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Posts posted by SewLittleTime

  1. I did this last year when trying to figure out costs for Y3. That nearly made me completely rethink my decision to use TOG.


    Used, Used, Used. I bought a lot of my books used from a precious gal on the yahoo groups. I have also gotten about 30 books off of paperback swap for year 3 alone. It has taken a long time, but it was worth it. If I have to choose between the levels, I pick for the higher level. Most things I can substitute from the library for my LG. Although they don't have as may TOG titles as I would like.


    The other big expense for TOG this year was the year plan. I'm hoping once I have all of those, my TOG sticker shock will wear off. I have a ways to go though.;)



  2. You're ahead of us, so I am not speaking from personal experience, but many of my IRL friends and folks on the living math list recommend Key to Fractions. They're cheap, so it might be worth a try if you want/need a break from Epsilon.

    Interesting! I looked at samples and it teaches multiplication and division of fractions before adding and subtracting. They are also super cheap. Which is a huge bonus, since I'm have no money in my homeschool budget at this point. But I could definately swing those. I'm going to sleep on this gem of a recommendation, redo today's lesson with him tomorrow, and reevaluate after the lesson.


    Thanks for the idea.:D

  3. This is funny because this is seeming to help my 6th grade ds who has always struggled with fractions. The overlays have helped him to see why you have to multiply BOTH the numerator and denominator by the same number. I see him using the rule of 4 in his TT7 lessons.


    Granted, we are only on lesson 5 or 6 so maybe it gets more confusing, but so far I like it.

    They are all different. Aren't they?:tongue_smilie:

  4. I'm a self taught knitter. I'd definately start with bamboo needles. They aren't as slippery as the aluminum. I started with a size 8 I think. Washclothes are easy projects to learn on and finish quickly, so I'd also recommend finding simple clothes to make to practice making.


    I love Ravelry for patterns, but also find www.knittinghelp.com to be a fabulous help in jams. There are lots of little videos to help with things like dropped stitches and even simple techniques.


    Happy knitting!

  5. Ds is doing fine with it. He is getting it pretty easily, but even he is figuring out the tricks and saying why do I have to do it this longer way. Which is somewhat frustrating b/c I want him to know the why's behind it. But he could honestly care less about why. He just wants to be done with math, so he can move on to reading a book or his history.

  6. I don't think you can buy TOG at the conventions. I have no idea if they attend the Great Homeschool Conventions since they aren't near us at all. Year 1 is going through some revisions. I would wait till the revisions are done before buying or buy the DE so that you get the updates for free. I'm not sure when the revisions will be done. Seems like sometime in 2012.

  7. I'm not crazy about the Heroes Then and Now series either. I have a few of them used in conjunction with our TOG studies, but the poem format is well, just not appreciated by my kids. I read this latest one in more of a prose style, and it helped.


    We have done Hero Tales and liked them. We have also enjoyed several of the Benge's books on missionaries. My little ones even sit for those.

  8. I just let be easy. The other levels get a little more difficult and there are plenty of other things in ds' day that are challenging. It's nice to have something that is just easy that ds can say, "Ahhhhhh" to. FLL is thorough and well put together. If it is getting the job done, there is no need to jump ship. Just my .02.

  9. :grouphug:


    I'm not really sure how to encourage you, but I can certainly empathize with you. Money's tight here, so when I've spent and invested I really feel like I need to use it.


    Last year, I faced something similiar but with Sonlight. We had enjoyed cores P4/5 through core 2. I bought all of core 3, but just couldn't make it work for us. For some reason, with that particular core we were all miserable. I spent the first have of the year trying to get through it. Finally, in December dh had enough of it, and he told me try something else. We made the switch to TOG in January of last year by trying one unit. For us, the switch was good. But we also started half way through year 2.


    I do use STOW for a spine with TOG. My kids love it. I use the other books for my kids to read more in depth. This is what works for us. I also don't block out a set time for history. It may only take us 30 minutes on Wednesday when we do geography. That's okay with me. Today, all we did was a crossword I made to work on the vocab. We may have spent 20 minutes. But all of the reading was done for the week. I have my kids do notebooking and that has really helped cement things for them.


    I'm sorry that your so frustrated. I have watched your threads as you've prepared for TOG. You spent a lot time researching and getting ready for it. I really hope you can find a way to make your history studies all you want them to be.

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