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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. WOOHOO! I am now entering the e-Reader age and had to celebrate somewhere! It had been back-ordered for two months (they can't keep them stocked), and now it's here!! :party: Now I can read my Yesterday's Classics e-books to my littles easily, and finally read those pdfs I've purchased and never printed! :hurray: Sooo.... anyone know where to get a good Bible for the Sony? Epub or pdf? :auto:
  2. Yeah, we did it because I don't want to wait 4 or 5 years to get to modern Canadian geography!! It is really important to my grandmother too - I know that sounds strange, but she's one of our biggest fans, and we all love her to bits. I really wanted to get some basic Canadian geography under her feet, so we're sort of Sonlighting it by the seat of our pants. We have some of their book recommendations that we read with each lesson, but I also have some of my own lit I'm just grabbing off the shelf. We are reading Owls in the Family for our read aloud, and it is SO SO funny! They love that! I also have a book of Canadian children's poetry that is pretty fun. DD really likes the worksheets that come with it....I can't believe my daughter loves worksheets so much....maybe it's because we don't have a schedule FULL of them? LOL! It's going really well in any case :). After Owls in the Family is over I think I'm going to start reading a short narrative history of Canada to them for our read aloud, just to touch base with it :).
  3. Heehee, I actually have been getting...SOME of the Y1U1 books when I can get them at a good price, which is another reason I'm tentatively planning now :). We do school year round because we take breaks whenever we feel like it :). Right now our SL K is on pause while we do Canada, My Country (planned to do this a long time ago, but moves, babies etc. bleh) because DD was begging for "Canada studies!" Once we do that, it'll be back to Core K (we started this January), or if it's fall by then, on into our Core 1+2 which looks like a lot of fun. THEN we'll have TOG :), so this is super-advanced planning, but still lots of fun! I might still run Core K very casually for fun, lots of great read alouds in there :). I've so appreciated hearing everyone's thoughts on this thread so far!
  4. Oh, I agree Marie! It is all very theoretical right now! One of the things I'm trying to figure out with the unit I have though, is if I'll be able to plan TOG! We are using SL right now, which is all pre-planned, and I *think* I can pull TOG off, I just need to dig into it and make up some theoretical weekly plans for where my children will be (theoretically) in the future. I'm basically doing it as a confidence building/mom-training exercise more than I am doing it for ACTUAL lesson plans for my children! I hope that makes some sense ;).
  5. I don't find it difficult at all :). I just keep on going till it's done. For skill areas I don't schedule lessons at all. I just open our English book, do a lesson, open math, do a page, do some copywork, etc. In content subjects we just follow the plans at our own pace. There isn'y ANY entirely boxed program I would EVER like for all subjects because I have strong ideas about how I want to do math, LA, etc.
  6. We started Prima Latina two weeks ago, and it's going great! My DD is late 2nd grade.
  7. Thanks Marie! :) Aww, 2 yr olds are so cute! Thanks SO much Lucinda. That is exactly the kind of info we need to know! I think what I'll plan out might be to do the LG history with both children. Do SOTW as a spine (or MOH, Heather sent me a schedule for that I need to look at). Get the UG literature - I might even like to do those as read alouds because they look fun! But I'll let her read some on her own too...I can't hog them all!
  8. Thanks ladies! I AM expecting DD to make big strides in her reading over the next year, so in my playing I'll figure her as an UG, and younger DD as an LG. I plan to have them share some books though instead of doing two totally distinct sets ;). Hey Marie, when does your Adrian turn 8? Our oldest daughter (Kaelynn) is turning 8 tomorrow :). Oh wait...it is tomorrow now!
  9. It's here ;): http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=262566
  10. Hi TOG Ladies! I have Y1U1 here to play with in anticipation of next, next year's homeschooling. So that will be oldest DD 9 - grade 4, second DD 6 - grade 1, when we get there. So my question is this. When do you place your children in UG? I'm thinking my oldest might be there by then. She is already starting to read independently to learn from books she's interested in. Right now she's reading something about tornadoes with lots of high interest pictures. I'm curious, moms who have actually worked with the LG and UG books, what reading level does your child need to be at in order to move into UG work? For example - she's about to start the SL Intermediate 2 readers (now called grade 3), and that's about where she's at. In a year or so she'll be done, and then we'll be starting TOG. Will her reading be good enough at that point for UG, or should I aim for her to complete more of the grade 4/5 readers at SL before we do UG? I'm playing with my unit to make up a tentative book list so I can start scoping out the used bookstores/sale boards etc. Thanks for helping this keener TOG wannabe! :D
  11. I love DE! I totally printed it ALL out at home though :O! With that old inkjet with the screwy colors! Cheap though ;). You really have to love all the work that TOG does to make sure folks have updates available to them! Bzzzz...... :lol: I actually have a TOG question I'm going to plop into a new thread about LG vs UG soon to help with my pre-pre-planning as I try to figure out how to make TOG lesson plans for myself :).
  12. Hey Dorinda! Well...FWIW we don't plan to do formal vocabulary studies! You read aloud to your children, you stop and discuss the meanings of words you don't know when you get to them, voila! Vocab studies across the curric ;). Latin will help with Latin roots and derivatives as well, it is AWESOME for that! We're just doing natural read alouds vocab and Latin. I can't say anything about BSS though, never used it :).
  13. Way to go! I have Y1U1 in my hands to do very advanced planning for NEXT next year :). It's definitely the way to give it a REAL spin!
  14. I would love to hear your thoughts on whatever program you decide to try Satori! I love the idea of mapping by heart, but I'd need a lot of hand-holding as the teacher.
  15. My 2nd grader is in my signature too. We are doing math at a relaxed pace, so we're still in MUS Alpha. Before we finished phonics instruction we were also using A Beka's Handbook for reading and their leveled readers to build fluency/practice. I'm very happy with our choices this year (except for Apologia!).
  16. Oooh, checking out the Mapping the World with Art product. Mapping Canada by Heart - :001_wub: (if it was easy to follow of course)
  17. We haven't done a lot of 'switching'. We've done a lot of adding in after we finish up what we've been working on. Or taking a break to cover something else and then coming back to start again. We do that a lot :). Like most moms, where we've switched the most around is in teaching reading. That can be truly tricky to figure out as a new homeschooler, but I think a lot of it is teacher error. I just didn't know where I was going or how to do it, or what I liked as a teacher (I hate transitional alphabets!) or what my children needed to succeed. Lots of trial and error there.
  18. See, that is what I want to know! I need step by step teaching plans. If this new version doesn't have them, then I don't want it :).
  19. We supplement MUS with the blue series. I'm 'tempted' to ditch MUS, but I love the instruction methodology too much! BUT I like the various points of view MM provides, so we do 1 page MUS, 1 page MM. We do MM after we've already covered the concepts in MUS, making our math a bit more spirally than MUS alone.
  20. I'm considering this for DD when she's older, so eavesdropping :).
  21. We just added it two weeks ago. DD will be 8 tomorrow, this is the end of grade 2 for us. I based it on finishing phonics instruction more tahn anything else :). We're using Prima Latina, and she really enjoys it actually :).
  22. Maybe a book like Adam's Synchronological Chart would help? Amy Pak also sells a book that shows where to put timeline figures that might help you out with 'flow'.
  23. You can download iTunes for free and use that to listen to a download on your computer. Or you can buy it on cd at the Peacehill press website too. A bit more $$ and you need to wait for it to arrive, but that's another option :).
  24. You need to buy it, but it's well worth it! http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/elementary-grades-mp3.html
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