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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. From US and I wash as needed.  Most of the time pants get worn several times, shirts if worn for a short time and smell clean get worn a second time. 


    Dss will not put their jeans in the wash even if they are dirty if they know they are going to be doing dirty jobs the next day (unless they are wet)



  2. We have taken the kids to see a more local minor league team.  I just hate seeing professional athletes earning 20+ million dollars a year but I guess if people pay to support it then they do.  I just see that as income enough to support 250 families a year with a middle class income.


    What really bothers me is the ones making that much money and don't seem to enjoy the game. :(   I know it is a job and with every job comes disappointments/hardships but what a job to have. 

  3. candy

    beef jerky

    1 hotwheel

    baseball cards


    sports titanium necklace


    duct tape

    air soft bb's

    whiffle balls - sometime a pack to share (sat between the baskets) sometimes opened pack with balls in the basket

    dvd or video game (of the cheaper variety) to share - sat between the baskets



  4. Jean -- :grouphug:


    Luckymama -- :hurray: for dd


    KRG -- you are on a roll


    I will play along today.  I have so much I need to get done.  Most is general house work that for some reason or another hasn't been getting done.  Baseball season has already started here (practices) and we need to get this house back in order before things get really wild.


    • school
    • laundry
    • floors - vacuum, sweep, mop
    • general all over pick up
    • dss clean their room -- for real clean not shove in corner
    • kitchen - straighten, clean counters
    • clean bathooms
    • yard pickup - suppose to be warmer today & the sun is shining


  5. I have a pretty well stocked pantry.  I buy things on sale and plan from there.  So if ground beef & say canned veggies is on sale this week I really stock up on it then pick up a few other items we need.  Put the ground beef in the freezer in various ways (some raw, some shaped into patties, some browned & and drained).  The next week it might be chicken breasts and spag. sauce.  I do the same again. 


    Then I generally make my "loose" plans from what I have on hand or what is in the sale paper for the week.  I say loose plans because I just make up a list of meals and then each day choose from one of them and fix it.


    Maybe not the best way but that is what I do.

  6. :biggrinjester:   Happy 50th Birthday   :party:





    :grouphug:  to all those with clueless husbands.  I have one of those myself.  He will forget my birthday, valentines, our anniversary but he will remember his and talk about/tell me what he wants for his birthday.  Has told me before "you can get me ____ for valentines" then not get me anything.   Christmas he tells me "just pick out something you want, buy it and wrap it :glare:


    As dss have gotten older near Christmas they have started telling him "hey we need to go get something for mom."  Sometimes he tells them he "ordered" something (meaning he told me to pick out my gift). 

    Other times he will actually take the boys to the store to buy a gift but he has no clue what so ever what to get me.  The boys generally pick it out. 

    I am proud to say that near Christmas they start really paying attention to things I pick up and make comments about in the store. 

    I generally get something I mentioned liking or needing if they pick it out.






  7. It lasts forever here. I wish they sold it in smaller boxes, because we like to eat it once in awhile, but generally tire of it long before the box is done.


    Have you checked places like the Dollar Tree and I even saw some at walmart.  They had some boxes that looked to be about 1/2 box size for $1.


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