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Everything posted by wagnfun

  1. Sara., THanks for your input. I read your blog all the time! The sites you've mentioned are good ones. I don't know how or I'd make a WTM social group for self reliance or food storage. Anyone?
  2. Hummm.. Well.. I"ve never actually been IN a Whole Foods and I live in a state where looks are EVERYTHING. (well so the culture says....) Guess I'm going to Whole Foods! Thanks!
  3. Where did you find your wheat berries? I haven't been able to find any!
  4. I LOVE that site! I've learned so much about not only food storage but also yes the wheat berries, about all the things you can do wtih beans (who knew you could put them in a blender & add the powder to soups to thicken AND add protein!?!?!?)... Its been over a week and I still haven't seen ALL the videos nor learned everything from her!! I don't know of any other forum sites, maybe someone here can suggest one..
  5. Ok guys I was going to go tomorrow but... I'm going today! Your lists made me HUNGRY!! Thanks!
  6. I'm headed to Trader Joes Thursday. I have't been there in a while and want to make the trip a big one. I'm open to anything new, yummy, healthy, not so healthy, convenient or just going to save me money. Ideas? Thoughts? Recipes? Thanks! :D
  7. Rubbermaid & tupperware made for the kitchen.. I always freeze mine. However, plastic bags take up ALOT less room. Foil would work but work always gets poked or sticks to the food in my house.
  8. I'm 37 with an 18 yr old daughter. We are ALWAYS being asked if we are sisters. So NO my answer is 33 is NOT OLD!!!!!!
  9. Sara... It is my understanding I shouldn't be giving my boys or 5 yr old daughter soy on a regular basis. Did I hear this wrong?
  10. I''m with roughcollie, I"m looking to save money on the deal. However, thinking of baking & pudding, I can see having it on hand. Theres been many times I've needed only a 1 cup of milk & been out! Now what about powdered eggs & cheese? I read a recipe that you can CAN butter & lasts up to 3 years. I guess Xmas would be the time to buy extra (goes on sale then!)
  11. Yes my store carries powdered milk. I noticed the same thing regarding prices on the powdered milk. I haven't looked close enough yet but I'm thinking (anyone?) that a large box, being the same price as a gallon of milk would have to make MORE then a gallon to be worth it?!?!?!
  12. hahaha.. you wigglely thing rolling around, what are you doing here.. now.. don't move.. or I"ll um.. shoot? ha yep, even an embryo that comes into my house to assalt my kidlets will be met by my Springfield .45
  13. Tell me how an inmate on death row for murder is the same as an innocent infant? The inmate on death row is there for a REASON. Choices made put him there. An infant in the womb, not his choice. So yes.. logically they are different. Flammed or not I have no problem saying an eye for an eye. I think our society is WAY to lax on criminal behavior. I dont' care to hear inmates whine that they have no cabel tv or only 1 pillow per person. A choice put you where you are. The 14 yr old I mentioned had a long list of crimes & was already on probation. His age makes it sad. HIs mom should have not allowed him to hang with his 25 yr old uncle NOR be out at 230 am. If hed been home like a 14 yr old should be at that time of night and NOT breaking into someones property, he'd be alive today. I'm not saying the death of a 14 yr old is good thing AT ALL, I'm just stating he wasn't an innocent bystander. Commit a crime- be punished. Have sex-get pregnant. Stay up all night-be TIRED. Eat unhealthy- get sick. My point is there are consequences for actions. Sometimes the punishment doesn't fit the crime in our soft hearted minds. but a person breaking into someones house is asking for trouble!
  14. Ya know those pancake mixes that say just add water? and those cookies in a jar things you can give as gifts? Well I looked into making pancake mix so I don't buy it and so its easier for ds to just add water and make them. My options are to make the mix he has to add milk, eggs & oil to OR buy powered dairy. They now have available for such recipes, powdered milk, eggs, cheese & butter. I'm thinking now for regular kitchen baking & cooking (not so much milk to drink) that with the crazy economy, gas & oil prices, farmers possibility having loan problems & whatever else is going on that milk, cheese, eggs & butter are going to continue to rise in price. So.. Could it possibility be a good idea to invest a little & try the powdered products? It’s a big question to me b/c I can't find them locally & have to order them online. I've only been able to find them in gallon containers for about $45ea.. I'm thinking just replacing the mixes I buy (blueberry, pancake, cake, etc) with the powdered would save me money over the course of the year. Whats the hives thoughts on this? And furthur more.. where can I find these items locally?
  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea and its right up my dds alley. Shes got a loose tooth too.. I'm off to find the glitter!!
  16. The fact that this is ds's gfs family makes a difference to me. I'm guessing the ds is the 18 yr old. You may be involved with this family for a LONNNNGGG time. I'd mention, as you did that you need it back. If she does't replace it, you have to drop it. You don't want the mother of your grandbabies in 5+ years to not see you over a dog crate.
  17. In Bellflower, California a few months ago a 65 yr old man was charged for MURDER because he shot a 14yr old boy who was breaking into his garage. Who says he is guilty? Not I and I'll probably get stoned for that. But.. the background of the story is this: * Mans garage was broken into THREE times in 6 months. Cops said no one to charge, just get a better lock. Cops said not worth persueing really. Man got better lock, & alarm. Lock broken; small alarm smashed one weekend couple was not home. *14 yr old boy was with 25yr old uncle. Dad in jail, mom at home. * It was 2:30 AM. * 14 yr old boy, although not known at the time was on probabtion & had been kicked out of local high school. Now, knowing those facts do you still think that man is guilt or was he protecting his property?
  18. Geek squad saved my info for $100 from a crashed mother board. Check them out online, maybe they have one in your area?!?!
  19. When my kids were your kids age I'd get them from Target or Payless. We still go there but for the boys, we go to the Vans & Sketcher outlet. Skater shoes wear out FAST!~
  20. We don't use it but I"ve been VERY interested it in! I think its $20 a year and $60??? to buy? That alone would save me in one month! Can you plug your wireless into it?
  21. Thanks to whomever I got this site from!!! I'm not sure where I got the link but from but my new FAVORITE site I want to share is http://www.simplylivingsmart.com/index.php -- Basically the entire site is about food storage & usage but even if you're not into the storage concept, there is so much info about wheat & beans that I FINALLY get it. I understand the storage & use of such items. There are recipes & explanations explaining the nutrition & use of the basics (wheat, legumes, oils, etc). I've learned SO much just watching the free lessons! I love Anitra's videos (lady giving free lessons) even though she is a bit stepfordish & belongs on Wisteria lane as Bree's sister. This weekend, the pantry & garage are getting a make over! Check out the site with a glass of tea & give it some time! Thanks to whomever I got the link from!!
  22. I want to make a large amount of pancake mix like the ones in the store where all my kidlets have to do is add water. or maybe water & eggs. ? I can't seem to find one online? Thanks!
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