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Everything posted by petepie2

  1. We do a combination of Singapore and Rod&Staff. My oldest two started R&S 1 halfway through kindergarten, but we do Singapore at grade level. Since we do math all summer, this has resulted in my 4th grade DD being almost a grade level ahead in R&S.
  2. Thanks to everyone! I knew there were others out there with the same problem. The key is realizing that summarizing does not equal narration. It's a different skill and can be difficult for many kids to learn. We'll just all press on! Also, I like the idea about highlighting or taking notes. I think we'll try that....
  3. Yes, the questions in WWE3 were helpful. There was only one leading question for the first narration of week 2 in WWE4, and then it said something like "now give 2-3 sentences with more details." That wasn't so helpful! I'm not sure if the questions are available throughout WWE4. I think I'll just skip the dictation days and press on with the narrations.
  4. I'm looking for advice on writing for my 4th grade DD. She has completed WWE 1-3. Dictation is a breeze for her. Last year there were only a few selections that I had to read more than 3 times in WWE3. Her punctuation is usually correct, as well. So, she doesn't seem to have a problem holding information in her head and then writing it down. The problem she has is formulating the information in the first place! Summarizing can be a nightmare for her. Sure, some weeks were better than others in WWE3, but she needed a good bit of hand-holding to get through the summary narrations. She does better with stories and not so well with historical passages. Description-type passages are so-so. If given the opportunity, she can sit and rewrite a story-type selection with most details and punctuate it correctly. She just can't summarize. If she's reading a book and I ask, "What is that book about?". I get nothing. Nada. Not even bits and pieces. If I were to ask specific questions, I would get answers. If the book were Anne of Green Gables, I would probably get "It's about a girl." This year we decided to try Memoria Press's Classical Composition: Fables and maybe throw in a bit of WWE4. So far we really like Classical Composition. I decided to alternate lessons between CC and WWE4. It takes two weeks to complete one lesson in CC. Well, the first week of WWE4 was okay, as the selections were fables. Yesterday we started week 2 of WWE4 and I thought we were never going to get through it. The passage is a historical one about the Renaissance. The first narration she gave me was miles away from the main point of the passage. We finally worked out something together, but it was very frustrating. I don't want to completely drop WWE4 because I realize that summarizing is a valuable skill to have and she needs to practice it! I'm thinking about just doing the narration parts of WWE4 and throwing out the dictation all together. I just want to help her and I don't know how. Or maybe I should chill out. It's only week 2 of WWE4, after all. Any advice? I know others have children that struggle with this issue. Thanks in advance!
  5. At 2 yrs old, my DS would only say one word at a time and it was unintelligible. With speech therapy, by age 3, he could put a couple words together and speak them clearly. He progressed rapidly after that and was released from speech therapy when he was just over 3 and a half. Now at age 5, he's my singer! His was diagnosed with a phonological issue, although they toyed with apraxia for a while. All that to say: don't freak out. A lot can happen at that age.
  6. You get 20% off on 5 subscriptions/month if you're an Amazon Mom member....
  7. I know it's tough! Cub Scouts and AHG meet at the same time and place for us. They also integrate some activities at times, which is an added benefit. I don't think we could do it otherwise...
  8. The DVD teaches the lesson for you. That's how we used Prima Latina and Latina Christiana I. We'll be doing FFL this year.
  9. Area is a size measurement of a two-dimensional surface. Those dimensions (x and y) are perpendicular to each other, hence a square is formed. My two cents!
  10. We'll be doing Classical Composition: Fables (Memoria Press) in 4th grade. We've also done WWE 1-3. I think it will be a nice bridge to Writing With Skill for 5th.
  11. We used Explorer's Bible Study. (http://www.explorerbiblestudy.org/ ) The Beginnings II level is multiple choice/short answer. Last year my DD did the Discovery Level (Luke & Acts), and she got a little bogged down the daily written answers. Next year she'll be doing Memoria Press.
  12. It totally depends on how quickly your child progresses. My oldest started AAS in 1st grade, and by the end of 3rd grade this past year, she made it about a third of the way through level 6. She is a natural speller and has great visual memory. I only do spelling twice a week with her. Now my son is another story. This past year in 1st grade he made it through level 1 with a just a bit of level 2. I had to review and review and review. He's at the opposite end of the spelling spectrum than his sister. ETA: Both of them were fluent readers when they started AAS.
  13. I have used OPGTR for all of mine. I'm on kid #3 with it now! It's cheap and complete. In the beginning we make use of a white board and magnadoodle. I also throw in Bob Books here and there and start Sonlight's grade 1 readers once they learn how to read VCE words.
  14. Our state (NC) requires testing, but I tested both of my oldest in 1st grade. They were both 6 yrs old and below the required age (7), but I did it anyway. We use the Woodcock-Johnson and it's been interesting to see how my oldest has improved each year. I like having the standard as a consistent means to measure improvement.
  15. Math: Rod & Staff Math 4/5 & Singapore 4 Grammar: FLL 4 Spelling: AAS 6/7 Writing: Classical Composition Fables w/ a bit of WWE4 Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting Reading: CLE 4 Latin: First Form Latin Bible: MP Christian Studies II Science: Apologia Zoology II History: TOG Yr4, Greek Myths, State Study (1x week), Maps Charts Graphs Art/Music: Harmony Fine Arts 4, Piano
  16. Yes, just let the DVD teach the lesson. We schedule more time for Latin on Mondays (~45 min) and then ~30 minutes per day for the rest of the week.
  17. There's a suggested schedule in the front of the teacher's guide....
  18. I usually think of the Middle Ages including the time from the fall of Rome to the fall of Constantinople (1453). I think "early modern" goes from the Renaissance to the French Revolution (1800).
  19. My 7 and 9 yr old have this one: http://www.rei.com/product/808317/rei-tarn-18-pack-youth And my 3 and 5 yr old have this one: http://www.rei.com/product/808324/rei-sprig-12-pack-kids I have this one, which is more minimalist than what the kids have: http://www.rei.com/product/827110/rei-flash-18-pack
  20. Mr./Ms. First Name for us in the South. However, there are some elderly people we know that they would address as Mr./Mrs. Last Name.
  21. Latin Alive is supposed to be the follow-up to LFC. We use Memoria Press and have never used Latin With Children. However, in case you're not already aware, both programs employ different methodologies for teaching Latin. The latest issue of "The Classical Teacher" has a short article about the different methods and why MP approaches Latin the way that they do. I don't see the article online by itself, but if you click on the current issue, it's over on page 5. http://www.memoriapress.com/classical-catalog Regardless, though, First - Fourth Form Latin is a complete Latin grammar course. And I'm pretty sure Latin Alive is as well. The LFC series, as well as Prima Latina and Latina Christiana, are primers. So, if you choose to switch, you haven't lost anything. Both Latin Alive and the Form Series can be done without any previous Latin if the student is old/mature enough to handle the work.
  22. I have never in my life heard of tipping a pastor for baptism. (I'm Baptist.) "Shepherding the flock", which is what he is doing with your daughter, is the pastor's job. Performing weddings is not, but rather a service that he chooses to offer. If you would like to give a card showing your appreciation for the time he has spent with her, then I think that would be very appropriate.
  23. I love this lit guide for The Chronicles of Narnia: A Christian Teacher's Guide: The Chronicles of Narnia
  24. We don't do CLE Reading 1 or 2. My DD did CLE 3 last year at grade level even though she is an advanced reader. I like how CLE teaches literary analysis in a systematic, age-appropriate way. It is SO MUCH MORE than just comprehension. CLE does not replace any other reading for us. She still reads lots of real books. CLE 4 contains half the lessons as the previous years, so it can completed in one semester or spread out over a year. I think the higher levels are that way as well. ETA: I've used a few Veritas Press lit guides in the past, and I was very disappointed. They were just comprehension questions and projects. They didn't even have vocabulary. We used The Railway Children guide, and in the end, I had to read the book as well in order to discuss some of the richer aspects of the book, because the lit guide didn't even touch on them.
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