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Baseball mom

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Posts posted by Baseball mom

  1. Don't feel alone as a mom doing to buying of a cup.  I had to buy one for ds for baseball (catcher).   The guy at the sporting good store was very helpful.   


    Just a small tip,-- the pointed/smaller end goes down in the compression shorts and wider up toward the waistband.  Yeah almost made that mistake. 


    Also he might want to wear the cup to practice not just during sparring at least a few times.  Just to get use to it so it won't feel so weird.

  2. I think a day spent buried under blankets, drinking hot tea, and hiding from the insane cold temps is an excellent idea.



    I'm fairly certain my family will not want to watch P&P with me in any version.



  3. Scrap -- hope you and your dd feel better soon. 


    We were on the go most of Christmas day (going to visit various family). We got to stay home yesterday and hoping for the same today.


    Thankful for a good Christmas. It was on the go but everyone got along at each house and had relaxed calm attitudes. 

    Thankful for bil & sil cooking a big dinner on Christmas and asking us to come over, bring nothing then wouldn't let me clean.  After eating & visiting when I went to help clean sil said "nope take the kiddos home to enjoy there presents. you have been on the go all day" 

    Thankful for dh having a job - it is way way less pay than his old job but it is a job (old job - place closed down) 

    Thankful for being able to stay home yesterday and just relax


    Still deciding on when to start back schooling.  If I can get my act together I will try to start Jan 2.  If not  it will be Jan 6.

  4. We will be joining the trimming down/frugal group :seeya:


    Not only do I need to find a way to trim things down in the budget I want to trim down our things.  Also want to find some new but frugal recipes and use them.  For a while now I have been doing better cooking every meal at home but I am starting to feel "bored".  Being bored means I want to go out to eat.  I am hoping if I can change up some meals I will be more content.


    One thing I have done to try to cut down on eating out when rushed.  I brown ground beef, drain and put meal amounts in freezer.  Cook chicken &/or turkey and put pulled pieces in freezer. Make bbq in the crockpot, shred and again into the freezer.  Ham slices same way.  This way I can grab a bag and heat in microwave while grabbing other stuff for meal.  Make enough chili or soup to have leftovers, put these in the freezer too.  Makes for quicker meals. 



  5. Jean -- hope your dd isn't getting sick


    Good Afternoon.  It rained before I got up and wasn't as cold.  Actually the temp was higher than it has been all week but the temps have been dropping again.  So a cold gray day here.  Good day for snuggling under a blanket and reading :001_smile:  but I need to be working on cleaning the house and Christmas stuff :001_unsure:


    laundry -- started but I am sure it needs to be moved along

    bathrooms - need a cleaning :ack2:

    general all over picking up -- I think the house exploded

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