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Everything posted by MamaHappy

  1. Another vote for CLE. I'm using it this year with my 1st grader and it's pretty darn spiral, I can't imagine anything *more* spiral, lol. :)
  2. I've heard of many, many ways to tweak HOD, but this is a new one to me. :) I'll be very interested in the responses.
  3. I'm not a huge tweaker, but I'm working on it. :) I recently dropped DITHOR and we just do our own thing for reading. I've tweaked the Storytime box in Bigger quite a bit...I read most of the book recommendations, but I don't do any of the lit analysis stuff. I do do the narrations though. Hmmm...what else....I think that's pretty much it. I'm hoping to become more of a tweaker as I go because I tend to feel "boxed in" with HOD sometimes. :)
  4. I agree, I'm not totally sold on it either and it feels a lot like copywork to me too (which we already do a lot of). The more I think about it, the more I feel like the studied dictation my ds does is a great writing exercise, but I'm not sure it is really doing anything to help his spelling.
  5. Do you think it would be overkill to do a spelling program, such as R&S, along with dictation? Or should I just pick one? I love dictation, but sometimes I'm not sure it's enough for a stand-alone spelling program. Thanks! :)
  6. KONOS comes to mind, but I've never used it,so I might be way off. :)
  7. What?? No, that is just crazy. I would politely opt out of the homework or just pull her out completely.
  8. Oh my goodness, I did NOT type this!! It must have been one of my kids... or maybe the cat, but I don't see how he could have done the little pictures or the title LOL. How funny. :)
  9. bnyuygfhjucbhygtrfjh:lol:hgfvgbhjgtb76tyuigf7cbhfg :auto::auto:nbhv gyv ncbhgt bhbvuygvhjtyvbuyvt:grouphug:
  10. Hi, Does MOH include writing assignments? How often and what are they like? Thanks!
  11. We have a pellet stove and we have always left it on when we leave, even for a vacation. The guy who installed said the same thing.... it's perfectly safe because if anything goes wrong, it will automatically shut itself off. :)
  12. Thanks for posting this, I'm going to look into this!
  13. It's funny you posted this because I just responded to another post where I said I use both CLE and Singapore. After I posted I thought, "I hope the OP doesn't think I mean I use both Singapore and CLE for one kid!" What I meant was that I have one child using Singapore exclusively and one child using CLE exclusively. I love both programs! But yeah, I agree with you, I've often wondered how people can use two math programs?!? I feel one program is time consuming enough, much less two. I'd be way too lazy to use two, lol. I admire people who are willing to put in the time and effort to teach more than one program. :)
  14. It's going pretty good I guess....I don't know. :glare: I'm doing Bigger and Little Hearts this year pretty much as written. Things started out awesome, but then I decided to drop DITHOR for my oldest because I just didn't care for it at all and I felt like there was very little learning going on. Then I tried CLE Reading, which is a great program, but I felt it was too time consuming so we dropped that too. So now I'm just having my ds read chapter books and sometimes we discuss. I also decided the R&S English 2 was too easy and slow for my ds in Bigger, so I dropped it and changed to R&S English 3 which is more on his level. Now I'm starting to question everything else, lol. I posted recently about Bigger's science, I have mixed feelings about it. I'm also not too sure about the dictation...my ds hasn't gotten one word wrong and doesn't seem challenged at all. People on the HOD board have said this is fine and it shouldn't be too hard. But still....?? I do like Carrie's book choices, I don't think there has been one book we haven't enjoyed. Well, maybe the Science in Colonial America we're currently reading....it's pretty dry. But everything else has been good. Anyway, sorry for rambling. :tongue_smilie: When I first started using HOD, I thought it was the perfect curriculum for me and we would stay with it for the long haul. But now I'm not so sure....
  15. I'm doing both Singapore and CLE, I love them both!!
  16. I know it's early, but I'm already planning next year. I think my favorite part of homeschooling is the planning, lol. :) Anyway, I was thinking about trying out Sonlight Science next year for my two boys, who will be 7 and 9. Should I combine them into one level or have them do their own? If I combine them, do you think level C would work? It seems like it might be too easy for my 9-year old though. If I separated them, could my older son do his science mostly independently? I don't think I'm up for teaching two separate science programs. Thoughts? Thanks!
  17. If you're using (or have used) HOD's Bigger, what do you think of the science? We're using it this year and I'm just not too sure about it. My ds *hates* all the copywork and I tend to agree, it starts to feel more like busywork. I also don't feel like there is a ton of learning going on. My ds used to love, love, love science, but I feel like his joy for science is being sucked out of him this year. We're only 9 weeks in though, maybe it gets better?? It could just be me though....I've been super tired the past few days and therefore in major complaining-mode. :) Anyway, just curious what other people's thoughts/experiences are.
  18. Yep, what the pp said. :) And then after the 6A/6B books, you would move on to either the Discovering Mathematics or the New Elementary Math series (I've heard the Discovering Mathematics is the better option). I *think* either one of these options will take you through high school. So there you have it, a full K-12 Singapore math program. :)
  19. My 1st grader is doing: HOD's Little Hearts for His Glory CLE Math 1 A Reason For Handwriting A The Reading Lesson (not sure how well this is working for him) Overall, he enjoys everything!
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