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Mrs Mungo

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Status Updates posted by Mrs Mungo

  1. “Atticus–†said Jem bleakly. He turned in the doorway. “What, son?†“How could they do it, how could they?†“I don’t know, but they did it. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it — seems that only children weep.†— To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fourisenough


      Wow. Powerful words. History repeats itself.

    3. hornblower


      So much sad yes.

    4. Momof3littles


      That made me teary.

  2. I hab a colb.

    1. Harriet Vane
    2. TN Mama

      TN Mama

      Surely there are medicinal properties in Mike's. Right?

    3. jenL


      Me do. Feel bedder doon.

  3. Beware the Ides of March!

    1. swimmermom3


      Nah, it's all good. Two of my favorite guys, my dad and my youngest son, were born on the Ides.

    2. sassenach


      Well, I certainly feel like assassinating somebody today.

  4. Bath, cold medicine, bed...that's what is on my mind.

    1. Susan C.

      Susan C.

      You and me both..... almost a week here, hope yours isn't as bad as mine..

  5. Four hours discussing "Auguries of Innocence." But, I think we have turned a corner.

  6. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I saw in my email I'd received a message so I came to check it out. :) I am taking a leave of absence from the boards until after the election. There is just so much idiocy I can read before I just call it what it is. It would not be pretty when I hit that limit. I'll be back after the election is over! I really do miss it.

  7. Guten tag! or Aloha, rather.

  8. LOL, me too! She just caught me on the wrong day. Usually I'm pretty good at ignoring that stuff.

  9. Good night, hive.

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