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Everything posted by bethben

  1. Can we get a little less theory and a little more practical in how this works out day to day? Maybe I'm just slow on the uptake, but I'm a person who doesn't do very well on randomness. I'm a very sequential type person and am having trouble with nuts and bolts of this idea. It's like everyone else has a flashlight and I'm still roaming about in the dark. Part of it is that a lot of these talks are auditory and it's very hard for me to process auditory. Any help here? Beth
  2. So, maybe this would be my example. Ds is having trouble with a challenging paper to write. The point of the paper becomes to never give up when you're presented with a challenge not necessarily getting a "perfect" paper. And yes, this has happened. I realized that the issue was giving up when things got hard - the paper became secondary. Beth
  3. Is the map-aids used with TOG enough for geography or should I have my children memorizing countries of the world also? I will have a dialectic and 2 LG. How do you use the mapping in TOG? Beth
  4. Please help me think through this. I'm trying not to overburden my upcoming 7th grader. I liked the idea that the Classical Conversations Challenge levels have when they draw the world. But, then I was thinking - wouldn't just memorizing all the countries well be enough? I know they cement more in your brain if you draw them, but wouldn't just know which country was which be enough? Also, are there any good updated songs for learning countries? I know of "geography songs" but are there any more? I'm asking for my two youngers who seem to be able to memorize anything with a song. Beth
  5. No, I don't think your sons will qualify. After all, they are not born with all those future grandchildren just waiting to pop out. So, of course, we have to make sure our zygote teaching really appeals to ONLY girls. This of course follows that all of us with boys should now start match-making with those girls whose mother's taught them right. I see a match-making site developing just because of this. If anyone has a good name, I can get right on that. Beth
  6. My hesitancy with an ipad is the whole games/apps issue. I wouldn't want to use it for those because I feel like they are time-wasters even if they are educational. i have 3 children who would LOOOOVVVEE to use an ipad all.the.time. I just don't want to fight them on another media product when I'd rather see them reading a book. Any suggestions on that one? Beth
  7. I hear you! I've delayed getting anything expensive like that because I don't just want it for educational games. If I can see more reasons to get it than just an e-reader (which we need because it will eventually save tons of $$$), I may switch to an ipad purchase. Beth
  8. I'm interested in the whole scanning workbooks as a PDF. Are you saying that I could scan ALL my math workbooks and have my child do his homework on the Ipad? I've been saving up for a Kindle Fire because of the free downloadable books I can get for ds's curriculum, but now I'm wondering if the Ipad would be a better investment? I'm not one to update to the latest and greatest so it would last as long as it could. Beth
  9. I've noticed that no one is thinking of training their daughter's ovaries. Please please make sure that the next generation has a chance! My daughter is almost five. It just pains me that she's had a whole five years where I haven't been training my grandchildren. I guess "Better Late than Early". Beth
  10. I'm doing TOG with CC memory work - I'm not joining a CC community next year. I'm using TOG as my spine and fitting CC history sentences into TOG. If you want memory work to match up with TOG weeks, it really isn't a good fit. For example, this year (cycle 3), we covered history from Columbus until 9/11. In TOG units, it is at least 10 units of material (half of TOG year 2 to year 4). Cycle 1 covers very random history material from the 10 commandments until the early 1900's in a very random order (it doesn't go sequentially). Cycle 2 I believe goes from Medieval times until current times (800 A.D. until 1994)- (year 2 through year 4). You would be missing a lot of TOG. If you want to expand on the history sentences, a better plan would be to get the suggested book lists from your CC director. Now, if you weren't concerned about matching memory work to your history program, it would work fine in the LG and UG years. Once you got to Dialectic, you really need to give the student more time to work with the material than a 4 day school week would allow.
  11. There are some fine arts near the end of the week after the discussion notes. It's not a lot of direction for non-artsy people like myself. I plan on using Harmony Arts plans with Year 1 (their junior high ancient arts plan). She has good plans with music and art included for different time periods. Beth
  12. I live in a liberal (2 college) small town. Someone on the town forum joked that the only people who are discriminated against having any valid point are Christians and people who want "big box" stores coming to town (which in our town meant Target/Cub foods fighting a lawsuit trying to get them to stay away). Everyone else this person claims, had a right to their viewpoint and would not be viciously insulted. This person happened to be on the liberal side of things too so it was not a defensive position. Every other viewpoint has a voice. If you're Christian around here and in public forums, you will get a large verbal spank for voicing your viewpoints. Beth
  13. Now I have even more reason to buy ground beef from the farmer down the road. Slightly more expensive, but I know what's in my beef! Beth
  14. Thanks!! that's exactly what I was looking for! Beth
  15. Has anyone done a co-op for Apologia General Science? How do/did you structure it? Beth
  16. I'm using it with my 5th grader. He's doing fine. He's an older 5th grader in that his birthday is in September. He missed the public school cut off by 20 days and I go by that classification for sports, etc. Beth
  17. I'm looking to start composting. What type of composter would you recommend? I'm looking for something enclosed (due to wanting to be a friendly neighbor), not homemade and not something that will wrench my back (which in my opinion negates open systems). I don't have a bunch of dead material due to a bunch of new puny trees and really don't want to have to haul it in. Also, I've heard about red worm composting. Any suggestions appreciated! Beth
  18. I have a teaching degree (in secondary math education - 20 years ago!!) so that stops the "how will you teach high school math" question. BUT, all my degree taught me is educational theory. All the teaching experience you gained before graduation was in the public school classroom student teaching. There are quite a few homeschool moms who would make MUCH better teachers than a fresh out of college 20 something certified teacher. It's all about experience not certification. Beth
  19. We started Saxon in Algebra 1/2 after Singapore math. I like it because it is spiral and helps solidify those concepts. I know that if ds doesn't totally understand a concept the first time, he will get it again and again until it becomes easy. With a mastery approach, they almost have to get it the first time around because you may not see that concept again. I plan on starting in Saxon 5/4 with ds #3 after Singapore math gets him to that level. I don't believe it's a bad thing to be bored with a math concept. You want things to be easy before moving on. Another thing I like about Saxon is that it has a variety of multi-media options if you need them. We like and plan to continue with it through high school. Beth
  20. While I love TOG, I think MFW would be easier on you. You may want something all planned out for you that first year. It's not going to be an easy year for you and having someone plan out one part of it may make the year go smoother for you. Supposedly with MFW, you can put all the kids but the 10th grader into one plan (for example Creation to the Greeks) and put the 10th grader into the high school program for ancient times. I would call their office if you go this direction - they may also suggest the K has their own program, but I would just focus on reading, handwriting, and math with that child. There will always be time to get to TOG after your first year. Just getting the basics done that first year may be a challenge. Don't beat up on yourself. It's a big job you're undertaking! Beth
  21. The memory CD is a must have unless you own an ipod or mp3 player and plan on joining the online community where you can download all the songs you need. I would also buy the history cards. As far as the flashcards - we never used them and instead made a binder that had all the memory work with visual pictures downloaded from the online forum. If you buy the memory CD, the history cards, and have some way of printing out or buying the flashcards, you really don't "need" the foundations guide. It has some nice additional things in it, but I don't think you "need" it. Beth
  22. Using year 1 with a D and 2 LG. I'm coming back to it after a "what was I thinking" year with Classical Conversations. I will be merging TOG and some memory work from CC that applies to the actual thing we are learning. TOG is the core, CC memory work is the add on. I will not be in a community. I've used Year 3 and 4 in the past and we loved it. Again - don't know what I was thinking. Beth
  23. My friend's husband didn't like that she posted his picture on facebook either, but there it is! Beth
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