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Everything posted by bethben

  1. Nope- we're small town MN. There are sister churches, but I have no idea what they do. Beth
  2. They did show scenes from the Passion of the Christ - every Easter it seems. My daughter loves reading about Jesus dying on a cross but seems to be more obsessed with the blood aspect of it - to the point that she plays Jesus dying on the cross with her friends and she needs "chalk blood" for the realistic aspect of it (try explaining that to the neighbors!). The children's books we read to her are very tame in the blood aspect. Beth
  3. We've been there and done that---there is no talking to leadership at this point. It's a worldview difference on raising children that will remain unresolved. The first time this happened was with the opening scenes from one of the Batman movies- you know the scene where batman's parents get shot in front of him? We brought it up then and were basically told they wouldn't change it and our kids were going to get that stuff anyway when they got to high school. So, it's something we've got to deal with alone. Beth
  4. I thought it would be one clip and then return to the sermon. So we all returned to the sermon. 10 minutes later, another clip. So, I just stayed out because I didn't want to be so disruptive getting up and down. It doesn't happen that often, but I am spitting mad and don't have anywhere to go with it. Beth
  5. Our church played clips from another PG-13 movie - this time the Lord of the Rings series - during church and there is no kids church, just nursery care. Not nice clips, but pretty graphic evil monster type clips. I spent most of the sermon outside with another homeschooling mom and two of her younger boys. #3ds is pretty visual and we keep him away from that type of stuff because it can give him nightmares. This has happened before (and we went through the right channels but pretty much got told, "there's a point to the movie clip, it's OK") - at least we got a warning beforehand this time. As in, "clips shown today may be disturbing for younger children." Yes, the clips had a point - this time spiritual warfare, but I don't like going to church only to be warned that the sermon may not be for little eyes. Big sigh...My husband doesn't see it to be too big of a deal since there is a good point made. I have trouble with all those little early elementary kids in there seeing it. Beth If I am being too sensitive, let me know- I won't be miffed.
  6. At Barnes and Noble, you can also add a coupon code: T8M7X3N I got the whole series for a little over $43. That's a nice deal. Beth
  7. I did exactly what this guy did: http://www.youtube.com/user/DairyConnection. It worked great and I have some thick yogurt that would be great for parfaits. Beth
  8. I've never used it, but I've looked at it to do a comparison between TOG and the Words aptly spoken books. It's a LOT of comprehension questions with a few dialectic type thinking questions thrown in. There are no answers in the back. Beth
  9. Yes, we have it. I would buy another if ours broke. I used it with ds#2 for years until he was quick and accurate with all of his math facts. I'm now using it with ds #3 for addition and subtraction. It's easy for a child to use and I don't have to sit with them and do flash cards. I usually have them do it every day for about 5 minutes. It works. Beth
  10. You'll get into a flow with it in a few weeks. Unfortunately for me, the flow was a lazy river that looked the same every two weeks. I did this program with a 2nd grader and while he found it fun, I found it to be mind numbing. The adjustment I made was to condense two weeks into one - it worked a little better for me. I know a lot of people like it a lot, but as a person who likes a little variety, I dropped it as quick as I could. Beth
  11. I made sure it was the same coverage. I actually get a but more coverage on my home. Also, the way the weather has been hitting us in MN, there is a decent chance of having to make a claim. Beth
  12. We are possibly switching to Safeco insurance. The quote came in $1500 less than what we pay now which for some reason makes me feel nervous about it. I need good and/or bad experiences. Beth
  13. No problems - I've been around enough to know that those type of issues are not unusual and that people who come across a little sensitive usually have some sort of story. We've had a taste of it with this same church (not at all what some people have had around here and not strong enough to part ways) so this whole thing has made me a little jumpy also. Beth
  14. Yup--I have nothing against the youth pastor. We've known each other since college and his heart is really for these kids. I think I'm just tired of having my children and others like them not be considered and being constantly in the minority. It starts to wear on a person sometime being the odd man out. We'll see what happens next year and I'll deal with it at that time. Beth
  15. I think part of it is the fact that my oldest homeschooler is now in junior high. I'm starting to see friends who have been homeschooling alongside of us since the beginning jump ship because they feel like they can't "do" homeschooling well past 8th grade. It's bringing up my insecurities. I asked one friend if it was hard to let her daughter go on a missions trip to Costa Rico. She said, "No, because she's been in public school for 2 years now." Not the answer I expected at all. I'm thinking that any parent would be a bit nervous because their child was going to a foreign country for the first time, but there's a mindset that maybe homeschoolers in general hold onto their children too tight and she's learned not to because her oldest is going to public high school. So, I think a lot of it is "can I really do this?" Is this going to actually work? Maybe I need to just hang out with my friend who's homeschool graduated 4 children with 2 of them becoming national merit scholars. All her children are articulate and have a strong faith. I need to just take this woman out to coffee and have at it... Beth
  16. Basically - "pass the bean dip" I guess I'm a little worked up because a bunch of teens came back from a mission trip and were admonished again to go out to their mission field - the local public high school. About how great it was that they could go as a cohesive group, etc, etc. And in that youth group sits a former homeschooler (current public schooled) who's mother is questioning the culture she's put her child into since it's been so negative. Beth
  17. Yes, that's the spirit behind it, but what does a kid do who's not in that culture but only hears that's his mission field - a place he can't be? It's not anti-homeschooling. The leader's hearts are in the right place. Beth
  18. Here's the rub - my husband was one of those kids whose friend brought him to youth group and as a result became the only Christian in his non-Christian family. My Christian friend from high school became my only contact for Christian fellowship after I became a Christian in college. We don't live in a Christian bubble. There's a neighborhood pack of boys that runs around with my junior high son. So far, my son has no motivation to evangelize his friends, but very much wants to have us allow him to do the things their parents let them do (some of which are inappropriate for the age they are in my opinion - to each his own however - I'm not their parents and they can raise their children however they see fit). This alone will dissuade me - his faith is not mature and is not his own. I've seen some mature and solid Christian teens come out of that public school setting - but I've also seen some who got so worn down from the opposition that they have as adults taken a break from their faith because it got to be too hard to stand. Our town is such that the only group it is OK to mock is the Christians. And that observation was made by someone who does not subscribe to Christian belief or morality. It's just tough - as a family, we already stand out significantly. Now church becomes one more place where we continue to stand out. Sigh... Beth
  19. My boys liked the Novacom series (http://www.amazon.com/Novacom-Saga-Action-Packed-Adventures-Odyssey/dp/1589975413/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343594423&sr=1-1&keywords=adventures+in+odyssey+novacom) or anything to do with Blackgaard (http://www.amazon.com/The-Blackgaard-Chronicles-between-Adventures/dp/1589976258/ref=pd_sim_b_2). Beth
  20. Why are you homeschooling as a Christian? I am homeschooling my children so that they can retain their innocence as long as possible and have a Christ centered worldview. I want them to understand history and science from a Christian perspective first before they get bombarded with secular teachings (of which there are a lot in our liberal small town). Now that I have a son going into those junior high years, my church is making me wonder if we are making the right choice. The church is very much "bring Jesus to the world" kind of church. That's fine - I have absolutely no problem with that. BUT, when they talk about the youth group bringing Jesus to the world it is always in the context of "mission field of their high school/junior high" - ONLY in the context of their school. There are only 90 families in our church - about 2/3rds have kids. There are only 5 homeschooling families and between us we have 20 kids. As my children are getting older, it's starting to bug me and makes me wonder every time if I am doing my kid's faith a disservice. How am I to counter this thought process that my son will get every week he's in youth group? Beth
  21. Built in Memory work for the Grammar level students. Complete with flash cards and schedule for review. For example, if they are learning about George Washington, a sentence about Washington. Much like CC memory work, but within context of what you are actually learning. It would include Bible memory and poetry. Beth
  22. I am looking for educational videos for my two youngest to watch when I have a science co-op with their older brother at my home. Suggestions on where to get some free online? Or do I just get a discovery education subscription? Beth
  23. I homeschool my kids because I want them to have a Godly foundation. I don't want to have to undo a secular worldview. I want them to excell in academics so they can engage their world for Jesus. I want them to do well because you always do your best- not because they have a state test to prove themselves and prove their school is doing a good job. Beth
  24. Sounds like a really good way to make Pharisees out of the kids instead of children who love God. Beth
  25. I had someone give me water keifer, but I could never get it to grow. I tried everything the web suggested. Did I just get a bad bunch? How do you grow yours? Also, can I just use my carbon filtered water or does it require me to buy a certain kind of water (I tried every bottled water out there to try to get it to grow and added trace minerals - I feel like a Kefir dummy). Beth
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