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Posts posted by SewLittleTime

  1. Is anyone else fearful that (highlight to read):


    That's where I'm afraid they are going with this particular story line.


    Also can't stand the new maid. Branson should know better by now.


    I was so glad to hear Lady Mary laugh again though.

    Yes, that is where I think they may go with this. I really hope not though.


    I really like Branson. I hope he can somehow wise up to the maid situation and overcome his insecurities of not fitting in.

  2. Are they all mouthy? My ds seems to have a smart remark for everything. I cannot udder one word before he comes back with a comeback. It's exhausting dealing with it day in and day out. Dh and I have taught our kids about being respectful, but ds seems to think that doesn't apply to him. Ugh!!!!!


    Sorry. Vent over. Not sure I feel better, but at least I got it out there.

  3. Congratulations on a successful first day!


    We love LfC here! Just out of curiosity, how did your ds like Writing & Rhetoric?

    I ordered W&R from amazon. It hasn't come yet. I'm chomping at the bit to get started on it, but since we are easing into school, that is on hold till it arrives (sometime Sept. 4-7). He is doing narrations from history this week it copy work and dictation for writing this week.
  4. Ds wanted something different from his older brother, so I got Latina Christiana for him.  We started today's lesson.  He listened to the CD with the prayers and the songs, and said, "NO WAY!"  :thumbdown: I don't blame him.  It was so monotone that it would have bored me to tears too.  So, now I'm ordering LFC A text for him that big brother did.  Thankfully, flashcards and the DVD are still in shrinkwrap. 


    Otherwise, we had a successful first day. :thumbup:

  5. Does anyone know if CAP has communicated when further levels will be available? I would hope/expect their intention would be to have them available in time for those buying now to continue with the next levels next year but I can't find any comment on it.




    You did use the 20% off code, right? (Just noticed it on FB)

    I sent them an email this morning asking this question.  I'm going to use it for my rising 3rd grader. If I get an answer, I'll post it here.

  6. I'm curious.  We are almost finished with book LFC B.  It's been slow going.  I've even contemplated switching ds over to First Form instead of going to LFC C.  But we are almost to the last book.  I'm familiar with the program and how it works.  So, if you've made it through the whole program, can you encourage me a little.  How did C go? Overall, did the program prepare your student for the next phase of Latin? 

  7. Are you in a good running shoe? Not just a shoe that says running on the box that was bought in a box store. A good running shoe can make all the difference in how your body feels after a run. Go to a running store and get properly fitted if you haven't. You're shoes could be just worn out if you wear them for other things too. My running shoes only get worn for runs so I don't put premature miles on them.


    I've been experiencing various leg pains for a month while running. It started out as a calf cramp from dehydration. But it evolved into sore tendons in the feet and ankles, and then shin and knee pain. The problem turned out to be my shoes were worn out, and I was in a shoe with too much stability. My heal was lifted too much in the old shoe not allowing my calf to fully stretch out during the run. I changed my shoe up and have seen two great runs this week already. All that to say: shoes are important.


    Stretching properly and strengthing your muscles with cross training will also help with pain. Yoga and Pilates are both effective for me.


    You can also ice your leg after runs and use a foam roller or the stick on your calves that will help loosen the muscles in your legs. I love the stick. That should help ease the pain after runs.

  8. Latin Alive is supposed to be the follow-up to LFC. We use Memoria Press and have never used Latin With Children. However, in case you're not already aware, both programs employ different methodologies for teaching Latin. The latest issue of "The Classical Teacher" has a short article about the different methods and why MP approaches Latin the way that they do. I don't see the article online by itself, but if you click on the current issue, it's over on page 5.




    Regardless, though, First - Fourth Form Latin is a complete Latin grammar course. And I'm pretty sure Latin Alive is as well. The LFC series, as well as Prima Latina and Latina Christiana, are primers. So, if you choose to switch, you haven't lost anything. Both Latin Alive and the Form Series can be done without any previous Latin if the student is old/mature enough to handle the work.

    I read that article. It's one of those that got me to thinking about if our current program was meeting our needs. I think I'll go back and reread that article.

  9. I am training for a half marathon (my first). I have begun adding long runs on the weekends and am upping my mileage slowly during the week too. I have been battling a muscle knot in my calf this week. It is still a bit tight, but it is slowly coming out with the rolling pin/ice treatment. What I'm curious about it muscle recovery after longer runs. Are recovery drinks all they are cracked up to be? Is chocolate milk enough? I have no idea how to best recover from a long run. I need lots of hand holding here b/c I am stepping out beyond my knowledge. And no offense to Google, but there are a billion different opinions on what a runner should do or should not do to recover from long runs. Tell me what you do. What do you eat or drink to help refuel your muscles and help with nutrition?

  10. I am exploring an idea with some friends about using TOG so that we can do the discussions with our older children together. I am the only one of the three of us that has experience with TOG.


    I'd like to hear how you got it started, how it affected your friendships, how you shared the workload and planning, how you decided on a location, how often you meet, what you do with younger siblings, and anything else you feel of value to share.



  11. We like it, but sadly never gets done. I really want to make it work but it just doesn't.

    This is why I was hesistant to buy it. It looks wonderful, but I seriously doubt is would used. I would also like to hear if those that bought it though are using it, and if they thought is was worth the investment.

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