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Posts posted by gaillardia

  1. We knew a piano teacher who said she really wanted our kids to take lessons from her. She also knew we couldn't afford it. She approached me and said that there was a sponsor who wanted to remain anonymous but would pay for these two particular children's lessons if we could buy the books. Deal. I never did know who the sponsors were, not important.

    Maybe you could ask for those kinds of donations although I'm not sure who you could approach. 

    All the best to you. 

    Will PM you

    • Like 1
  2. There's hope, I mean, that gives me hope. Congratulations isn't strong enough. I know you must be relieved.  :hurray:  :grouphug:  :thumbup:  :w00t:  :party:  :willy_nilly:  :001_cool: 

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  3. I will give your thread a jumpstart.

    The quieter ones are nice to not hear if your kitchen is on an open floor plan.

    Usually when we use the off brand detergents it really doesn't work very well. Also using the rinse formula works but is an additional inconsequential sum.

    I like being able to adjust the trays/drawers/shelves or having holders that you can stand up or lie down to hold things in place or not. 

    A plastic lid thing that goes over top of one small section of the utensils holder, to keep things in place. 

    Brands we've used and were satisfied with: Frigidaire, Whirlpool, Bosch.

    Brands we've used and were not satisfied with: I can't remember. Sorry.

  4. :grouphug: to all who need it. My favorite aunt passed away recently. We lived too far away for visiting, 1000+ miles. I saw her 16 months ago, she was coherent and had a sense of humor, better than it had ever been. She was the last of the sisters-in-law on my paternal side. I have no mementos to remember her by but she did set a very good example for me all of my life. 


    I hope you can afford the time to go see your favorite uncle often or call him frequently. Send him a card or photo. I think they think we forget about them.

    I'm sorry about your family friend. We recently lost two family friends, one had had a big impact on our family's lives, but everyone who knew him felt that way.

  5. Am I allowed to tack on a duh question/moment here? 

    You might be saying that a gluten sensitivity can cause mouth ulcers, is that what you're saying?

    You also are saying that it could be Colgate toothpaste? 


    However, I got lost on the folate part. Is that a sensitivity also? Are you saying that some people can't take in folate? Or can't take it in certain forms?

    I'm not arguing or anything. I have had mouth ulcers off and on for years and over the past several months have been cutting back on refined products, mostly flour products. I usually also bite the inside of my mouth and get ulcers, but sometimes they show up without having bitten while chewing, sometimes while talking. I am not having mouth ulcers or sores in my mouth for awhile now.

    Just curious. 

  6. A variation we make of the cucumber salad...yes on the onions, tomatoes, vinegar. We also add at least a tablespoon of olive oil and a bunch of chopped fresh basil. OH so good. A little sugar, less than a teaspoon, if you don't like it tart. Let it chill for an hour or so. I like the way it keeps, but some may not.


    ETA: and no mayo

  7. I didn't know that about the combat boots either. Like the op, I just thought it meant she was tough, mean, and maybe somewhat masculine. 


    I also never heard that saying about the devil when it's sunny and raining. Around here we call it liquid sunshine and it's not at all strange. It's common here in The Sunshine State. :)


    Camel toe is a fairy recent phrase is it not? I can totally get not understanding the meaning of a phrase that wasn't around when one was younger. Or had a different meaning. When and where I grew up hooking up merely meant getting together/meeting up. Ds had to educate me because I used it "inappropriately" a few times around his friends (ex. - "Why don't you guys try to hook up with so and so for the concert?")

    You're funny.

    Wow, I did not know that new one, of course. That's dumb. Right, it used to mean to get together, hang out, get a cup of Joe.

    Can you imagine the kids hearing grandparents say, "We should hook up sometime!" Right in the grocery store parking lot, in front of the children. BAHA.

    • Like 1
  8. Bob cuts scare the heck out of me and I know a couple of younger women who wear them very well. The one's hair is fairly short and it is quite wavy but it looks good. The other one's hair is straight, she lightened it and it is very cute on her, a little longer; she also wears makeup. 

    I too transition slowly (usually) when going short but I don't like short hair on myself. I look good with bangs but sick of them.

    The right cut to complement the shape of the face can be hard to find, as well as color. I've started wearing makeup more and defining my eyebrows which has also helped me look better in my eyes. When I got my hair cut the last time, people thought I had colored my hair because the sun bleached stuff was cut off, making it much darker.

    If I were you, I'd get 1-2" cut off. Doing a stacked bob with wavy hair is okay, you can straighten it for a different look too.

    When I clicked on your photo on my laptop, it was bigger, so it worked for me. 

  9. I remember many years ago not knowing what camel toe meant and was too embarrassed to admit it. This girl was looking at a magazine with me and said something about the model. I remember looking at the model's feet and having no idea what I was supposed to be noticing haha

    I don't think I would have known either and had to look it up. I was picturing tight tan stretchy pants and carmel toes. ? But that is just dumb, camel toe. 

    The song lyrics we mess up in our heads as kids (or adults) are dumb as well. Then to find out, that the words I had been singing all those years really were those words, I didn't have it wrong, but only the songwriter knows what the heck it meant. Again, dumb, or insulting.

  10. (s/o from where to buy combat boots for your daughter...)


    What I thought it meant: that your mom was like a ...battle axe, a rough woman, a hard woman, a task master, somebody who didn't take crap from nobody.


    What I just read it meant: that your mother was a prostitute (because prostitutes followed the WWII Army guys around wearing combat boots).


    What it meant to Barbara Eden in similar titled movie: that she, as a widow, was going in the Army to be near her son.


    Really, only if you're a battle axe will you enjoy my point of view, which probably means you're an old woman like me.  :lol:  :coolgleamA:  :glare:


    So, what have you found out didn't mean what you thought it meant or had multiple meanings?

    • Like 3
  11. We bought what we thought were higher quality/high thread count sheets from Target two years ago and the fitted sheet has developed a large area that went quickly from threadbare to being a hole and is now developing another one.

    We've never had sheets that wore like this, some sets lasted more than 10 years before they'd start to pill and that's with being the only set we had, and not designer or high-end sheets either.


  12. When things aren't working out and you know you have to do something different because this way doesn't work and hasn't worked for a long time... make a different kind of choice; it requires what some would call a risk and others would call a leap of faith, then is when things will begin to change. It takes too long, we whine; it's too hard, we think; there's too much else at stake or occupying our time...do it. Just do it. It starts with thought.


    And if you don't do it, because for whatever reason you can't (because you take care of a handicapped family member), don't give up. Keep looking forward to that brighter day. Don't say you're too old either.





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  13. I'm here! :)


    I try to post regularly, but it's hit or miss lately. You caught me online tonight though, good timing! :D


    The bundle is due August 18th, which seems ridiculous because I'm seriously the size of a small house right now and this child is about to break one of my ribs if she kicks me any harder.

    Wow, time flies.

    Well, her arrival is very soon then. It is your Viking blood that gives you children as big as houses. lol

    So glad to hear from you! 

    Beautiful name.

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  14. My dh used to be the principal then I decided he wasn't. I am the one who decides everything on the homeschool front, it is my research, my shopping, my choosings, etc. He's so freaking laid back on dealing with the kids anyway...He is the counselor sometimes, maybe. 

    Maybe he is in charge of the "cafeteria" since he fixes most of the meals. 

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  15. Maybe I don't know your situation...are these your adult children? 

    Why do you think they would be wanting to go? Going to the Keys or Florida anywhere in the fall and winter is not something that I'd want to do with mom and dad anyhow.  :lol:  Prices and availability will not be cheap.


    They can drive their own vehicle, pay for their own food, pay for their own room. If that were us, I think that is how we'd be working it out because we most likely wouldn't be affording more than four people either. 

    Ask them what their plans are for that time period then lay it out to them that you are not in charge of their lives and how they spend their money, and they are not obligated to go on vacation with you but that if they want to go, they have to pay their own way for the most part.

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