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Posts posted by gaillardia

  1. What is the best way to quit? Do you unfriend everyone? Delete your photos? Unfollow in groups? Unlike 10k likes?

    Throw me some answers. I don't feel it is necessary to be on it, but there are a couple groups I'm in that use fb for announcements, electronic sign-ups, urgent needs/requests, etc. Some of it is pretty important stuff. I wouldn't see photos of family without it too. 

    I was able to catch up with co-workers and bosses from years ago, high school friends, get back into the high school reunion mailing list, and a lot of other things that I had missed. What about that kind of stuff?

    Whatever happened to that other place? My Space? Is that what it was called? 

    My sil used to bug me sometimes, "well, you're still not on f-c-b--k so I guess you wouldn't know...but blah blah blah." She never interacts with me on it either though. lol. 

    And if I want to stop using my cell phone, and instead use a landline, there would be so many intrusive calls, even with national do not call registration. 


  2. Sunday night I was asleep but dh got out of bed and closed the door behind him. Okay, brain, it's okay, go back to sleep. Not. For the rest of the night. So I went to work yesterday on 2-3 hours of sleep. And it hasn't been that busy in months! 

    I slept better last night but I am in a bad habit of staying up later than I should, then someone interferes with it and it ends up even later. I wonder what 8 hours of sleep feels like.

    Time change? This has been the weirdest. I know they keep tinkering with when it is going to happen, maybe not in the past couple of years, but it has not always been the same period each spring and fall. I think springing forward on a Friday after work would be good. Why does it have to be in the middle of the night?

    My kids used to readjust their timing automatically every spring and fall starting a few weeks before the actual change. They'd go to bed earlier in the fall and later in the spring. GAH! Now they just stay up too late all the time.

    Allergies are making me think I'm sick, I have felt not so good since Saturday.

  3. I think "formal, black tie optional" might cover the wording for the expected guest attire (suit and tie and dresses)

    Or "semi-formal" (suit and tie and cocktail dresses).


    Back to the wedding invitation...I think it is appropriate to have a wedding website and include registry information there. I'm reading in a few places that it is not appropriate to put registry info in the wedding invitation, but do put the web address of the wedding website on either/both save the date and invitation.

  4. Just a side note: we did not have to be members of the religious organization's church in order to use their umbrella. Some umbrellas do require you to sign a statement of belief but it did not interfere with our own personal religion and convictions.

    We are not still affiliated with them in any way but after we moved we did need some follow-up paperwork sent to a college and they helped us out with that.

    • Like 1
  5. I got MS Office certification from an adult ed course. I tested in MS O. I also took QuickBooks courses but didn't take the certification tests.

    This helped me to land a part-time job after not working for 10 years. 

    A staffing agency interview helped me to see that they were interested in me and that even as a receptionist it would have been a start. I was assured that most employers they work with then want to promote the receptionist. 

    You can do it!

    I ended up getting a job without the staffing agency. 

    • Like 1
  6. The Tyranny of Metrics


    Imagine there's no angstrom

    It's easy if you try

    No area of a circle

    No reason to use pi


    Imagine all the people living measure-free


    Imagine there's no timepiece

    It isn't hard to do

    No days, hours or minutes

    And no seconds, too

    Imagine all the people living life in peace

    yoo hooo ooooo


    You may say I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope some day you'll join us

    And the world will be as one

    This was a good one, sorry I missed it a month ago. 

    • Like 1
  7. So glad we don't live in MD anymore.

    Some of my friends who were not using an umbrella school like I was when I lived there, complained to me once a year about the horrible circumstances they went through with the review by the school board personnel. Nit picking.


    One friend agreed to home visits by someone from the school district back when that was a thing, 1995, in Quill's county. 


    When we moved to MD I got signed up with the umbrella right away. No less than 5 friends were on board within 2 years because they were tired of being treated like crap. These are well-educated people with money, who used things like Calvert, American Academy, and other expensive curricula/activities. 


    It doesn't sound like it would be much different than what it had been with the home visits, at least in my county, back then. You could choose to meet at the courthouse or your home with someone from the public school administration. 

    • Like 1
  8. I find it fascinating to learn about the various circumstances that led to me being alive.


    One set of great grandparents both lost their spouses to the Spanish flu epidemic. They ended up marrying each other, forming a his hers and ours family that eventually included eleven kids.


    My grandpa was one of the ours.


    There is something sobering in the realization that without the tragedy of the flu I would never have been born.

    On the other side of my family from what I mentioned above, my other grandmother had 3 sisters who died from the flu epidemic at the start of their adult lives. I forget their exact ages. One was married.


    Grandmother had it also, and gave birth during this time. That baby didn't make it. 

    • Like 1
  9. About French Canadian records: @scoutingmom: I have had so much frustration with Canadian records because I do not read French so well (HAHA), and the old records are faded (online photocopies), and I don't know if what I'm seeing is the ancestor (or ancestral family records). This is with my DH's family. 

    Are you Canadian? The information is in these locations: Montreal, Nova Scotia, and Ontario. 


    About adoption: My mom was able to have some of the adoption information released to her about her grandmother (mother's mother), since the information was so old. There are some weird stories within the family. She apparently was adopted by a distant relative (maybe?) but we don't know what the relationship was, but you know how tightly knit various groups were...She was born Scottish and was adopted by a Scottish family. Unfortunately, her first new mom passed away and the second new mom was a nut case mentally unstable, really mean.

    My grandmother and her sisters were all so cute. Grateful to have photos of them when they were little. Well, they stayed little, small women, under 5'.

  10. Looking forward to reading the other responses!


    I am kind of on a break from genealogy for a while, but have done it for years. My parents did genealogy. Apparently I had naps on the floor (on a blanket) in the genealogy library as a child. There are pictures of me as a toddler by family related tombstones.


    I got involved one summer when I was a teenager. My Dad had bought a genealogy computer program and was entering the family in... one person a day. That was driving me crazy... so I started by doing data entry.



    Famous people... I hate to say it but I can't remember the name. But he was Lord Mayor of London. Oh, and one of my second cousins once removed (that I have never met) is in the NHL.


    Not exactly infamous... but crazy works. One of my ancestors probably had bi-polar disorder. (Diagnosed in the 1800's with scitzophrenia). He had multiple stays in assylums. I was able to get copies of some medical records, including nurse logs - very interesting reading. The inmates worked in the hospital as a part of the therapy. My ancestor escaped one day by putting a box beside the fence and jumping the fence. There were days he refused to leave his bed. Other days he was super energetic and disruptive. He punched another inmate one day. One time when he was out he was picked up by the police in a state of undress. One time he negotiated vegetables for the assylum at a reduced rate. He was one of the first inmates in an assylum that was built by the inmates... so he helped build it. He died working in the fields of an assylum on a hot day.... I suspect he was worked to death.


    A minor puzzles I haven't worked out, or how to even enter it. Thomas Dixon had a wife, Elizabeth, that died in 1851. He remarried, to Ellen in 1851. And there was a new baby in the family in 1851... named B. C. Dixon. (No idea if it is a boy or girl, or full name. Baby had to have died fairly young as I find no other mention. So... I don't know if Elizabeth or Ellen is the mom. Or if Thomas is the Dad for sure.



    1) Most likely Elizabeth is the mom, probably died in child birth. Thomas might have remarried quick so baby would have a mom.


    2) Maybe Ellen was the mom. She had 3 illigitamate children while single previously. Maybe Thomas and her had an affair. Maybe (unlikely, but who knows) one of them killed Elizabeth. (Ellen has also had times in a mental assylum...)


    3) Maybe Ellen is the mom and someone else is the Dad, and Thomas married her after his wife died out of sympathy (they lived very closeby).


    I haven't figured out a way to prove any of them. And I can't figure out how to enter this child into my database as I don't know either parent for sure. I hate 'loose' people in the database that are not connected. Minor puzzle that doesn't affect anything, but still.

    Go with what you know.

    Check the areas they lived in for cemeteries and census records. Look at their siblings, where they were buried.

    Dh's family came from one of the midwest states that was heavily populated by the early 1900s. I was able to find more information than I ever thought I'd uncover. 

    So much more record extraction is being done, where you've looked before and found nothing, you very well may have success now. Findagrave is a good site to use. There are also city directories and military records.

    In findagrave, the records I have found list the siblings and the siblings' spouses of the deceased, as well as parents and possibly more identifying information on them. 

    I don't mind trying to find info for people, but I know it is weird to give personal info to "strangers." There are several of us here willing to help, I'm sure.

    • Like 3
  11. I remember reading a short story or poem as a kid about a war between people who put the milk on their cereal after the sugar and those who put it on before the sugar.


    My dh and I disagree pretty strongly about whether the butter should be stored in the fridge so it is hard, or out so it is soft.

    Big feud. No sugar on your cereal! I was always trying to get my kids to eat healthy cereals and found out they were eating things like Lucky Charms for breakfast in the garage! (This happened because they would go to the store with Dad and buy their own junk off and away from Dad).

    I didn't teach them to add sugar to their cereal and we did not have a sugar bowl on the table, ever. 

    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

  12. Someone once told me that I am the only person who cares about my family history. Jerk. It's not true! I love reading over your stories, people!


    I found one of dh's great grandparents by surprise. I could find no death record because she had remarried and I kept trying to use the first husband's last name as her last name in searching death records. In marriage records I found her with a new husband using her first husband's last name. It hadn't occurred to me that she had remarried, no one had mentioned it. 


    It is something I feel a great satisfaction from, uncovering one more name, or location, or relationship. 



    • Like 8
  13. My interest started when I was 7 but I didn't start doing research until I was in my early 30s, 20+ years ago.

    A lot of people make a lot of mistakes in doing research, making assumptions, and not having enough documentation. That has been my biggest disappointment and frustration.

    Finding out that dh had a great grandfather whose brother married the daughter of the wife's sister, was fun untying that knot. Lol.


    Sad to learn that ancestors were buried alive for their belief in Jesus Christ and they refused to deny Him.


    My dad's mom's mom was a Jones. She married a Smith. So, my dad's mom's maiden name was Smith. She married my dad's dad, who was a Jones from a different line than her mother, not related at all. From different areas, Illinois and Virginia. So great grandmother was Lucy Jones Smith, while her daughter became Sally Smith Jones.

    Like most Americans, I'm related to a lot of Church, historical, science, art, and entertainment people.

    Sad, unfortunate stories I've learned from historical documents during various early American conflicts and wars have been part of it too.

    Census info that was a surprise from early 1800s and the way wills were written then too. Pretty cool stuff, some very alarming.





    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920AZ using Tapatalk

    • Like 6
  14. This situation puzzles me. 

    So, she doesn't help out with the chores? Washing dishes? Unloading dishwasher? Sweeping, vacuuming, folding laundry? 

    Doesn't she take walks? Get her hair done? Go shopping for you? Fix a meal? Don't you guys take any field trips? 

    Start giving her assignments. "Mom, could you get the laundry started while I help so and so?" etc. 


    That dh...he needs to be taken aside and whipped into shape. Here are the times we do "me" time. Here are the times you can game. The rest of the time you are on call, bub. Where is his list, written by you, of things he needs to accomplish?

    I cannot imagine being with mil, sister, cousin, neighbor, anybody! nonstop for days. You need a break. Let her babysit while you and dh leave the house for a date and have a "nice" discussion on what next. 

    If she's lonely, maybe she should move closer. Then you'd probably never see her.

    Is there some reason she's avoiding going home that she isn't talking about? Not your problem, but if it is so, it has become your problem anyway.

    Are there other siblings of dh? What is their responsibility to their mother?

    • Like 7
  15. :grouphug:  :grouphug: I've been through that as well and know how it made me feel. So sorry. It's a hormonal thing too.


    I hope you have a great support system. There were a few people who didn't want to allow me time to grieve. It is up to each one of us how we handle it and we are all so different.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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  16. :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

    Well that all sucks. I hope you can get your liver healthier. Weird the way things transpire sometimes. 

    Sorry about your car too. And the little one didn't get hurt, thank goodness. 

  17. Really, it was always my understanding that the following order is who hosts/plans a bridal shower: close friends, or cousins, or aunts. Or the mother of the best friend. Whatever, but definitely not the mothers of either the bride or groom.

    I was put in this position, even though I know the Ms. Manners etiquette. In my situation: No, no friends to do it. (What?!) No, no cousins. No, no aunts. No, no church friends. Wow, what a friendless person. That's why the step-mom then invited 25 people. < <please detect my sarcasm.

    I am the groom's mother. 

    I love love love the bride-to-be, but will be really glad when the festivities are over. 

    Pretty sure the step-mom doesn't understand the etiquette from our culture on having a bridal shower. I was afraid there was not going to be a shower for her and I had asked future dil which of her friends lived nearby and would be doing this for her. She said no one. 

    I guess that might be the other thing...who will step up and do it? 

    So, yes, in your situation the mother is out of line for telling people what to do and how to do it and I would either go ahead and man-up or say sorry, no. What other future events will she pull off like this and expect everyone to man-up on short notice? Why was she the one left holding the bag for the shower in the first place? Why aren't close friends of these young ladies stepping up?

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