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Everything posted by extendedforecast

  1. For me, when I eat too many carbs, especially from bread and pasta I feel weak and lethargic. If it's my fist meal of the day I'll even get lightheaded sometimes. I've learned to pair my carbs with protein. Maybe this is the same for you? Also, when I started working out I was advised by an online calorie calculator that I should eat 1200-1400 calories a day to lose 1-2 pounds a week. I would do well for a couple of days then eat everything in sight the next day because I couldn't take the feeling of starving. And the worst part is that I had no control at that point. For me, the calorie restriction was causing me to be abusive to my body. I decided to stop and focus on something I had more control over like food choices. Nothing is 100% off limits, but sugar and processed foods are severely limited and I'm good with that. I have no cravings and don't feel like I'm depriving myself of that stuff. The rest of the time I try to focus on high protein foods and vegetables. I need the protein because I weight train most days. I think it's good to have a general idea of how many calories you need to eat just to maintain your weight for future reference. I tend to burn more calories than the online calculators estimate, so keep that in mind. ~2100 calories, plus working out 4-5 days a week is around what I need to eat to maintain.
  2. I eat about 2100 calories (when I've counted) to maintain my current size, and I do high intensity workouts twice a week plus one cardio day at my boot camp class that mostly keeps my heart rate in the anaerobic zone. Any more HIIT than that raises my resting heart rate a lot. Then it takes a few days for it to go back down. What do you consider regular?
  3. You are not alone. I too try to make healthy choices all of the time. I'm successful at that about 85% of the time. My desire to lose those last pounds and inches by restricting myself is less than maintaining my body as it is. At some point I may change my mind. That usually happens around the time I realize I need to wear a swim suit in public, but it doesn't usually last more than a week or so.
  4. Anything to pass the time on the dreaded cardio machines is good!
  5. Do you like it? Have you considered weight training?
  6. Me as well. I love the high after a workout. I feel like I've accomplished something huge so early in the day. It motivates me to keep it up in other area of my life. Except eating. I refuse to count my calories. I want to eat what I want to eat, when I want to eat it. This is keeping me from losing those last couple of stubborn inches of fat around my torso. I've been maintaining my size for about nine months now.
  7. That's right. I was thinking that if I were the journalist I might be offended because anyone can clean, but one needs a higher skillset to be a journalist So being mistaken for the lower skilled job because of my race/ethnicity after I worked hard to obtain those skills would be irritating, because on some level I would wonder if people think that I'm not capable of being a journalist because of my skin color. It's an internal issue as you said. And I agree that a person's job does not define their value as a person.
  8. I'm sorry you feel embarrassed. I get that way doing Zumba or aerobics. I feel like I have two left feet and can't keep up or look half as good as the rest of the people there. What do you do at the gym? I started out not having exercised for over 15 years. I had low muscle tone, poor cardiovascular endurance, and zero motivation. I was overweight and had major brain fog, and I was always exhausted. Always. I started exercising because I was desperate to find something to help me get out from under the fog. I was certain it was my thyroid, but testing came back normal. I decided to try exercise before undergoing other expensive testing.
  9. You should! My neighbor hired a PT and invited me and another friend to join. We split the cost, making it more affordable while also maintaining a small enough group that we could each get individual attention. Before that I was so inconsistent because I was relying on workout videos which I hated. We did it for about five months until summer came along. Then I found my current group that meets near the playground in our subdivision.
  10. It helps to have someone to work out with for accountability. I have become quite friendly with my classmates and look forward to seeing them. That helps get me out the door on many mornings. Also, I keep my husband company when he works out in our garage. He says he looks forward to working out because he gets my undivided attention. I spot for him, share exercises that we do in my morning class, keep track of his progress on the calendar, move weights around, time him, talk to him about whatever... Sometimes I work out with him if I've missed a class. The other thing that I changed that worked for me was giving up the idea that I needed work out at home. I just do not like doing it. I would procrastinate by wasting time online. Add to that the fact that I despise videos. And I noticed that I'd cut myself too much slack and end up with no progress. Moving my exercise outdoors has been the key to becoming more consistent. I didn't realize how much I love being in nature until I started walking and running. The class I take in the morning is outside too. Maybe a change of scenery will help you become more consistent. There is so much you can do outdoors. Our trainer is so creative with her workouts, using the benches, the playground, the jogging trail and the hills to add variety. I know not everyone likes being outside. I'm just saying a change of scenery could help. Places like the roller skating rink or ice skating help break up the monotony of the gym. Rock climbing is another idea
  11. I have a class at 9 every weekday morning that I aim for. If I can't attend at least three days in a week, I make myself make it up on the weekend with either a long run or an intense weight training session that my trainer made up for me a long time ago, even if I have to wake up extra early in the morning.
  12. Good question! I think I would have had the same thought process- first I assumed it was the mom, then I said to myself, "Oh shoot, is that the nanny?"
  13. Okay, so it's icky to assume that it's more likely she was the help rather than his wife? Because why? I'm sorry for being so obtuse. I just can't wrap my mind around why offense would be taken if everyone was making an honest mistake. I used to joke that people probably mistook me for the nanny when my older kids were preschool aged. I was in my early twenties, 110 pounds, and much tanner than my kids who mostly took after their dad in looks and skin color (he's white, I'm white Hispanic). I would never have been offended by that, because that is the reality of where I live. Many upper middle class kids in my area have nannies because both parents work. And the majority of those nannies were Hispanic or Asian, though their ages ranged from 20-50's. Now on the other hand, with the example above about how someone was mistaken for the cleaner I can see how offensive that is. I wonder if it's because a nanny in some ways takes on the role of the mother as caretaker while the mom is absent, while the job of cleaner is so far removed from journalist. I don't know. I have to think about why one bothers me and the other doesn't. The race of the mother and the fact that they are an interracial couple wasn't a factor in my thinking. I live in a very diverse city with lots of interracial dating and marriage.
  14. What's icky about assuming the mom was the nanny? I'm genuinely curious. I first thought it was the mom. Then after my third time viewing the video it occurred to me she could be the nanny.
  15. FYI, if there is an HEB near you, they have a coupon for $2.00 off Neutrogena products. Regular price for the item above was $11.96. I bought that plus the cream cleanser I love for under $14.00. I should go back and buy a few more for later.
  16. Got it. So does this routine look okay? Before bed beauty routine Sleep Wake up Wash face (is this necessary?) Zinc oxide sunscreen Work out Wash face Normal beauty routine including sunscreen
  17. For those of us who work out in the mornings (outdoors), I have a question. I've been looking for a sunscreen to use specifically for my workouts. Something that isn't too heavy, but it needs to be able to withstand excessive sweating too. Do you think this would do the trick? I'm currently using neutrogena sunscreen specifically for the face. I don't remember the spf #, and t's in my gym bag in the car.
  18. That's a lot of sweet stuff! Maybe you could give the cup cakes to someone in need of a hug today.
  19. Here's my quick update: Wednesday I didn't go to class, I think I chose to sleep in instead. I did go yesterday, but the end of class was cut short for a birthday celebration. We worked out arms mostly, but I didn't feel like I got a good workout. Today I really wanted to stay in and sleep - but- I made myself go since it isn't certain that I'll get a chance to work out this weekend. The focus of today's class was glutes and abs, and I also ran the lake with a friend who asked me to keep her company. I must've done something wrong during the class because my right hip started bothering me right a little while after class ended, and the rest of my leg aches as I walk around. I've been so sleepy all week. When I got home today, I could barely keep my eyes open. I ended up napping for an hour.
  20. How much equipment do you need for this program? How do you like it so far?
  21. The reps are done slowly with the dumbbells in front and the knees slightly bent. This works out the hamstrings and glutes. You have to be mindful to use your hamstrings and glutes to raise yourself back up, or else your back muscles will kick in resulting in a sore back. When I do deadlifts with the bar and heavier weights, I feel more/different muscle groups working, like the quads, hamstrings, glutes, back, and shoulders. I love to watch my husband do deadlifts because I can see all his muscles, including his pecs working. I still think the deadlifts I described are a good alternative. You can check out youtube for videos on how to do them. Here is one I found:
  22. Reminds me of an episode of Caillou where the mom tells Rosie, "You and Caillou need to solve your own problems!" Or something to that effect. That was fourteen years ago! I remember laughing about it with my sil at the time.
  23. Our 7 month old puppy broke out in a small rash that quickly spread all over her belly. She was miserable as I tried to figure out what was causing the allergy. I took her to the vet and she was given antibiotics and a steroid prescription as well as a shampoo and spray. We were told to change her food to a grain free, fish or lamb based food. I also stopped giving her peanut butter in case that was the culprit. So I went to the store I normally go to, but I couldn't find anything that had the criteria above AND that was for puppies. The guy at the store recommended the something, saying it was for both adult dogs and puppies. When I got home, I realized that the feeding chart only had recommendations for dogs. I read the fine print for instructions for puppies but found nothing. I've been feeding her a cup more than the recommended amount. Am I doing the right thing? Should I look elsewhere for a better option?
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