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Posts posted by gaillardia

  1. I'm the one who ends up washing the dishes (fine china)before and after. Why? Because no one else will do it. Putting it all in the dishwasher is not an option. I think I might just use it for small birthday celebrations from now on instead of when the whole family is here. I do love it but a p.i.t.a. to clean it.

    What do you use for dinnerware when Thanksgiving dinner is at your house? We are going to have between 10 and 14 people attending. 

    Do you use chinet? The regular plates? My regular plates are too large for the dishwasher. Maybe it is time to get "new" dishes. 


    There will be two guests who are very loud. There have been previous "control" issues and back biting and rudeness from them towards me but they are part of the family (they are not my children). My family does not like loud. We know that it is possible to discuss things in a friendly, much quieter tone and that way everyone can have conversations. When they are with the family they practically shout and it controls the whole situation.

    What can I do? How can I make it better? What can I say to them to get them to keep it under control? In the past: Dh and one son will commune over in a corner and discuss guy stuff. Daughters congregate together and go their bedroom. I and at least one of my other adult children and the animals will go outside, all in an effort to get away from the loud people. Meanwhile, anyone who is newer to our gathering (s/o) is sort of stuck in a situation of "can you top this story?" and the shouting continues. What is the most annoying to me is that I've heard these stories for at least the past 5 years and more embellishments are added each time which makes it sound more and more unbelievable each time. I understand they are excited to be around new people whom they feel the need to impress, but PLEASE, for the LOVE OF FAMILY, SHUT UP. 




  2. Seven pies, one for each member of our family (no visitors this year...last year, I made NINE pies!):


    Cranberry apple

    Caramel apple






    You guys don't like pie very much, do you?

    We all remember the time a certain 17 year-old son didn't want to not have enough pie so he made 7-9 pumpkin pies. He did run out of whipped cream. 

    I am sick of pumpkin pie. I don't know why. I do not care for pies anymore either. I used to love pecan pies, but they are so sweet. Bleh! It might be the "crust" of pumpkin, apple, etc. pies, which I call pie dough but dh calls crust, that is turning me away from it. Ew. No. 

    The rest of y'all go ahead with your American pie tradition. This American declines. 

    I do like cranberry apple pecan crunch for a nice change, but this is a pie thread so...

  3. I don't think I have ever not served:

    pickles and olives

    celery, carrots, cucumbers and mushrooms, raw with dip


    Sometimes we've had a fall salad: spinach, red cabbage, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, pecans or walnuts, dried cranberries, mushrooms, with a vinaigrette. 


    Marinated mushrooms

    Oysters Rockefeller



    • Like 1
  4. I remember it too, back when adults didn't keep the news quiet from small ears and when newspapers were left on the table.

    Just think how many times he was up for parole and because of his behavior was always denied.

    Why would anyone ever think it okay to release someone so insane and evil? 

    • Like 2
  5. Lots of great suggestions already...

    The biggest thing that helped my employment gap was providing references that were excited about me and my job/volunteer performance. My previous boss (in another state and more than 10 years ago) told my interviewer he wished I would come back and cited several reasons why. I had contacted him to make sure his contact info was up to date and told him the situation of the job. 

    One other thing that helped was the correlation between the types of work I had done and the new position even though not the same type of business.  

    Congratulations on the possibilities! 

    • Like 1
  6. Lots of good responses. The one that I tend to use most often before I say anything is: why do you ask? 

    In the past as I have started giving answers I was criticized for my answers, so I answer with a question. I no longer care if it makes me sound like a jerk. 


    A lot of people who are not any particular religion are sometimes apprehensive about homeschooling because they think the only thing out there is Christian-based curricula. I don't really need that in a curricula so I tend to look for materials that are educational without being preachy. At this point, there is a lot out there that is still high quality. 

  7. I personally just finished season 2. I agree some of the acting is a little off sometimes but the cool thing about a series like this is that they have all really grown into their characters. 

    One of my dd's cried actual running-down-her-face tears last night while watching one of the episodes. That one almost got me too. We have to wait another year!? I wish they would come out with another season in 6 months.

    How much time passes IRL between the filming of each season? 


  8. I had not worked in more than 8 years but did have a way of contacting a former employer, two bosses, and several co-workers to use as references. My bosses were from jobs more than 20 years ago but thanks to the profession we're in, it was easy enough to find them on the 'nets.

    I can also thank facebook for being able to contact co-workers.

    Is there an inlaw of an inlaw you could contact?


  9. We knew of a family who made futons from organic cotton. I thought that looked like a good home-based business, but is that allowed in your thread? Home-based business or work?

    Nit picker. I think I would never do that as a business but I've read they make more than $50 per hour. Talk about creepy crawlies!

    I'm hating my job because I'm on my feet too much of the time and they hurt even now. (I haven't even gone in yet today). 


    Rock climbing? No. I would die. Hiking? Yes. Camping? Yes. I haven't been camping in years. I don't mean glamping, but we can discuss that too. 


    Cargo pants aren't necessarily fashion, are they? I wish I could wear cargo pants to work, with hiking boots and a tank top. 


    • Like 2
  10. I'm interested in the mushroom gravy someone mentioned. And something about peaches.


    I make dressing balls, not stuffing. Lots of fresh thyme, sage, celery seed. I've even made the vegetarian version. 

    Turkey of course. Mashed potatoes. Gravy, my dh makes the best gravy in the world.

    I always want to have pickles and olives, raw carrots, cucumbers, and mushrooms with a dip.

    Cranberry relish from oranges, cranberries, and sugar.

    What I don't like: sweet potato casserole or whatever and green bean casserole, sick of pumpkin pie.

    Always have gotten out the special china. This year, I'm not doing it! I'm usually the one who washes it before and after. Not happening. 

    Cider. Pecan pie. Salad.



  11. Keep in mind, that Texas schools would rather spend millions on their stadiums than on teaching kids how to read. this is not just a rash statement. When i found out how much some of the schools within a 50 mile-radius of where we live are spending on stadiums and remodels, and then looking at what was coming out of the schools as far as literacy...well. It isn't good. 

    • Like 2
  12. It didn't used to be a big deal in most other places besides Texas, but I think people are watching Texas.

    Mums, it actually means NOW a big ridiculous kind of thing a girl carries or wears...just...here: http://yestotexas.com/12-things-non-texans-need-to-know-about-homecoming-mums/


    FaithManor, same here for my high school days. Homecoming for an away game, an important one, other class reunions that meet at the football game or the homecoming game, and jeans at the dance. 

    • Like 1
  13. Snakes like to hide in the fallen leaves in my yard. What if there was a copperhead nest?

    Birds of prey like to eat snakes too. Banning certain creatures would not be good.

    Sorry about anyone's kitten or small dog being taken up by a bird.

    Back to banning!

    Wearing socks in the summer unless you are hiking, cold, or have no shoes, is banned.

    Fragrances in enclosed places, banned!

    Essential oils comments can't be banned, freedom of speech.

    I highly recommend a good read, The Wonderful O, by James Thurber

    https://www.amazon.com/Wonderful-York-Review-Childrens-Collection/dp/1590173090   that shows what happens when certain things about our language are banned.



  14. I can't stand still air anymore, used to have no problem with it. However, the ceiling fan makes miserable noises on low and medium speeds so I have to have it on high, which means it is fairly breezy. Window open slightly 2-3". It has felt nice in the high 40s at night, no heat turned on yet. 

    But the door must be closed because of the hall lurkers and bathroom visitors and lights and the cat and the dog. Even still, without all of that, I think I would prefer to have the door closed. 

    Where is the s/o for paper thin walls and no privacy in conversation or other interesting activities?

    • Like 1
  15. Is it taboo to ask how much it ran you, lol?  Is it bad manners in person or on the internet too?  Our AC went out around May and our furnace is 22 years old and I'm pretty curious.  Pretty or painfully curious.  Definitely one of the two.

    About 2 years ago we had to replace our HVAC system. DH says it cost us $5000 for a 2000 sq ft house, that was going with a Trane brand. We had to have a whole new system put in, no new duct work, but the outside unit and the attic unit. In the meantime, we had to buy a window ac unit. Couldn't live without ac in a TX summer.

    The guy replacing it said it would have caught fire if we had tried to continue to use it. 

    • Like 1
  16. Having been very independent from others, the only way I will do it is to offer suggestions and continue to provide long lists of curricula, authors, books, etc. when asked.

    If my grandchildren are in need of it, yes. (Or maybe even grandma school, like my grandmother was with me. She read to me and taught me art, how to work, and talked to me about cool things from her past and my grandfather took me fishing, on nature walks, cleaning up litter in the woods, and other awesome adventures). 

    As a side note: friends are commenting to me that if they had it to do over again they would never put their children in PS but would hs or charter school. These are people who work in the public schools in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, Utah, New Mexico, Washington, New York, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and New Jersey.

    Would I get involved if I thought I could make a difference in the legalities of home education? Yes.


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