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Posts posted by gaillardia

  1. Tell me about bunnies as pets. 

    Why have them? 

    What do you do with them? 

    What do they do in return? 

    Can they be trained to do interesting things? 

    Has your rabbit used a litter box? 

    Where do you keep yours?

    How much trouble are they? They're not like guinea pigs...

    How do you care for rabbits? 

    What kinds of things do they need to go to the vet for?

    Do you let yours run around the house?

    Go outside?


    Or did you get yours sterilized?

    Do you have more than one?

    How many?

    I knew someone who moved into a home in town. It had a small fenced backyard. They put two rabbits in their hutches and they ended up getting loose, burrowing down into the yard and creating rabbit heaven. Last I heard, she unintentionally had 25 rabbits. Can you imagine? I bet there were more. And they weren't acting feral. 

  2. Who are you calling homely?  :D


    Just kidding. I'm posting to see how many posts I have.

    Just her page, her homely page, not her, not Catwoman, she's beautiful. I don't know why I called it that. I don't know when the last time was I went to her page, but I was just being a savage. Homey page, homely page. Same thing. lol. jk

    • Like 3
  3. You don't see Signs as horror?  What do you see it as?  I definitely found Signs scarier than The Visit.

    Signs is listed as a thriller, mystery and drama. I'll go with thriller. It is scary but not horrifying.

    I think of Freddie and the chainsaw thing and Nightmare on Elm Street as horror. 


    Okay, I'm that clueless about Freddy and Elm Street. Please forgive.

    I just watched a trailer for The Visit and that looks like a horror movie to me.

  4. Oops. Just realized I've been "liking" posts from earlier in January a year ago! :blush: They are still funny, though!!


    What "is" critical thinking?


    All those judgey thoughts that you don't say out loud. (Duh!)

    Once in a while when I'm feeling bummed out or sad or mad, I will pick random pages and read until I'm crying from laughing so hard. We've had fun with this thread. Like old posts, go ahead. I have done that too. Welcome to the smarty pants thread.

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  5. The Visit sounds like a movie I would not like and I really liked Signs. I'm okay with most of M. Night's movies, had not heard of The Happening!

    I just watched a trailer about The Happening. It looks like my kind of movie. I "like" disaster movies. I like Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel. 


    Edited to add:

    Okay, never mind. Gross. Sounds yucko. And i don't watch R rated movies anyway.

  6. One of our adult kids was halfway around the world, on a beach crowded with other people and heard someone calling out his first name (which is a nickname). It was a kid his younger siblings had played with in our neighborhood when they were all little 15 years before. (Their mom and I had gone to school together).

    One of my older sisters must have been a very popular and partyin' girl. I was at a concert in DC with dh (we lived a couple hours away); a guy started smiling at me, approached me, whisked me off my feet, and said my sister's name loudly. He didn't believe I wasn't my sister. LOL It took some convincing that I was not my sister. Turns out he knew my dh. I seriously think he is the uncle of the guy who was yelling my son's name on the beach halfway around the world because the guy on the beach had cousins who played with that son of mine and their last name is the same as the guy at the DC concert, the cousins look a lot like him. It is not a common last name in our area.


    This one is just too weird. My sil was telling me about the father of kids her sons went to school with. They all live out west. The father was telling my sil that he had gone to his sister's retirement party back east. Also at the retirement party were two other people retiring from the public service department his sister was in. It was common knowledge that everyone called the one retiring guy a particular odd nickname.

    My sil shared that story with me because she thought it was kind of weird the similarities where my extended family lived and the area her friend had gone to. What are the chances?

    I said to my SIL, no, you're kidding! I had been at that retirement party. It was also for my uncle, who was called that odd nickname (though I never knew that before). When they mentioned who had traveled the farthest out of all the guests there and it was so and so, the retiring woman's brother, from X town where my SIL, BIL and their kids lived, I felt very strongly about going up to him and asking him if he knew my SIL. I thought nah, what are the chances? But I did not do that. I was too shy! 

    Edited for privacy reasons

    • Like 1
  7. We recently had a bc thread, like within the last month, or two? Time flies. What I was concerned about wasn't a concern and the examiner found something else that concerned her, so in I went for a scan. Mine was a traumatized oil gland, that I had felt but wasn't concerned about. 

    Hugs, a lot of us have been in your shoes. 

  8. I will agree with you, but from what I'm reading in other news, there actually are people who are worse parents than your in-laws.

    Moving far away is a pretty good fix.

    • Like 3
  9. I don’t drink coffee, but I do seem to need a nap almost every day. 😂


    Honestly caffeine doesn’t seem to affect me very much. I drink Dr. Pepper when I’m driving long distances, but it’s the bubbles on my tongue that keep me alert. Once the bottle is empty, I don’t notice any lasting affect. I’m also fully capable of going to sleep after taking an excedrin. Does anyone else find that caffeine doesn’t do much for them?

    two of my "adult" daughters say caffeine doesn't affect them.


    I drink a coke or dr pepper, one or max of two cans or bottles every day. I went without it one day recently and was not the happiest. The other thing, I'm on a medication that keeps my heart rate down so I'm not as peppy as I would be normally.


    DH and I were talking about drinking coffee the other day to our kids. We used to drink it but haven't in more than 25 years. Did I love it? I liked it. Did I drink a lot of it? Apparently not.

    It is no wonder I can't keep up with you guys.

    Edited to change and delete a link:

    Twitchy from Hoodwinked is a good example of how I think we used to be when we drank coffee. I had a link to a youtube short of Twitchy, but it lost sound halfway through.

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  10. Raw water -- has this been discussed here?


    I love raw water. Cooking it leaves it so flat tasting. I've tried it in a crock pot for a slow cook, but no. We've also blanched it, but meh. Raw water is good, as long as it comes from the mountains of northwestern North Carolina in that one little area where it is not polluted by the copper mines. Supposedly the best water in America.

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