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Posts posted by SewLittleTime

  1. at the breakfast table, "I'm eating food. It's going down to my sarcophagus."


    I laughed so hard!:lol:


    About three weeks ago, I shouted to his older sister in the back seat after a long day in the car, "Please stop getting on your brother's nerves!"

    2yo quipped back right away with, "Yeah, and don't get on my bones either!"


    Can you guess what we've been studying this year? ;)

    Wasn't planning to hs the toddler officially yet but it's too late...he's already ahead of the game.


    Care to share your funny kids quotes that prove you're hsing?

    :lol: That's hysterical!


    My 2yo picked up a biography of George Washington at the library this week and said, "Oh, Mommy, it's Curious George Washington!" :smilielol5:Yep, she's definately picking up something.

  2. For all of you that are getting up early to exercise, do you have all your clothes/water bottle etc all set out first the night before? Do you eat a small breakfast before going out?

    I lay out my running clothes and shoes the night before and fill my water bottle up and put the fridge. In the morning I just roll out bed get dressed, put hair in ponytail, grab my water bottle and pedometer, and go.

  3. I'm new to this whole exercise world. Anyone have a good shoe preference? I used my old sneakers from (gosh-probably 5 years ago!). I'm sure a better shoe would ease me into running....

    I just bought a new pair when I started at Academy. I have now graduated to a pair of Brooks I bought when I got my feet fitted at a running store. My feet are so much happier!!!

  4. I started running in February on the couch to 5k program. I ran my first 5K in May. I have another in July, but I'm now starting to increase my distance in hopes of running a 10K and eventually a 1/2 marathon.


    I get up early. There is just on other time in the day to spend on me with 3 kids. It nearly kills me when my alarm goes off, but I'm learning to discipline myself and get up. It's very hot here too, so if I don't get up, by 8 it is just unbearable to be outside unless you are in the pool.


    I do recommend good running shoes. It can make all the difference in the world having the right shoes.


    I offered the buyer a half price refund to be fair and she filed a dispute. So I am out $75 and the materials.


    And no the buyer did not ask nor pay for insurance. You can be sure I will always add insurance to my items before shipping from this point on.


    I need to let this go. Vent over.

    This happened to me a couple of years ago EXCEPT my box was never found! I even filed a claim with the post office and with my elected officials (on the recommendation of the postal inspector). Thankfully, the buyer did graciously accept a half price refund. But still it ticked me off b/c I lost out much more that just money, curricula, and lots of sleep!


    Sorry this happened to you!:grouphug:

  6. We use TOG and use FLL for grammar. If I had a to pick a second choice for grammar it would be Rod & Staff. Both are great programs.


    My plan this year is to begin implementing some notebooking with TOG and adding a few assignments from Writing Aids.

  7. I guess I am one of those devoted followees. :lol: I am sure MUS just doesn't work with some kids, but usually those with major concerns were using one of the old versions. I got Singapore's challenging word problems to supplement with because I kept hearing that MUS had word problems that were too easy. My son found CWP to be the same level as MUS, so we dropped it. We supplement with these booklets starting in Gamma for 2 years. We do the fractions, measurement, problem solving and geometry booklets. I do start Alpha in K, so the kids run about a year "ahead." Both of my kids test very high in math. I plan on using it all the way through, but may supplement with AOPs in highschool.

    Thank you for your reply. We started Alpha in K too. My oldest will move into Epsilon for 4th.


    Thank you for your thoughts on CWP. I have thought about that a lot, but I frankly don't want to spend money on anything that is just going to be more work. I'm trying to simpify!!!!:tongue_smilie:

  8. Could you be more specific? What does it lack?


    I can sympathize with Angela in Ohio and others who are not wanting to anger true MUS believers, BUT, people like me with inquiring minds really want to know. :bigear:


    .... heard the same vague thing I have that MUS is not rigorous enough in the upper grades, and we are both trying to quantify or verify or refute this statement. So, please, even if you have to PM me, PLEASE spill the beans!


    Is it rigorous enough for someone considering an engineering career? If not, what does it lack?





  9. I'm at the point I need to consider where ds is headed. He is one one year away from logic stage, and I sense a need to make sure I have him prepared for that. We currently use MUS, and we've enjoyed it. But I have that nagging feeling of if it is going to prepare him. I read about so many people that say it's not rigorous and has gaps. Can someone explain this?

  10. I'd say they are necessary. You never know when your kids might need them to understand a concept. We used them heavily for Alpha, hardly at all for Beta, a wee bit in Gamma, and only in 2 lessons in Delta so far. However, we hit a lesson last week in Delta that had my son scratching his head until we got out the manipulatives.

  11. I have 1 UG and 1 LG, so I can that 1 hour should work. We don't use the writing yet either b/c we are using WWE.


    Here's our general schedule for the week:

    Day 1 - Core reading

    Day 2 - Mapping

    Day 3 - Vocabulary and LG Literture selections

    Day 4 - In-Depth Reading

    Day 5 - In-Depth Reading/Activity/or Timeline Figures


    My UG reads his literature on his own during the first part of the week and generally does his lit. worksheet on Thursday. I may him notebook with this next year. Still deciding...;)

  12. I think one area you can scale back on is the the activity books. There are plenty of hands-on suggestions in the week plans without having an additional activity book. You can also have your UG and LG students use the same activities rather than do separate ones. My kids prefer to work together on their own project, but doing the same thing.


    I check my library to see what they have, and then purchase what they don't. It turns out to be quite a few books that I still need to purchase. We love the picture books for LG, and I find my UG ds reading them in his spare time. He's afraid to miss out!

  13. We've been using MUS for 4 years. I'm happy with the program and pleased how my dc are understanding math. But I sense that my kids could use a bit of variety. I thought maybe we could use MUS as our base and just throw in a day or possibly 2 in a week where we do something else.


    I've looked at SM and even borrowed it from a friend to really put my hands on it. Saxon is overkill I think. I even tossed the idea of just buying the Horizons workbooks and using those a couple days a week.


    I'm sure there is something out there that will fit our family's needs. What am I missing. Oh, inexpensive would be an added bonus. My homeschool budget is about maxed for next year.

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