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Posts posted by SewLittleTime

  1. :bigear::bigear:


    I didn't get that email, and I'm an approved tester. Hmm....guess I'll go check my spam box just in case.


    In any case, that stinks. I really enjoyed testing my kid in a quiet one-on-one setting. He just works better that way.

  2. We've always had a split arrangement, with the kids rooms away from ours. That is common where we are from (OP, you know where I'm from ;)).


    But here, it's common to have all the bedrooms together upstairs. Kinda weird for me. But I do like it. Especially b/c when a little person needs me in the middle of the night , I don't have to walk up stairs to help.

  3. We are doing well. Obviously, it's been an adjustment, but we are getting there. We bought a house and closed last month, so we are trying to get settled a little more permanently. I finally have an area to do school which makes me super happy!!!:D


    Again, congrats!!!! Tell the board 'hello' from me.

  4. I redid mine in January - all IKEA. I used a combo of Expedit, Vika Annefors and Vika Amon.

    I'm trying to get my school room together. I've never had one and I'm so excited to now have the space for one! I've decided to go with this system b/c I can get my growing boys and my little one all around it. BUT please tell me about that little caddy in the middle of your table??!!!

  5. I thought this tread was dead. LOL. My feelings were confirmed about how my boys were viewing our history and literature studies. My oldest very boldly a couple weeks ago said that he missed me cuddling on the couch with him and reading those good books. He asked to go back to Sonlight. My middle one has asked for a box day. That is what he remembers about Sonlight--too sweet!


    I've really weighed both options for us, but when it comes down to it our purpose in choosing the homeschooling journey is about having relationships with our kids. Our kids are begging for the relationship, not the classics. Taking that into account, we are heading back to SL. I can honestly say, even I am looking forward to it!

  6. My kids love the crafty things when we do them, but really don't ask much for that. As a result, that's usually the first thing to go when our week gets busy. This is sad, but I've found for us, I do just as many hands-on activities as I did with other curricula that I supplemented and came up with myself. We did the lapbooks for one unit. They liked it, but were so ready to finish it by the end of the unit that I opted not to do one the next unit and try something else. I probably could do one now, and they'd love it. Variety seems to be the spice of life.

  7. We did SL for about two years, then I quit for four months, and now we're back. So not a long break, but enough time for me to realize I like it more than I thought I did. We left to do more of a Charlotte Mason/Ambleside approach, because I felt like I was just going through the motions with SL to get those boxes checked off. It felt too jumpy to me, like to many books were being used at once. Anyway, long story short, we experimented with a very relaxed style for awhile and then realized we (yes, even the kids) missed the structure and reading all those books.


    So I went back, and I've only been back to it for a week, so by no means an expert...but it feels different now. I am not viewing the guide as a long list of things I have to get done and getting all stressed out. Instead we are just reading along in the books, still using the CM method of narration instead of using the included questions....and I am really excited to continue. I think a lot of my problems with SL were just in my attitude towards it, I would just see all the lists of reading and get freaked out if we were "behind" (which we always were). Now I am giving myself permission to take longer than a year to do a core and just trying to stay relaxed overall. Hoping it'll stick this time and we'll keep doing SL.


    The kids are really enjoying it as well. One thing that helps this time around is I'm encouraging them to do something else while I'm reading aloud. They can build with blocks or Legos, or knit, etc. As long as they can narrate when I'm done. They LOVE listening to the readings this way. We're using Cores B and D btw.

    Thanks. This is helpful even if it was a short time away. I'm not sure that the grass is greener either way, but maybe just a different season of our lives with different needs.

  8. We started with Sonlight, then went to TOG (the "traditional" version), and then back to Sonlight.


    I have two kids who are 2 1/2 years apart. I used the Core oriented to the younger one, and then had the older one read SOTW and other books.


    Frankly it kept me sane. I always felt behind with TOG, but Sonlight helped us get way more done because it was a no-brainer. I skipped only a few of the books and mostly used it as written.


    For us, the best curriculum was the one that got done. Sonlight did that for us.

    I have felt extremely behind this year b/c of our move. In retrospect, we aren't really that far behind. We should finish by the end of June.


    Thanks for responding. It helps me to think this through!:001_smile:

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