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Posts posted by SewLittleTime

  1. I know I saw on my year 2 DE the pages you can print to make a binder label to slide down in one of those clear pocket binders for a notebook. For the life of me, I can't find it again. If you know what I'm talking about, can you point me in the right direction. I'm trying to print some things get ready for our next unit, and that is one thing I want to print out!:D

  2. :lol: So yes, I should just try ONE unit and see how it goes. We might like it, and we might not. If it feels like overkill from what we could be doing, I can always drop it and not be out a ton of money.

    This is exactly what I did. I needed to try it so that I could either move forward with TOG or just put it out of my mind. The constant wondering and being intrigued with it was driving me batty. I know I was driving dh batty:tongue_smilie:.


    We have loved out unit trial run. So much so, that I feel comfortable about buying a year plan now.

  3. I'm thinking of getting OPGTR. I've looked at the lessons and it seems there's still quite a bit that we haven't covered. But it's hard to tell without the book in front of me.


    Advice? Should I just go ahead and move into AAS or would it be worthwhile to cover OPGTR first?

    I wanted to mention that before I jumped into OPGTR I checked it out at my library. It proved to be a great way to get my hands on it before buying it to see if it would actually be something I wanted to use. I offer that as a suggestion before you buy.

  4. To be fair, not everyone puts their marriage in their siggy ;). If she was, say, trying to have children & it just hasn't worked yet, she probably wouldn't put that in her siggy either. Nothing wrong with being prepared & asking questions & planning ahead.

    You're right. I don't have my dh listed in my siggy. I gathered from her siggy and the way she has posted that she is not.

  5. May I ask why you are on this vein right now and what you are planning to do with the information? Are you waxing philosophically or planning ahead to future children already? Are you writing a research paper or curriculum?

    I wondered this as well. Why would a college student who has NO children (marriage hasn't been even mentioned, so I don't think she is) even circulate these boards? The only thing I can think of is that she is writing a paper and needs to do some surveying for her class. UGH!!!!!!:glare:


    I really feel the OP posted naively. She can't possibly even have the life experience that marriage, parenting, and life with your own family can possibly give. Which, I think, may be the heart of why I find the OP is so irritating.

  6. One of the MAJOR cons about the LG level is that the overview pages often don't jive with it. It will list vocabulary words that are not in that week's readings. It will list PEOPLE who aren't in those books. It will list topics that aren't covered. This frustrated me to no end because what I WANTED to do was list all those things on a white board at the beginning of the week and then sort of give my kids a glimpse of what we were going to cover. Then at the end of the week we'd realize we hadn't actually covered the stuff that I had written down, even though we'd read all of the assigned books and pages. I finally asked about it and was told by Dana C. (I think that's her name??? She's a big whig over there) to ignore what is listed on the overview pages and to just use the readings.:001_huh:


    The mapping activities were next to impossible. I was told to just give my kids the answers. I finally bought the atlas used as the R geography reference, and that actually helped somewhat.


    Now, when we got to UG, it was worse. I had absolutely no guidance whatsoever on what to do with my UG son. Since he was UG, he was expected to read the books on his own. I didn't have time to read his books too, so I had no idea what to discuss with him at all, since there are no discussion questions or any real notes at all for UG, like there are with D or R level material. I really felt lost.


    I plodded through and gave TOG and honest go at it for two whole years but never could get it to work.


    But like I said, maybe they've changed this?????

    This has not been our experience at all. I'm sorry that it was for you. We started with Y2U4 though. We use the teacher maps to fill our maps at the LG and UG level. I'm trying introduce the places on the map at this point. Give them a basis for where the weeks history reading are happening. Mapping has been fun! Even my K'er has loved the mapping. I usually print off little labels for him to glue on his map instead of writing the places.


    We haven't had any problems locating the people in our readings either. Some of the people are in the in-depth reading and not in the core part. i.e. in Y2U4 John Harrison was covered in an in-depth LG reading, but not in the core reading.

  7. I'll start with the weaknesses b/c the list is shorter :D


    1. No books for beginning readers. Although I understand why they left this out (too many possible "levels" for beginning readers as reading is a skill that comes to dc at different time) the "booklist" of them would be nice.Having said that, I did post here about an easy remedy to this situation.


    2. No memorization included. I can see how mileage varies with memorization selections, too, but would like an easy reference tool like the HOD CD.


    3. I would like more poetry. There is some, but I love poetry, so a weekly option would be grand. We simply add to this by choosing a variety of poetry and reading it anyways.



    1. Interesting reading selections: colorful, informative, fun! TOG has really given me a feel for great authors over the years I've use it.


    2. Flexibility: like a book from another level...okay, it's right there, just choose it. Don't have time for literature this week b/c the inlaws are in town...okay, it doesn't hamper the rest of the program.


    3. Supplements: vocab lists, famous people lists, maps, evaluations, literature comp. worksheets, writing suggestions, Pop Quizzes all in one tidy place. The legwork is DONE! Oh, if the newbies only knew how life used to be before companies put it all together for us....LONG hours of searching.


    4. K--Mom: REALLY. Hindsight has taught me a few things. One of them is while you are busy chasing littles, you'll be a whole other kind of busy when they get big. I have found it's much easier to be a step ahead of them academically when they're young. The pace is fast when they get in middle and high school and it's been Very.Difficult to keep a step ahead of them at this point. I would have been much wiser to spend less time scrapbooking and more time reading history when they were little. I have reconsidered what a Mom's Night Out can look like: Bookstore + History + coffee would have been time better spent. The self-education is organized and fruitful in TOG. The whole "TOG benefits more from 5th grade on" is only a half truth. It does ROCK in those years, but the provision of "get ahead of the game" that TOG provides is, imho, priceless. Since I'm no longer that step ahead, the teacher's notes hold my hand and keep me moving forward; otherwise, I would have been defeated long ago.


    5. Multi-level: managing a large family takes skill and organization. TOG honestly does ALL the legwork for me. I can liken it to food :) I can buy a frozen Tostino's pizza. I can also buy a Deli Fresh Pizza. Both will save me time, but one tastes much better. TOG allows me to get a cheese pizza for my LG, pepperoni for my UG and Supreme for the rest of us. I no longer have time to prepare all that pizza by myself. We'd be eating at 9pm. Instead, I head to the TOG buffet and meet the needs of an entire household in one place. It's wonderful and it's nutritious!


    6. Content : Amazing, well thought out, and meets a variety of teaching methods: Classical, Unit Study, easily used as Charlotte Mason, Literature rich, high school credits The LG specifically allows me to be gentle like CM, and ensures we're moving toward our more classical goals, and provides the hands on we Need.


    7: Cost. Now, some look at the cost and think, "Whew! Expensive." Nope. It's pretty nice for me now that I own all 4 levels. The only expense I have for the next few years are high school books. Imagine that by the time you're dc are in high school, you no longer have to spend a dime for anyone's history.


    8. Teacher Training. I can't speak for everyone, but I can say, although my zeal and willingness to ask made up for it, I had No Idea what I was doing (really doing) when I started this journey. TOG really has taught me how to organize a study, facilitate it, even show me what options have merit and which have the face of merit, but really aren't. The teacher training is invaluable. I only wish I would have found TOG much sooner. I can only testify that there are no tears with my Little League and my Elders could have cried me a river. I'm a much better teacher and TOG is a huge part of the process.


    Now, before someone finds me melodramatic, let me say this: there are other programs that may have helped me along the way, but TOG has truly made a difference in our home school and I don't see any Real Reason to wait and use it later. It is wonderful to start now. I can and will build a strong foundation of knowledge and offers plenty toward character building.

    :iagree:My list is very similar to Tina's.


    The poetry aspect is also important to me b/c I want my children to not be afraid of reading poetry. Starting them while they are little with poetry is one way I hope to encourage the idea that poetry isn't scary! I dreaded poetry in high school and college simply b/c I hadn't had enough exposure to reading it. My plan here is to choose the poetry books that SL offers for each core and use those as a base for reading poetry to my kids. We have taken to tea time on Thursdays for this and it's a lot fun!


    The memorization is easy enough to plug in, but it sure would be easier if it said memorize XYZ this week. I don't worry too much about this b/c my kids are memorizing scripture weekly, memorizing poetry in FLL, and memorizing in other places where appropriate.


    IMO, the strengths of TOG outweigh the cons. I found more reasons to choose TOG than to not.

  8. I know TOG recommends not doing a timeline with LG and UG, but we are. We had started a timeline with our SL studies, and I just couldn't let my kids give that aspect up. They LOVE looking through it. When we made the switch, I bought the Homeschool in the Woods CDs and then printed the figures out on 8 1/2 x 11 sticker paper. The are just continuing to add figures to the SL Book of Time that we already had. It's working well here.

  9. Part of why I was looking at SL and now TOG is because I don't have a lot of time for planning. My days are stretched so thin, that I need something that has most everything layed out already. I can handle a little planning time every week or so, but I think it would be too stressful to have to track down my books for several different levels.

    We made the switch from SL to TOG and honestly, it has saved me time. It takes a bit more planning for me b/c I need to prepare more by reading the teacher's notes and come up with something to do with the vocabulary words, but our school time has cut down having us all on the same topic. I am no longer reading 2 cores which is saving me lots of time. I bought most the books we'd need for the 1st unit simply b/c I am so used to have all my SL books right there on the shelf when I need them. It was convient, but not necessary.

  10. She's not had any fevers. That means we haven't let it get to the kidneys? Or am I just being naive in thinking this.


    She's going to see the pediatric kidney dr. in 18 days. The pediatrician said that they'll do an ultrasound to check for reflux. The reason they're not doing it soon, he says, is because the UTI causes inflamation and reflux all on it's own and to do the test without the infection is more accurate. That's what the dr. said. Is that correct? What else should I be asking him to do.

    She definately needs to be checked for reflux! It is better that there not be infection if possible for a the test. They'll need to do more than an ultrasound. They should do another test called VCUG. It requires being catherized for X-rays and is a uncomfortable. If you want more info on reflux check out www.vurinfo.com


    My dd just had surgery in Jan. to correct her VUR. I really hope it's not that.

  11. Thank you for your help!!

    ...I will join the yahoo-group.


    I went ahead and bought the first unit of Year 1...and am utterly in love:001_wub:!!!


    I have the feeling to have found IT...THE way, for us, to make homeschooling the way I want it to be... (can you see I am excited;)...haven't felt that way since the day we took the kids out of school four years ago!).


    ...off to read some more in my ToG...:lol:

    :party:So excited for you!!! We are loving it here! We will are nearly done with our very first unit. I'm making plans to buy the next one!

  12. Giving you a bump, so maybe someone with more experience can answer your question.


    We just recently left SL to begin TOG. We love it!!!! Someone here pointed me to a list of SL books coordinated by TOG weeks in the TOG Loose Threads yahoo group. I have been using that to add in the extra SL books I have for my vorocious reader.

  13. We use it and love it! I like that I can easily line it up with our history studies for the most part. Most of all, I love that my kids are learning art techniques that I could never teach on my own because my own art education was so limited. I'm learning right along with them! AP is one of the best curriculum choices we have made. The lessons are easy to impliment and my kids have learned a lot!!!! They think art is fun and aren't afraid to experiment or try new techniques.


    I buy my supplies mostly from Hobby Lobby and watch for sales. I have bought a few things through Rainbow Resource when I'm placing my big order for the year.

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