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Everything posted by Hakg

  1. Thanks, I recently purchased 2 work books, ATFF and the Fables and Fairy Tales one (not even sure why I purchased this one as DS is so over Fables). Either way, the books have not even arrived, and I am pretty sure we are going to toss IEW. What to use now is the big question!!
  2. Thanks - I think this is what I am going to do.
  3. He could continue on with WWE4, he would like to anyway. I just feel we need to add a little extra into the mix, something different, maybe some mechanics, different styles of writing. WWS is the goal for grade 5 or 6 (we are not in the US and DS has only started grade 4 this calendar year). I have thought about dropping writing as a curriculum and continuing on with narrations and dictations for other subjects, but part of me feels like I should be doing more with writing instruction. I'm off to check out Paragraph Writing Made Easy. Thanks! If there are other suggestions too, I'm all ears :)
  4. We tried this a couple of years ago, from memory the issue was the re-writes. He has asked to go back to WWE, but has already completed 1-3 and I think he needs to move on.
  5. I could, I guess, but the dressups are what DS dislikes the most, its what makes his already okay re-write sound all wrong. I'd like to do away with the dressups altogether but I think this is one of the main points of the program?
  6. I have this year (very reluctantly) reverted back to using IEW with DS9 (units 1 and 2). DS and I had agreed, after using it for a short while a year or so ago, that I wouldn't torture him with IEW again, yet here I am torturing away! There are a few things we both dislike - DVD instruction, forced dressups, and the checklists. DS doesn't mind doing the KWO and I think outlining is important to learn. With the KWO, once DS has completed a KWO and written his draft, he feels (as do I) that it is good enough without having to add the dressups. Once the dressups are added (here is where the torture starts), the text then sounds grammatically silly and we both feel as if a good piece of writing has been ruined. I do see the potential benefits of IEW (further into the units), and I like how it covers different types of writing, but am wondering if there is something similar that isn't so forced, where dressups etc are taught, but not required if not necessary. I would also prefer workbooks over DVD. DS9 is a 'get to the point' kind of kid, he isn't too interested in creative writing, we tried W&R1 but he didn't care much for re-creating fables. Any suggestions welcome :)
  7. Hakg

    Family Whinge

    I don't know why I didn't think of this before. I'll be doing the same from now on.
  8. Hakg

    Family Whinge

    No I am not trying to play their games. I am just sick of this kind of treatment so now I plan to just stay away (for a long while). I have never distanced myself from them when they offend me - I tend to take it in my stride - stir about it for a few day and then get over it - they are family after all.
  9. Hakg

    Family Whinge

    Yes I am aware of all this. Funnily enough I was not raised in a dysfunctional family - I wouldn't really even call them dysfunctional now, there is just this one thing they do which I find upsetting. I don't recall anywhere saying I expect them to interact with me or I can tell them how often?
  10. Hakg

    Family Whinge

    Yep she totally sweeps it under the rug - when he is nasty to one of her grandkids - she seems to all of a sudden get super busy in the kitchen or with whatever she is tending to. I agree, my sisters and I do refuse to be around the man and my mother knows it, but she still shoves him down out throats (or tries to). You hit the nail on the head. Thanks for your support.
  11. Hakg

    Family Whinge

    I have no relationship with the man. My sisters and I do not accept him. My mother has always known this, yet she still married him. My youngest sister cried through their whole wedding. Not only has he been nasty toward our children, but we suspect other 'tendencies' toward our children. I wont say more than that. Our mother is well aware we don't like or accept him. She even accepts it to a degree. I wasn't being passive aggressive at all. We had personalised xmas cards made up and I wanted to send one to my mother. I knew she would see the cards at my sisters' houses and I didn't want her to be hurt because I had not sent her one. Really what I am wanting to know is whether anyone else experiences the silent treatment from family members who then act like there was neve an issue to begin with. I mentioned in my original post that asking if something is wrong doesn't work.
  12. Hakg

    Family Whinge

    I don't see why any words have to be spoken in anger? Why cant they simply say they are offended or upset about whatever and talk about it. We are actually all reasonably close which is why I find this behaviour offensive. My family intentionally stay away for long enough to let the other person know they are not happy. If they are going to do that, why not just talk about it? Why take the passive/aggressive route. I just don't like the intention behind what they do.
  13. Hakg

    Family Whinge

    No - they were fairly vocal about their issues (if they were serious enough) or they would take a week or so to get over it, then resume as normal.
  14. I'm wondering if others have issues like this with their families or whether this is a special kind of whacko specific to my family only... My mother and 3 sisters (30+ married with children) all do the same thing. Ordinarily we speak to one another a few times a week via email and we are all relatively close. BUT when one of them are annoyed/angry/put out about something, they just cut ties for a while. There is no email contact, phone contact, no contact whatsoever - no discussing what is on their minds. Then once they are feeling better or calmer (which can sometimes take 1-2 months), they make contact and act as if all is completely normal, despite the month or 2 they have cut themselves off. They just act as if nothing has happened! I struggle with this because when they do it to me, I am frequently left wondering what I could have done wrong to upset them. They do this amongst themselves also. An example: I sent my mother a Christmas card a few weeks before xmas (I addressed the card to her only and not her new husband) as we do not get along with new husband (he has been nasty to DS9 a number of times). For this I was ostracised, I did not hear from her for about 2 weeks prior to xmas, and then a further 4 weeks after xmas. During the Xmas hols, she saw each of my sisters and their families, taking meals and presents for all. I waited for her to contact me, but nothing. She even missed DH's birthday during that period. THEN this week, she contacts me by email asking if she can see us for Christmas as if all is fine?! She even made a point of asking if I got her phone messages for DH's birthday saying she left 2 (she did not). I just don't get it, nor do I want to encourage these games - quite frankly they are becoming quite exhausting. * There is no point asking her if anything is/was wrong because she will say all is fine (I have tried this approach in the past). How do I deal with people like this and keep my sanity. I haven't responded to my mother simply because I don't want to. Do you think this is normal family behaviour?
  15. I second Writing and Rhetoric! It has similarities to WWE but more variation.
  16. Thank you - I ended up printing one from here: http://store.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=95&products_id=282
  17. Can anyone recommend a printable dated Jan-Dec journal/organiser/diary that is suitable for a 9yo boy? Basically I'd like to print out a year long planner for DS that has all sorts of groovy pages. Thanks :)
  18. Me too. I find we need a break from FLL a couple of times a year. We jumped ship toward the end of last year and started reading Grammar Island, but now want to go back to FLL. You have given me the inspiration to keep plodding along with it. Thanks
  19. My DS9 gets like this when he needs a break from school. Sometimes a week off is very therapeutic and he is happy to get back into it afterwards. If the crying is about one particular subject, I usually re-evaluate the curriculum. Having said that, I think my DS looks at school like I used to look at going to work - really - who wants to do it? Try and make it fun, change the scenery, work in another room, set up on a picnic table outside (actually if its winter there, that might not work right now)...
  20. Bircher Muesli. I soak (good quality) mixed pre-packaged muesli in a large bowl with apple juice overnight (sealed with plastic wrap). Then in the morning all I need to do is finely chop a couple of apples, sprinkle in some sliced almonds (from a packet) and add a big dollop of greek yoghurt and gently mix. The apple and almonds give it a nice crunchy taste but you could add whatever fruit you wanted. Occasionally I also add blueberries.
  21. The Big Book of Australian History: http://www.booktopia.com.au/the-big-book-of-australian-history-peter-macinnis/prod9780642278326.html?gclid=CPHl-tKo2bsCFcUipQod3ywAdQ Australian Book Traveller: http://www.homeschoolingdownunder.com/Unit_study_homeschool_resources/australian_book_traveller.html
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