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Posts posted by *LC

  1. Kari,


    I'm so sorry that you and your family no longer have such a wonderful young man with you. I am praying for all of you.


    Please be gentle with yourself in the weeks and months to come. It is perfectly okay if your kids never finish this years schoolwork. You can start again slowly in the fall as you are more able.


    I have witnessed two sets of friends go through the death of a child, and all I can say is I am praying for you.


    I also have two friends that I met years after their child died. Something in your post reminds me of something one lady said. "At some point I realized housework was important to me again, so I knew I was coming to the other side of grief." Grief like this never ends and it never gets easy, but one day you get to the point where schoolwork and chores will matter again (and even then it will be different than they mattered last week.) Praying.

  2. I meant to call the pediatrician's office to get them to fax my daughter's blood test results, so I could see what got her sent to the hematologist. However, I don't want to alarm my daughter, who is in the middle of testing at school. I am frequently taking other kids places in the afternoon when she gets home, and I didn't want her to be the one to get the paperwork. (She still isn't feeling well, and she just found out her best friend will soon need a kidney transplant and another friend/older sister of theirs was diagnosed with cancer. So, drama is running high at our house these days.)


    Instead, I talked to my friend who works for our pediatrician this weekend to ask her to look at the blood results and call me with what I needed to know. My friend is great, and was one step ahead. Somehow, she had seen that my daughter had a hem/onc referral, so, she had already looked at the results. (This is a good friend for the last nine years, so it isn't creepy or stalkerish like it sounds in writing. We have been to each others baby showers & birthday parties; made food for each other in illness situations; watched each others kids; had kids in preschool/Sunday School together, etc. She had been the one to call me with the original h. pylori results.)


    My daughter is not anemic. My daughter's blood did not clot normally on the clotting test. (The test was the PTT for any medical types reading this.) Since my daughter is 15, we can rule out hemophilia. However, there are other blood clotting disorders that are possible reasons for the test results. She said being a carrier for a blood-clotting disorder could also cause the results. She remembered that my daughter's numbers weren't "crazy high." So, I'm still holding out hope that it is just another case of funky blood test results that turn out to be unfounded.


    On the ulcer front, my daughter has finished taking the medicine. So far, she still feels bad, but I didn't hear as many complaints today as yesterday.


    Thanks again for your prayers.

  3. I would see someone in the room with me while I was asleep. It was so real that I called 911 at least twice. I woke up about the time I finished dialing. I would have trouble dialing since I was asleep, and once awke I would realize an intruder wouldn't give me that much time to call for help. Another time my husband awoke to find me running around the bed screaming. (I didn't fall off, but I don't know how.) I know I was screaming the other times also, because my throat hurt when I awoke.


    When that was happening, I was involved in a large internet support group for brain tumor patients. In some studies melatonin at very high levels was shown to help brain tumor survival, so many of the folks on that list (or their loved ones) were taken nearly 20 mg a night. No one there ever mentioned/experienced night terrors. I learned about that possible side effect here. I never took melatonin again or experienced a night terror again.


    However, I know it is a rare side effect, and I give melatonin to some of my kids. For one of my one of my sons; it is a lifesaver. The difference in how he acts the next day is night and day when he is taking melatonin.

  4. You give them opporunities to play and get better. You give them constructive suggestions when you think they are ready to hear them. You be their cheerleader when they are down. If you hear another parent say something negative, you remind that parent that this is a kids game.


    Tonight I attended the high school soccer banquet with my oldest. I was seated next to a woman who I met for the first time tonight. Another lady we didn't know was sitting next to us, and it turned out her DD has the same travel soccer coach that the other lady's son did as a 8 or 9 year old.


    She said during that U9 season her son was as wide as he was tall. The coach later told her that the only reason her son made the team at tryouts was because the boy seemed to have such a heart for the game. She then shared that her son is now on an Olympic Development Team for our state (and possibly region.) I know the club team he plays on is so good they no longer play in state. Instead, they travel out-of-state most weekends to face the other top teams in our area of the country.


    He was named team captain of the high school JV team as a freshman; there are non-freshman on the team. When the coaches recognized the teams and gave out awards, her son was given the award for the being the ideal soccer player on the JV team. He was also called up as one of 5 freshmen to play on the varsity team during the playoffs, where they lost in overtime penalty kicks to the team that will soon play for the state championship. That team will face last year's state champions, who our team already beat this season. This is in the athletic division for the largest schools in our state.


    All that to say, if your child loves a sport let them play it. (Because You never know what might happen.)


    P.S. I might also encourage your son to check out some other sports. My next child is not good at soccer, and he just doesn't enjoy it. However, he loves and excels at baseball. I know you said your son loves soccer, but maybe there is a place to expose him to some other things without stopping soccer.

  5. Thanks for the prayers.


    I also want to thank you for the reminder about getting a copy of her results. I have copies of my sons bloodwork over the years, so you think I would know to do the same with my daughter. We don't live near the pediatrician anymore, so I can't go in to pick up the results. However, I can ask them to fax it to me.


    This doctor is listed as a hematologist/oncologist on the doctor finder at the children's hospital. There aren't subspecialty on that website. On the clinic's website is where the doctors are split into hematologists and oncologists. He is listed under oncologists and all his "interests" are oncology.


    I agree that they must not have suspect her of having any type of aggressive cancer. However, there are less agressive types. My FIL had a type that they watched with blood tests for years. Also, mistakes happen. When my husband was diagnosed with a tumor at a little, local hospital that wasn't equipped for that type of surgery, I had to make arrangements to find a surgeon in the city. The schedulers at one of the offices simply gave me an appointment a month away. She had no way of knowing if his tumor was benign or malignant. If it had been malignant, it would have been one of the most aggressive types of cancer out there. I do feel better about this situation than his, because this is a children's clinic set up to take patients from all over the country. On the new patient scheduler's voicemail, she gives instructions for doctors who have patients that need to be seen within 24 hours.


    I know it being anything too serious is unlikely, but we have a history of the unlikely. One of my daughter's best friends is a 13-year cancer survivor. We also have a number of other kid friends who had cancer when we knew them. We are fortunate that all our personal, close kid friends are now long-term survivors.


    Thanks again.

  6. Thanks for the prayers for my daughter and the suggestions of things to look into.


    I have tried to reassure her that it is okay that the medicine isn't making her feel better, but she isn't buying it. The weird thing is her stomach didn't hurt before, but feeling nauseous is one of the less common symptoms of ulcers. She has two more days on the medicine. She has stopped gagging as much when she takes it, which is good. For some reason it leaves an awful cherry taste in her mouth, so we have had her chewing on candy to stop that.


    The new patient coordinator for the cancer/blood disorder clinic called me back the next day to schedule an appointment. She said it wasn't a rush, and that I could reschedule it if I needed. My dd's appointment is next Thursday.


    I am still thinking that she is anemic from the ulcer. However, today we received the new patient pack which wants an extremely detailed family history. It lists the doctors she will see in her 2 to 3 hour appointment. I looked up one of the doctor's on the hospital's website, and he is listed as an oncologist not a hematologist. His specialties all relate to oncology. There are other doctors listed as hematolgists who have anemia as their specialties.


    I am starting to be more concerned about this visit. My kids seem to have strange blood, so I'm not freaking out yet. One of my sons tested positive to tons of food allergies via RAST blood tests when he was young. Through food challenges we learned most of these were false positives ... even the ones to nuts and peanuts. Another son had a blood test that indicated he celiac disease, but I wouldn't let them do the biopsy at that time. (My husband had just died, and I knew I couldn't make any dietary changes at that time.) I said we would retest the next year. The the blood test they used changed during that year, and he no longer tested positive under the new test.


    So, my prayer continues to be that this is another inaccurate blood test or something easily resolved. The other doctor isn't listed at all on the hospital website, so I guess it is a resident, since the hospital is part of a medical school. I am working on convincing myself that the resident is the hematologist, who just happens to study under the oncologist.


    Again, I would appreciate your prayers.

  7. Another update




    Today I got a call from a nurse at the pediatrician's office telling me a hematologist had seen my daughter's blood results and now wanted to see her. I asked if this was the same as the h-pylori and ulcer. The nurse said no it was from her blood results, but the connetion got fuzzy and she was gone.


    I thought it was odd that she didn't call back. She had already told me the hematologist's office would call me to make the appointment.


    Late this afternoon, my e-mail said I had a voicemail from a children's hospital. However, it seems our phones had gone out -- unknown to me 0-- and I can't get to the message. I did have the number that left the message, so I called it. It was the new patient coordinator for the cancer and blood disorder center. I left a message explaining who I was and leaving my cellphone number.


    I'm not one to worry, and I'd guess she is anemic as a result of the ulcer. However, I'd appreciate your prayers that whatever it is can be resolved quickly. If I don't hear anything quickly from that call, I will call a friend of mine who is a nurse in our pediatrician's office. Her oldest child had cancer nine years ago, and I know she will get us where we need to be.


    By the way, the medication for the ulcer is making my daughter feel worse not better.


    Thanks for your prayers.

  8. I totally get everything you are saying even though the shoes I walk in are slightly different. My advice is try it for a year, so you will know if it is easier or harder on you to have the kids at private school. I understand why you don't know, because having to be somewhere else five days a week is tough. However, the time to focus completely on your youngest kids will be good. I'm not a lot of help am I.


    It will be an adjustment, so I'd say commit for a year. If you try it for a year, you will know what you need to do for the year after.


    (It does sound like a cool school.)



  9. Hi,


    Thanks for everyone's thoughts. I appreciate them.


    My daughter's blood tests are finally back and she is positive for H Pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. So, the assumption is she has a stomach ulcer. Nausea is one of the less common symptoms of ulcers, so it does fit. Plus, one of her friends had a bleeding ulcer earlier in the school year. My daughter started the three-part prescription for ulcers last night. She feels awful right now, so I hope it works quickly.


    If it doesn't, I have all of your suggestions to bring to the doctor. Does mono show up on a blood test?


    I messed up in my first post. She doesn't currently have a rash. The rash/hives that she has been getting for the last few years hasn't started this year. It normally starts in April, so the assumption is it is an environmental allergy. We haven't seen the rash this year. However, she has been playing soccer on artificial turf this year not grass so that might make a difference.


    I don't think she has an eating disorder, but I know that parents are sometimes the last to know these things. She is fit but not skinny. She doesn't place a lot of emphasis on her weight. In fact, I've never heard her mention it. I know bullima can be common in cross country, but she is middle of the pack runner, who took it up for social reasons.


    I'll start a new thread on mold, because I have some questions about how to find someone to look for mold. Hopefully, I can get it posted next week.


    Thanks again,



  10. Update


    I appreciate everyone's thoughts on my daughter's health, and I wanted to give you an update.


    Unfortunately, she continued to feel the same even after moving out of the basement. We even went on vacation for a week, and she still felt sick. She felt a bit better, but it wasn't a drastic difference. After being back a week and still feeling sick, she moved back to the basement.


    The mold evaluation is pricy, so I have decided to put that off until after we hear the results of her bloodwork.


    Since her symptoms are vague and they come and go, I knew they could easily be dismissed. I was worried about finding a new doctor that would listen and test. The delay turned out to be good, because things fell into place for us to visit our old home this weekend for a number of activities. This daughter wasn't going to go, because of school and other activities this weekend. However, our old pediatrician's office was willing to give her the last appointment on Friday. When that worked out, my daughter picked going to the pedicatrician over her other plans and school on Friday.


    Anyway, the nurse took down all her symptoms. The doctor went over all of them one by one and didn't downplay any of them even the ones we didn't feel were related. The doctor asked if daughter had been exposed to anyone with the h-pylori virus; daughter thinks she has a friend with stomach ulcers. After we return from the weekend, she has a prescription for Prevacid to reduce her stomach acid.


    The doctor ordered five different blood tests. I have the names, but I don't know what they test for. I do know one was testing the thyroid level. She was also sent for x-rays of her knee (which was giving out), her hip (which hurts and pops) and her chest (since she coughs a lot.)


    All the x-ray results are normal. The bloodwork should start coming back on Monday.


    I guess her blood pressure was normal, because no one mentioned it after taking it.


    Thanks again for your suggestions.

  11. Hi,


    I've flown with kids by myself a bunch.


    Bring the double-stroller and put the younger kids in it at the airport. You will have a much easier time in the airport. Sometimes when I travelled with kids in a double stroller, the security people would move me to the shortest line. I always gate checked the stroller. There was never a charge, but you would want to double check that with your airline. (Make sure you warn the kids that will have to get our of the stroller for the security check. If you think the baby might resist, you might want to wait to put the baby in after you go through security.) You don't have to use your stroller at Disney if it won't fit in the car


    Put everything you can in the carry-on luggages. You can bring food with you on the plane. You have a lot of time to keep kids busy. I would put the laptop and DVD player in a laptop bag. Do you have a bag for your DSLR that will fit at the bottom of the one of the carryons. When we fly, the rule has been one carry-on and one personal item.


    Some of the things I bring on planes are playdough, stickers, color wonder markers and paper, books, small toys, cards, matchbox cars, travel games, and books.


    In your case, I would feed the kids a big breakfast and maybe something before you get on the plane at 11:00. You will probably have time to feed them something in Denver also, but you never know. I always get us to the connecting gate and then find food near there. (I always carry tons of snacks.)


    On your trip back, you may have a hard time finding enough time to eat in Minneapolis. When we have had quick connections, I have bought food near the gate and brought it onto the plane to eat.


    When travelling with young kids like yours, I liked the connection, because it gave them time to run (crawl) a bit.


    You will make it, but I don't envy you. We are heading to CA in April also, and I'm glad my kids are older. That said, I'd still be going if they were the age of your kids. Relax and have fun. (If things go bad, remember, you'll never see the people on that plane again.)



  12. Thank you for all the replies.


    I will find a doctor to see her and run bloodwork.


    I will move her into my room to see if that helps. The water in the basement wasn't near her room. It was mainly in a couple of boxes of old clothes that were sitting where the water came in and we didn't know it for a week or so. We dried out the carpet in that area with fans. In another area, again not near her, the water came down the wall, and the next week, you could see black start up the wall. We got something from the hardware store for mold and it took care of the black immediately. It sounds like you are saying that I need to look into finding out if there is any more mold down there.


    I think the rash may sometimes get on her face, but that isn't the most common place. Two of the most common places are on her neck and behind her ears though. The rash comes in different places every time. She does not have a rash now. It usually starts in April.


    Thank you very much for your suggestions.

  13. Hi,


    My DD, 15, has been feeling bad for months, and I don't have a clue what is going on with her.


    A bit of quick health history notes on DD. She never went to the doctor except well checks until she was 9 with strep, because she was never sick. Starting at age 12, she started breaking out in a rash in different parts of her body in the spring and summer and fall. You can literally watch it spread over her back when it starts. Never could track it to any specific allergy. She also has seasonal nasal allergies that cause headaches.


    Anyway, DD is freshman at a public high school. This fall she ran CC and played on a travel soccer team. She was always tired and never felt well. I ended up taking her to a nurse practitioner once to rule out strep, and the NP felt she had a mold allergy. The NP diagnosed this without even knowing our basement had flooded the week before and had mold in it. DD sleeps in basement We took care of the mold, and DD felt better.


    In January, her knee starting giving out on her. She would be walking and the knee wouldn't support her anymore. Around this time, she had started tryouts for the school socer team and was running stadium steps for conditioning. So, I chalked it up to that even though I wasn't 100 percent sure she hadn't said this happened at least once before conditioning started.


    By the end of the month, she was saying she was feeling nauseous and dizzy. The last weekend of the month she slept from Friday at 4 pm to Saturday noon and was back asleep by 6 pm. One of the times she had strep, her only symptom was she was extremely tired. I took her to a NP thinking she had strep since she was tired and complaining of sore throat. After ruling out strep, the NP said it was a virus of some sort that would run it's course in a week to 21 days.


    She did start to feel a bit better, but she hasn't felt her normal self yet.


    She started to complain that she was bruising very easily and that elbows she took on the soccer field were causing bigger bruises than they should. Her knee has continued to give out on her and has caused her to fall at least once.


    This week the easy bruising has subsided, but she is back to feeling nauseous. She says she feels more nauseous if she puts her head down or lies down. She has never actually thrown up during all this. She sometimes feels dizzy when gets up Nothing tastes good to her right now. She says her stomach is hungry, but that her mouth is not. A month ago she said she couldn't understand why she was hungry all the time.


    She feels so bad this week that she sat out of some of soccer practice yeserday, and she told the coach that she wasn't feeling well before the game tonight. The nauseousness went away during the game, and she played some of the second half without any trouble.


    She also tends to be cold even more so than normal. Today in school she put three jackets on during class. Then, she gets hot. She says she is either freezing or hot, and there is no middle ground.


    Part of me thinks she is getting exposed to a lot more germs now that she is in PS, and her body is just fighting them off. So, instead of getting sick enough put her in bed with something, she just keeps getting a bit rundown from all the different sicknesses that she avoided until now.


    Part of me says, she is worn out from the sports and schoolwork. She has above a 4.0 in mainly honors classes. She has lucked out and hasn't had too, too much homework. Most of the material has come easy to her, and she has only had to study for one class on a regular basis.


    Then, the other part of me says, could something else be going on medically? We recently moved, and we don't have a doctor here.


    My DD is tired of feeling bad, and I'm open to thoughts on how to help her. If anyone knows of something to get her to stop feeling nauseous and gain her appetite back I'd love to here it


    Thank you

  14. Hi,


    My oldest is a freshman at a PS that has all kids take the PSAT. My child is now receiving college e-mails and brochures based on the PSAT scores. These come from a strange collection of colleges ... West Point to Presbyterian College and Texas Christian University to Birmingham Southern are some of them.


    Anyway, today's e-mail was from Rice University. I know I've seen mention here before of elite schools offering free ride sto students of families making below a certain income. So, I thought I'd post what Rice states as its financial aid policy.


    Admission decisions are need blind, and we meet 100% of need eligibility.


    For families whose income is $80,000 or less, Rice will meet 100% of need eligibility without loans.


    For families whose income is above $80,000 who demonstrate need eligibility, we will meet 100% of need and student loans will not exceed $10,000 total over your four years here.


    I know nothing about Rice, except it is in Texas, but maybe this information would help someone. My child says, "I'm a freshman. I don't want to think about college." However, one of my younger sons is ready to go to West Point after reading their brochure.

  15. I'm widowed, so I don't.


    I'm never alone, because we have a bunch of kids.


    At one time, I would look forward to the day when they are all out of the house. (None are old enough to have done that yet, so I don't really know how I'll feel when that starts happening.) Later, I realized I have no clue what I'll do once they are gone. The youngest is in kindergarten, so I guess I'll find out in 12 years. Since I'm always beyond tired, I had thought I would take long, long cruise and sleep and sleep once the youngest went to college, then I learned that cruise prices are based on double-occupancy.

  16. "If it was just a house that he and his wife had for a short time, the memories as they relate to the house are probably not significant."


    I'm sorry but I strongly disagree with this statement. This was probably the only house this couple ever owned together. They will never get a chance to have another home together, because the husband died in service to his country. That is the house where they planned their life together. Unfortunately, their life didn't work out as they had planned. Even though it wasn't a lot of time, the time spent in that house was special and precious to that couple. It could be very hard for that widow to leave that house and memories, so I thank you for what you are doing.


    I'm preparing to put the only house my husband and I will ever own together on the market. We bought it a few months after we got married. We planned our life there. That is the only home our kids had. Even though he died a few years ago, I feel I am somehow abandoning him by leaving the house he worked so hard on. Fixing the things that he never got around to fixing means I have to accept he isn't coming back to fix them. Not having the house any more will mean my memories of our time together (which thankfully was longer than the soldier and his wife had) will all have to come from my mind, my kids memories, and photos. Until now, I have had the house to remind me of him and our time, our life. I don't even let myself think about what I will think if the new owners choose to remove my husband's building projects from the yard.


    So, I think your offer was extremely sweet and I'm glad the family took you up on it.

  17. I have boys and girls, but only the oldest girl is opinionated about what we do on vacation. She loves to read and play sports, but that doesn't really help with vacation planning does it. She enjoys science museums and whitewater rafting. I'll have to look into the kayaking. I don't know if she enjoys shopping that much, because we just don't do a lot of it. She would definitely say it wasn't fun with all the younger siblings tagging along. She enjoys photography, and I saw there was a photography museum in the park.


    My six-year-old loves boats, so I'll read up on those opportunities. I had seen there were a number of different old & military ships to tour. One of my most nerve-wracking times I've ever had was trying to keep up with him when we toured a huge navy ship when he was four.


    We have never been to Disneyland, however, we have been to Disney World numerous times. Our most recent trip was a little over a year ago. Are there enough different attractions that it would make sense to go at such a crowded time of year? I'll have to check the height of the youngest two to see if they could do Space Mountain this time around, because I have heard that is better at Disneyland.


    It will be just me with the kids, and I'm a bit leary of taking them into Mexico on my own. Is there anything there that is a must-do? They have been to Cozumel a few years ago.


    Thanks for all of your suggestions.

  18. Hi,


    The kids and I are coming to San Diego next month on vacation, and I haven't planned anything. Ughhh.


    I don't even know where to start my questions. We have never been to San Diego and probably will never be back. We will be there for six full days.


    Okay, we'll start with what to do. I know the boys want to go to Legoland and they will want to see animals. We have been to another SeaWorld, and we have been to a zoo with Pandas. So, I am thinking about the Wild Animal Preserve. Does that sound like where we should go? If we don't go to SeaWorld, should we go to the Scripps Aquarium?


    My 15-year-old DD doesn't care for animals; she won't be interested in Legoland; so what can we do that I know she will like. We will be going to Fleet Science Center, because my kids love science museums. Is there anything else that will appeal to a teen girl?


    I know the Wild Animal Preserve and Legoland are out from San Diego. Should we plan to stay some days in San Diego and others near those locations? I don't mind changing hotels if that makes the most sense. However, we need a suite-type hotel as we don't fit in a normal room. If we can stay in one place for the trip, we can rent a condo. I'd love to hear any suggestions of areas to stay and areas to avoid for hotels/condos.


    We actually fly into Orange County Airport, so we are open to any suggestions of things to do between there and San Diego.


    So, if this was your one shot to expose visitors to Southern California, where would you send them.


    Thanks for your thoughts.

  19. My dad had something similar to his computer, and we were able to fix it What I did was do a search on the term of the window that was blocking the computer. I was able to minimize the offending window, but I still couldn't do much with that computer. So, I went to their other computer and did the searchl. I printed the directions for fixing it, and went back to the messed up computer. I know I went to the start-up screen, but I don't remember what else I did.


    It was called malware from what I remember. It took a while, but it worked with nothing harmed on his computer.


    Good luck

  20. Hi,


    I'm trying to make a roster program for the high school soccer teams, and I have managed to get myself befuddled since everyone in my house seems to need me today.


    Anyway, is it City High School Junior Varsity Girls Soccer Team or is it City High School Junior Varsity Boys Soccer Team? Actually, in this case I just have City Junior Varsity ??? Soccer Team.


    Also, would you call high school teams men/women or boys/girls? Or, would that depend on varsity vs. junior varsity?





  21. I decided to return it, and try again with a new machine.


    My mom had given me an envelope with receipts for gifts. I opened that, but the Wii receipt wasn't in there. I called my parents, who are leaving early in the morning, to ask about the receipt. They couldn't find it, but did have their credit card statement, which just shows they spent a bunch of money at Target one day last month. However, I told my Dad that Target should be able to look it up from their credit card. So, he brought me their credit card. I took the card and Wii to Target, which did not have any in stock. However, they found me a nearby store that had seven in stock. I was able to complete my last minute shopping while I was at the second store, so I am much happier than I was a few hours ago.


    Thanks for the suggestions.

  22. Hi,


    My parents gave my kids a Wii for Christmas today. Of course, the kids want to play it now. They installed it, but it wouldn't work. I went back and checked things, and I have the remote that wouldn't work working.


    However, it won't read the sports disc that came with the game. (Of course, it is the only disc we own.) The disc picture on the screen just spins and spins until timing out to an error message. I've read the troubleshooting part of the book as it says, and I've followed the directions with no luck. (Checking to make sure disc is clean; checking to make sure disc is facing the right way; removing disc, turning off game and reinserting disc. I didn't check to make sure it was made to work in the USA since I know my parents bought it from a department store here.)


    Anybody have any additional suggestions? The only thing about our setup is the sensor bar is very close to our TV, because of the TV sits on a skinny shelf. However, I can't see that causing this trouble since we don't make it to the point that it would be sensing anything.


    I so don't have time for this. My kids are so excited to have the game, but I don't have any time to deel with this right now.


    Thanks in advance.

  23. I'll pray for him, his doctors and the two of you that will be waiting.


    I agree. Since it is your MIL, could you bring a Bible study book that you read together or to each other. If she can't stand silence, she could read to you and you could listen & zone as you need that morning. Is there a Christian author that you know you both could listen to that morning. Maybe hearing a different person "preaching" would be easier than your MIL that you have heard other times.


    I would recommend not getting a book that preaches the message that you don't want to hear right now. Maybe there is a Christmas-themed book out there that would work? A book I read when my husband was hospitalized and acknowledged life is hard sometimes even when God is in your life was by Max Lucado. The book is called "Eye of the Storm." A number of the chapters are available on line, so you could even print them out without needing a trip to the store. Some of these chapters are available here. http://www.maxlucado.com/pdf/peace.defies.pain.pdf


    I'll be thinking of you.

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