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Everything posted by anotherbrother

  1. I haven't worn a watch since I started carrying a cell phone regularly. My husband just doesn't like them, nor does he carry a cell phone most of the time. Consequently, he's never on time.
  2. I also agree with Math U See. I think it's a great mastery program. If you wanted to keep her interest you could also try some of the Singapore Math Workbooks / Textbooks. Another program I've looked into is Teaching Textbooks, however it isn't available for a Mac on the level that I needed it. Good Luck
  3. We are going to begin study our state this week. I found a great Textbook at the local used HS bookstore. I think will use it for the basic direction and then go from there. We do have a state history museum that I'd like to take the kids to visit. As for other states have you consider anything from the http://www.geomatters.com/ website. I have several of their books and cd's that we're looking forward to using.
  4. We do love Math U See. Unfortunately my computer savy boys need a little bit more visual interest in their drill work. I don't think Quarter Mile Math works with Macs. :001_smile:
  5. We have tried the free version of Timez Attack and really like it. I'm thinking that the way to go may be to get the paid version, and also resurrect Math Blaster.
  6. Does anybody have a recommendation for online math fact practice? I am considering Mathletics, Facts First, Timez Attack (The paid version), Aleks. I just remembered as I was typing this that we do have Math Blaster, but I would love some other suggestions or opinions.
  7. My opinion is that five is very young to determine a child's particular learning style. I have found that if I pick a curriculum that I enjoy, we're much more likely to be successful. I do of course keep the kids in mind. My boys do not really enjoy projects that have lots of coloring. I would love that, but they don't.
  8. I recently found a used version of The Phonics Road to Reading and Spelling. (I didn't buy it.) I'm very interested, but haven't found a lot of information, or opinions. The few reviews that I've read have been positive, but make claims that it is very labor intensive. I would love to know what you have to say, or if you have any experience with either program.
  9. We're looking into getting one also. What are your microscope must haves?
  10. We have a Lakeshore Learning near us. Several times a year they have a big sale. I purchased a really nice globe with wood base for $30. The original price was $50. I'm not very good at links, but I think this is it: http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/ca|searchResults~~p|AW447~~.jsp
  11. I thought we would "wing it" this year. We've gotten very little accomplished because we couldn't find a direction to go. I'm getting ready to order NOEO science which I think will work perfectly for us. Lots of books, without a formal textbook. While my older DS is capable of the higher level I think we'll stick with the lower for both and keep things fun. We'll get into plenty of structured science in future years.
  12. Thank you for the input. This has certainly given me something to think about. Spelling has certainly been much less stressful for us. I am thinking that they could both easily complete two lessons a week in SWO. Does anybody have any suggestions for a secular Latin Program? What vocabulary program do you use?
  13. Until recently we have been using Wordly Wise for vocabulary, but not doing spelling. I have just purchased SWO Level B for my almost 8 year old, and SWO Level E for my 9 1/2 year old. I love Wordly Wise, but the words don't follow any particular spelling rules, so I don't feel like it's best choice to use those words for spelling. My older son is a good speller, but I've recently noticed a lack of attention to words I thought he knew. Spelling doesn't come as naturally to my younger son. Basically I'm just not sure how to balance the two. I am happy with the curriculum choices that we've made. We also have AAS Level 1, but my younger one didn't care for it very much. Please let me know what you think.
  14. I agree. I think that Math-U-See is an excellent program. The program focuses on mastery while continuing to review previously learned skills. My two oldest both like the program and are very different learners.
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