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Posts posted by SewLittleTime

  1. Hi, Kathy G! I can sympathize. We're moving to Iowa next week. I talked to NICHE on the phone and they gave me lots of great help about homeschooling there. Just google homeschooliowa.org and you'll find all the info you need. I needed a bit of clarification, so I called the number on the site. They were super friendly and helpful.

  2. I am going to throw one more question out there....what curriculum has the best readers/read a louds? That is the most important thing for me..I want to get my kids reading good books, focus on getting caught up in LA areas etc..


    Just curious...I am looking at Preparing from HOD..that looks good to. I want TOG to work but am thinking it might not this next year because of everyone needing help w/ reading, writing, LA skills etc..it seems really intense right now with the stuff needing to get done and the time I need to take.


    So...I want Bible, Memory verses, great read alouds, a timeline would be nice to do also...


    Sorry..please bare with me while I muttle through this!



    This sounds like SL to me.

  3. See..this is my problem, as much as I want a "daily" plan, we too have lots of different things that come up. It makes it tough, in our house, to follow too close of a schedule. So...maybe TOG would be best as I love that that include bible and church history and the lapbooks! On the days when things are "working better" we do more and on the days the aren't we don't.

    We have a lot of life happen here too. This year our year is being interupted by a move out of state. The last month, we have been working, but definately at a lighter pace.

    I love looking at the Sonlight IG but know we would get "behind" quick, I have tried it and always felt like certain boxes were getting checked quicker than they were supposed to and others we not..so I always felt way off balance so maybe a weekly plan would be good?

    What I love about TOG is that I don't have boxes to check. I can decide how much or how little is enough. With SL, I always felt guilty if the boxes weren't checked. I sat this summer and made all my plans for TOG for the year. I prepicked the activities to do. I knew we couldn't do everything, so I tried to pick activities that allowed me to combine my kids as much as possible. Some weeks work better than others, but so far, it is working out pretty well. I also went through and printed all the maps for the year and literature pages that we'd need and file them. It was a lot work this summer, but it has paid off b/c it all done for the whole year. All I have to do is go to the file and pull it out. In a sense by doing the preplanning, I've made TOG a little more open and go.

  4. I bought year 3 originally in just DE format, and then went back and bought the print copies. I found the DE is handy for updates, but I like touching and feeling my TOG. Something about the print version, I bond with more.


    I've used the lapbooks for one unit. We liked them and used them at the end of the week to review what we had learned. This year I'm trying to do more notebooking.

  5. Here's what I did this year, and it's working fairly well. I have created a book basket that has titles from Sonlight and from the Story of the World Activity Guides. I went through both trying to match in titles where I could before we began year three. I have a column on the side of my history plans labeled book basket that has the titles for the books I thought would fit our needs. I try to get as many titles from the library as possible b/c my TOG books have cost quite a bit. Some weeks we get to the book basket and some weeks we don't. My kids choose from that basket after they have done their TOG reading for the week during their quiet reading time.


    Sometimes I really miss SL, but overall TOG is working here. My kids are learning to love TOG books too.

  6. My ds played in the 3rd/4th age group last year. His games were not full court. They played on half of the court and the girls played on the other half of the court. The goals were also not at ten feet, but lowered for his age group. I'm not sure how high though.


    We love Upward Basketball! We're sad not to get to play this year. But we are moving in a week out of state, so we would of had to miss half the season. Hopefully, they have it where we are going. My boys adore basketball b/c they have had such a positive experience with Upward.

  7. our kids (6 and 4) love fruit ninjia -- it was a free down load DH found. silly but good for getting the body moving


    we are getting Brain Body Connect for them for christmas http://www.amazon.com/Body-Brain-Connection-Xbox-360/dp/B0049PBOKW --- some of it is gonna be too old for them -- buttttttt there are some cool aspects to it -- i downloaded the free trial and it is everything i want -- whole body combined with thinking and learning -- great for my 2 and their needs.


    also fun and educational :D:D:D:D:D things Momma loves ----


    we have only the 360 kinect for the boys to "game on" -- all the games are full body action and even my 6 yo can play them because in MOST of them you do a certain "path" or "course" and you do not die -- you just get no score -- well he don't get that -- he is proud of a 30 :001_smile: -- but he doesn't die every 30 seconds, yk?


    we feel our boys are too yung for 'viedo games' -- but the 360 is differnt -- it is the entrie body and there is a lot of 'connection' going on -- imo, for mine -- as the learn to move their body to go the game.


    My fav is the bubble game on the disc that came with ours

    The Brain and Body Game looks good. I haven't seen that one! Another choice....ugh!:001_huh:

  8. We bought an x-box kinect for the kids for Christmas. We've never had a gaming system. We've really been opposed to up till now, but we are moving to a much colder climate and know the long winter will be hard on us. Dh and I decided to invest in one to help burn some of the energy to boys have when cooped up. I am such a novice though. I have no idea what games to start with.


    I need some tried and true recommendations. :bigear:

  9. We just accepted a job this week in a much colder state. But I would move anywhere if dh could be happy in a job. He's been unhappy in his job for a good long while. It's nice to see a little hope and spring in his step again!:001_smile:


    However, I also think that you and your husband should totally agree the move is good and beneficial for the whole family. It could be your lack of enthusiasm is the Lords' way of shutting that door too.

  10. We were happy SL users until we hit core D or 3 or whatever it is now. See responses below.

    We have Core D-Intro to American History-and I have yet to actually follow the IG. Things that aren't working...


    -Ds doesn't like hopping from book to book. He wants to read a book, finish it and go on to the next.

    This was partially a problem here too. Ds was always ahead of the reader schedule even with the advanced readers. We use a book basket with extra books to read now.

    -He *strongly* dislikes the Story of the USA book. Absolutely refuses to do it.

    My ds hated this book too. Actually, it felt very unSonlightish. We had used cores P4/5-2. We didn't like the workbook aspect.

    -The mapping just isn't getting done.

    After doing TOG now, I really don't like SL mapping. I really prefer the mapping from TOG. I also like how STOW does mapping. Much more useful, IMO if your going to spend your time mapping.

    -I didn't buy a new core, and own only some of the books. The rest I have been getting (or, trying to!) from the library. This has resulted in fines and long waits for a few ILL.


    -As much as I really wanted to like the LA portion, it is a bad fit.

    The LA didn't work here either. I prefer WWE and FLL. I like the hand holding that they do. SL was just too vague for us in the LA department.

    What we are currently doing is the read alouds and the lit. That's it.


    As I look ahead, I don't see us continuing with SL. I'm sure we'll use the books, I just can't see us using it anywhere close to the way it is set up.


    Now I find myself rethinking history. I NEED to simplify. Maybe I should reconsider how we will approach history both now and in the future. It is ONE subject, yet it feels so overwhelming. Maybe I was wrong to never start ds on a 4yr chronological history cycle.:confused:

    I love the 4 year cycle. If you like it, you just need to figure how to make it work for you. There are lots of good ways to accomplish it.

    What ds loves (so far) about "Social Studies" is Geography and listening to RAs of historical fiction.


    Okay, well, I am certainly throwing it all out there in a not so neat and tidy way.:tongue_smilie:

    Dare I ask for thoughts?

    Hope you find what works.

  11. I know many say you can use AAS for reading, but I wouldn't, at least not at the scheduled way of doing it. AAS moves slowly for spelling, but learning phonics is easier than spelling. You would need to move so fast in AAS I don't think you would get much spelling out of it...


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