want to know what the *best* solution is and go from there. Thanks. ~Jo
  9. Bumping with my decision. It is in the original post as an edit. Thanks again for all the suggestions. ~Jo
  10. I find this strange. People use Christmas cards as a way to wish people joy from their family to yours. It is the usual time of year when people make contact with people they consider significant in their lives in one way or another. I can't imagine expecting people to adapt their cards or greetings or occasion for sending them on my behalf. Then again it is so incredibly difficult to pull together a family card every year and send them out to distant family and past friends, that perhaps I'm a little touchy at the responses. :D
  11. I saw that too. The word roux scared me :D, so I went back to google. It just seems this shouldn't be that hard. It doesn't even have to be creamy. I have a beef and rice layered casserole thing that all I have to do is dump a can of tomato over it and bake. That is what I'm looking for I guess. ~Jo
  12. I'm not usually a boot person, but that dress would be perfect with a calf boot. Having said that, you got to rock what ya' got. If you feel uncomfortable it won't work. Love the dress. ~Jo
  13. I have chicken. I have rice. I have a disposable tin casserole dish. I have to take a meal to a friend. I don't have the recipe. Pretty please? Thanks. ~Jo Update*** It turns out this recipe is what I'm going with but with much tweaking. I'm sharing because I have never heard of her and she is funny! Summer of Hummus and Winter of Potato...funny. And the, "Hello, God" comment towards the end. Uh-huh. http://www.workitmom.com/bloggers/orderingdisorder/2008/01/24/roasted-potatoes-carrots-and-chicken-breasts/ And thanks for the advice about the roux. One day I'll do it. There is something about the stirring and heat constancy while answering questions from 7 kids that scares me. Perhaps I wasn't clear about my fears. I have a risotto experience that left permanent scarring. :D Thanks again. ~Jo
  14. $4.50 ish on Oahu, higher on the outer islands. We have a 15 passenger van, but rarely fill up every month. We are careful about our driving.
  15. As I suspected, she struggles greatly with Processing Speed and some areas of her memory---- reading and dictation exercises are very difficult for her. This is the first time I've dealt with a struggling learner. I know there are many resources out there but I haven't been paying attention. :blush: Would you mind pointing me in the right direction for my research? Thanks so much! ~Jo
  16. The stuff I can sneak into smoothies is thrilling. I think I need to sneak that elderberry tincture in there next. :D
  17. I'm so sorry. That stinks. I've been able to fight off the viruses for the most part, but on a few afternoons I have to take a long nap. Long naps while homeschooling 5 grades isn't easy to absorb. I hope you feel better soon! ~Jo
  18. I'm not sure I've ever seen an elderberry in person. I've bought the tincture in the past but I like the idea of making my own. Do you grow and/or pick your own berries, or do you buy them in a regular or specialty store. Thanks. ~Jo
  19. We have had a string of viruses (fever, throat, cough, nose- not stomach viruses) in the last month. By the time we cycle through one we either catch another or the darn thing mutates into a new strain. It is getting old. :glare: I'd like to pump them full of some wholesome goodness to help get this thing out the door. I've got the fresh air and Vitamin D thing covered. :D What would you force feed your kids? Soups? Smoothies? Something fermented? Extra vitamins? Juices? I know there are various opinions on the subject. I'm going to do some more research, but I thought I'd throw it out to the hive. Thanks. ~Jo (on a roll of postings today....)
  20. I don't know. The judge who decided to let Sandusky go was a woman...and she worked as a volunteer at The Second Mile. :glare:
  21. For the record, my husband thinks watching me surf is a gift to him :D and the kids think being able to triple more recipes is a win-win for everyone. So, really, it isn't about me.... ;)
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