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Posts posted by gaillardia

  1. I had one who whistled.  It didn't bother me.  He still does it as an adult and it still doesn't bother me.  I kind of like it.


    What does bother me is his latest thing.  When he's working on his physics and math homework (college), he plays the same CD over and over and over and ...  It's Scott Joplin's ragtime music.  Says it helps him concentrate on the difficult mathematical stuff.  Alrighty then .....  ;)

    ear buds, mommy. ear buds.

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  2. I don't know if I want to share but I've already started. My mom, after mastectomy and chemo, recovered for 6 years from bc. Then she didn't.


    Man, I've gone through too much crap already to have it come down to this. 

    Yes, so I found a tiny little thing a couple of weeks ago and forgot about it...but in the meantime I was having pain elsewhere on the bookshelves. So my exam was today and the nice ladies said next week I go for the u/s and mammo. It is for the tiny little thing not the pain. 


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  3. yup. In the boob. 


    I have an appointment to see doctor tomorrow afternoon; feel free to remind me odds are it's nothing.....




    Update:  Had the diagnostic mammo and u/s today. An hour after I got home I got a phone call from my doctor that they called her & they don't like it; she's arranging to send me for a biopsy. 

    not stealing your thread.



    Feel free to remind me as well...I've been thinking about you, hornblower and hope you're doing okay. I am not doing okay.  :unsure:

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  4. I know I didn't word that right. 

    There was at least one time I remember reading a thread here about a family whose child, turning 18, even though still a senior in homeschool, was denied further social security benefits based on age, no disability, and not being a full time secondary school student. 


    Is this not discrimination? Dh filled out information already on what, why, etc. and sent it in and the ss administration sent back a letter saying no. 


    Why do they not take homeschoolers more seriously? Of course we will appeal it but I am just looking for other experiences with same or similar circumstances. 

    I've got to run out but will be back on later today. TIA for helpful comments with experience or knowledge.


    Edited to clarify: Wait. I totally screwed up my first paragraph. Anyway, benefits are being denied due to dependent turning 18, no disability, and not being a full time secondary school student.

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  5. So sorry to you all for your losses. My mom passed away in early December quite a few years ago. The pain of her absence is gone. 


    I'm thinking of two individuals who have not posted who lost family members last year. Maybe it just hurts too much.


    Our hearts go out to all who just can't post for whatever reason, but who have lost someone ever.  Please know that others haven't forgotten.

  6. It was different to not hear the clanking of the plates and everything seemed more minimalistic even though it filled a trash bag. 

    Pies and desserts. No extra vegetables. I wasn't stuck in the kitchen for hours cleaning up. I wasn't stuck in the kitchen at all.

    I had a great Thanksgiving with my family and I hope everyone else has had an enjoyable day and evening as well. 


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  7. She died peacefully this afternoon surrounded by family and friends. Her kids are 12 and 16. It's so good to know all those details are taken care of.

    :grouphug:  so sorry for your family's loss  :crying:

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  8. Do you have a recipe for the cranberry apple pecan crunch?


    I'm not a fan of pie.  I was just talking to DH about this - I like pie, but I'd always rather have something different (unless it's a chocolate pudding pie in some kind of cookie/graham crust - the smores and nutella pies mentioned above sound amazing!).  I like the sweetness (I have a terrible sweet tooth), but I prefer other desserts - especially anything with chocolate.  

    Butter a 9x13 casserole dish. In it put:

    2 c. raw fresh cranberries (I chop them a little)

    3 c. diced apples (hard or tart varieties for baking), peeled or unpeeled

    Or pears


    Mix in a bowl:

    1/2 c. or less of sugar (I prefer to go lighter on it or use maple syrup or honey, 1/3 c. but don't put syrup or honey in until last)

    1 c. quick oats

    1/2 c. or less of brown sugar

    1 c. of shelled pecans

    Pour this mix over the fruits. Dot with butter (or not) Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour. 

    You could add cinnamon or nutmeg. 

    I can't find the other recipe I had but this one works fine. 

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  9. The wide and wise variety of replies is great. Thanks, guys.

    I like the idea of signs (quiet down), telling them they can wash the dishes (why haven't they offered?), being right in their faces with hey, don't be so loud or why are you talking so loud?

    The dishes part...I thought I'd try to find the clear plastic disposable plates but dh bought chinet today.

    I love the idea of buying secondhand pieces I like and not having any of my dishes matching ever again. Someone gave me an entire set of dishes, they do not wash up well in the dishwasher on any setting and do best hand washed. That is not happening. They don't break easily either. 

    After washing the china in dishwasher on a light setting once or twice, the design was lighter. Not good.

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  10. My mother was stubborn about allowing us to call hospice and when we finally did, she only lived a few more days. 

    Pain was a big factor and she was dying but afraid of becoming addicted. We called the nurse whenever we were freaked out or had questions. It helped. I don't mean we were a mess, but there were things happening with her that we hadn't expected. It was hard.

    So ask questions. Keep on top of your father's pain. I don't know how different it will be for anyone else, but the nurse came in every day, sometimes twice a day and she was there with us as Mom passed away. 

    I've known people who were dying and their families were putting out the announcement to come see their family member. Well, I totally disagree with that line of thought. From what I read and in my mother's experience, the circle begins closing. My mother didn't want certain people to come see her AT ALL. And after a period of time, the only people she agreed to allow in were the immediate family, clergy and the nurse. She didn't want to be bathed. Her organs were shutting down. No, it was just time for her to be at peace.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

    I know it hurts. 

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