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Posts posted by gaillardia

  1. I hate hot dogs, but I eat them when we're all too lazy to fix anything else if they're in the fridge.

    We eat all-beef, turkey or veggie. I hate them all. Bleh. Lots of chili or ranch beans, or mustard, or ketchup and relish. Sometimes cheese. 

    Sometimes we chop them up and warm them up with a can of baked beans. Bleh. I used to eat better.


  2. I caution you on the other side of using valerian. It does slow the heart rate down. I see it is an ingredient in the product you are mentioning. I'm not arguing, but I would be cautious, not knowing what his current resting heart rate and BP clock in. 

    I'd also wonder if he needs new pillows or a new mattress. 

    The other ingredients all sound good though. Also, it might stop working for him, or he may get to the point where he no longer needs it.

    I like it that it is a gel cap, easy to swallow.

    You're a sweet daughter to be looking out for your dear ol' dad. 

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  3. Thank you!  I am a relaxed person, but I'm not a doormat.  I already have 4 kids and have no desire to parent another one right now.  Also, I konw that some parents do not want others to correct their children.  I get it and I can respect that.  Well then, people need to respect my home and family life too!  no?  

    Absolutely! It is just not working out for you anymore.

    Maybe they would like to start taking your kids instead. 



    :lol:  I'm kidding.

  4. Rainforest of Washington state, that's a thing

    Liberty Bell and other historic stuff in Philadelphia

    Hot Air Balloon festival Albuquerque, to me that is a thing.


    I grew up with lightning bugs. They prefer damper more temperate areas, the mid-Atlantic, Pennsylvania and Maryland.

    We saw the northern lights in MD once.

    Walk back through the cities where I know ancestors lived, here in the U.S. and in Europe. 

    The week of summer in Alaska.

    Sail the intracoastal waterway from NJ to TX

    The snow monkeys in Japan

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, maybe you have to start leaving earlier for some reason and it is no longer convenient. 

    Actually, you never owe anyone an explanation on why you can no longer continue to do a favor.

    If you were going to continue to give this person a ride, he can either wait on the porch or sit at the kitchen table.

    I have known all kinds of moms. Some would fight me on it, others are horrified their child would behave in such a manner and wished that I would have taken them aside instead of just stopping our kids from hanging out together. 

    You sound like a fairly relaxed kind of person and hearing an accusation from you might be easier to take than from some other mom who may be very intolerant. Good luck.

    • Like 1
  6. I had burgers and fries from Five Guys once or twice and even though I liked it a lot, my digestive system said no. That was when I was still successfully eating beef.

    Every time I eat at In N Out I wonder why I'm eating it. I do NOT get an upset stomach but it wasn't as good as Five Guys. Now I am only near In N Out. I would not drive even an 2 hours for F.G., ok, maybe 1 hour.

    I prefer turkey burgers at home.

  7. We did not. 😕 Up until 2 days ago all of the models had it going East... By the time it shifted it was taking 12+ hours to get out of FL. And a gas shortage. -- we didn't want to get stuck on the road. We are not in an evacuation zone, but I am still crazy scared at this point. I had a near panic attack tonight as I very much underestimated my ptsd from Katrina (we lived in New Orleans then). I am not the panic type person -- at all.


    Deep breath. Just praying for safety for my family. Stuff is stuff. We have lost it all before...

    :grouphug: I understand. I have family south of you too close to the coast and they evacuated; family a little further inland who are staying in place; friends who were in Ft. Myers but left quickly for the mid-Atlantic states.

    Stay mellow, breathe deep. Will be thinking of and praying for everyone there. 

    • Like 1
  8. I trust the herbal legacy people and especially the teachings of Dr. John Christopher. 

    Their products or my own throw-it-together using same ingredients for various body issues has helped me immensely over the years.

    You can google herbal legacy. 

    But for a pinched nerve, I agree about using a chiropractor, a come and go as you please type not the ones who want you to sign a contract.

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  9. I guess I'm too late but I would have suggested several different things as well as agreeing with most of what was already posted, as far as my own experience and knowledge in agreement. Not that anyone else is incorrect.

    I've used Rescue Remedy. If I had an herb store nearby I'd see about getting passionflower tea, anything that would be more of a relaxant. Kava Kava, not in excess. Chamomile tea. Skullcap. Tansy, might smell really weird. Catnip. Tincture of lobelia, less than 5 drops. 

    If I drank alcohol, I'm sure I'd be having a glass of wine or two. 

    Foot massage.

    Lavender oil aromatherapy. 


  10. As far as buying sight unseen, I would be very much against that. I need to both smell it and feel its vibe. Yeah, that sounds kind of woo, but places can evoke feelings and if I'm going to be sleeping there for an extended period of time, I want to feel it first. (Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who does this?😂)

    Sight unseen, meaning feels unfelt? Yeah. NO.

    I mean, at least my dh went to the one place and I did not. It was a new neighborhood and the lots were large so I didn't think I'd feel bad about that. The back yard backed up to a cow pasture and a seasonal stream and fence were the borders.


    I've looked at google satellite images and thought I knew how a place would feel or really look. It is totally different being there. I never thought I would like even passing through the northwest corner of NM, but it was enjoyable.


    No, you're not the only one who does that or thinks like that.

    • Like 1
  11. I was thinking no, but he has pretty much had the say in the last 3 homes we bought for what seemed like legitimate reasons at the time. I was very far away and had picked out  online houses for him to look at in person. He found a better one across the road from the one I found (because it wasn't listed yet). The other two home purchases had to do with high pressure from his parents.

    Right now we are renting but if we are to buy again I don't know what will happen because I do not have my heart set on staying in here and he does. 


    Yes, we're not wealthy enough to live in separate locations and visit each other on weekends.

  12. We treat our cat and dog once a month after finding fleas in abundance on them also. I feel your pain.

    The cat was miserable, the dog was miserable. We used food grade diatomaceous earth, sprinkled it around on the floors. I didn't like that, too dusty, but left it sitting for 3 weeks. Washed the dog. Had the vet's office wash the cat. Kept washing the dog weekly with a mixture of Dawn dishwashing liquid, fresh lemon juice.

    Vacuumed like we were crazy people at first, but after letting the DE sit for 3 weeks and the monthly treatments, we are not having any problems.

    I put cedar chips in pillow cases for the pets to lay near or on the floor, on the beds (who can keep a kitty off the bed?). 

    We washed any human bedding where the cat would slumber on hot water and I kept cat out of my room until there were no fleas. 

    So after using the DE and treating the pets on a monthly basis, we just keep up with vacuuming. 

    I also used lavender, cedarwood, and mint essential oils on a bandana around the dog's neck for the first week.

    There was another thread about this probably in the spring but I've no idea how to track it down.

    • Like 1
  13. Shouting matches punctuate growing lines at San Antonio gas stations, 45 without fuel:


    When the public officials come out proclaiming that there is no gas shortage, that should give you an idea of what might be coming.


    We'll see how things play out, but I expect there may be shortages that ripple up the East Coast as these refinery outages play out.

    But they're saying the shortage was created because people made an assumption and hurriedly got gas, creating long lines, filling their tanks and extra cans, and causing gas stations to run out of fuel. When they are scheduled for deliveries from tankers every 3-4 days or whatever but have supplies run out...well...

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  14. Yeah, they released the names. Both women were among the library employees I was very friendly with. The children's librarian was one of them. She was really awesome with kids, all three of mine loved the summer programs and the older two always sought her out when we visited.

    I'm very saddened to hear of this great loss and shake-up to your community. 

    Also not sure of how things move on in a month, two months, six months, in such a place as a library. You have my deepest sympathies. 

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