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Indigo Blue

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Everything posted by Indigo Blue

  1. Speaking for myself only….I’m not a TS football bandwagon jumper. I don’t follow football, but you don’t have to be a follower in order to be aware of the DV, drugs, dog-fighting, entitled, etc. problems of football. Football is violent. I get it. Something about that incident just crossed a line for me.
  2. Right? I’ve seen lots of aggressive behavior in sports, but I’ve never seen a football player put hands on their coach. That was a first for me, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this wasn’t the first time this has happened.
  3. I’m not a football person. I don’t follow it, and I don’t know the culture. I’m not really into Taylor (although I don’t dislike her….I don’t really like or dislike people I don’t even know). But….the Kelce outburst toward his coach last night…..a LOT of people are dismissing it as “when the Super Bowl win and your legacy is on the line, you understand why Kelce would get fired up. It’s understandable.” So when the stakes are that high, unclassy behavior is acceptable? Lots of people also saying how terrible his behavior was. Lots of people saying it didn’t bother the coach at all. That they are like family and this stuff happens all the time. So I’m just watching that last night (just wanted to sit in the room with Dh while he watched it) and all that I could think about was this guy has an anger problem and does Taylor not see the red flags? Am I missing something? Am I supposed to believe this was just a person under great pressure, no biggie? I’m kinda having a hard time with that. This is just normal banter between coach and player and sometimes the coach is just as rough with the player? I didn’t like seeing someone physically shoving a man much older than himself. It was not accidental. Just think that was devoid of any class whatsoever. So I’m afraid to ask….what do y’all think?
  4. Thank you @Terabithand @PeterPan. I agree he should keep trying different combinations and doses. I’m keeping this thread bookmarked for him. He agrees that it’s good to try these things before going back to prescription.
  5. He could, I suppose. He’s already taking only 50mg. It also stops up his sinus as soon as he takes it.
  6. Thanks. It’s just like this: Someone told me he was going to be wearing a tux. I know he isn’t in the wedding party. I thought….that doesn’t sound right to me. Just to myself. I thought, well, he just wants to draw attention to himself (he does). I wondered if I was right about the tux, though, so I asked here. Just to see if I was right. I just wondered if that was proper….or not. I honestly didn’t know. I’m anxious about the reception, but I want to go. I’ll live through it, though. It’s fine. But you’re right about not giving any of it further thought.
  7. Please don’t quote! It’s a known listed side effect according to ds. It caused him to lose his bladder content during sleep.
  8. If we ever switch banks again, that’s where I want to go.
  9. Two close relatives, who were invited to the wedding, are giving me the impression that they won’t be giving a rsvp. I suggested that they do, but this person, who is argumentative and stubborn, doesn’t think it will matter. So I’m following the advice given here and I’m just going to mind my own business. If I got them to rsvp, there’d be another issue right behind that one. I just can’t keep up and it’s too stressful. But I felt I was being mean, so I asked here. Most likely the bride will know that she hasn’t received these rsvps, and may follow up verbally.
  10. To be clear, I am not bent out of shape. I did not know if this person was being truly out of line for wearing a tux. I asked because I wanted to know. I have no plans to police anyone. I also wanted to make sure that that was the best thing to do….to not police people. I have lots of apprehension about going to this reception, for good reason. So I’m just trying to get a grasp on some things and will probably be here asking more dumb questions.
  11. People are so impatient with new and elderly drivers. It’s so disheartening.
  12. He wants to stop using Trazodone because of side effects. I sent him some valerian root. He tried it last night. It worked very well, but he was groggy today. He has a few things to try alone or in combination before he resorts to trying another prescription drug. He has passion flower, valerian, magnesium glycinate, and cbd oil. 40mg. He is avoiding melatonin for now. Have any of these ever worked for you if you have insomnia? Any good combination or dose? The valerian did work well, but there has to be a way to address the daytime grogginess. I hope.
  13. Wow. My goodness. This has happened to us several times. We are not loaded, lol. I do love the bank overall. That teller guy…..he is just excellent.
  14. We do have some money just sitting there, but we are planning to do something with that soon as part of our retirement plan, probably through an outside company such as Fidelity, where we already have accounts set up. I guess they just saw some low hanging fruit.
  15. to see if you are “missing out on any free benefits” because your account is so old you need to “upgrade” to the “new improved” account tiers? I try to never answer these calls, but I was on my way out the door one day and answered quickly without thinking. She genuinely made me think I had good reason to reconsider our choices, so I made an appointment. Then, I needed to reschedule it. I went online, as instructed, and did it, never making contact with her directly. I was on time for the appointment, but a teller came out and said she was having lunch. Odd, I thought. He disappeared into the break area to check with her. He came back to me and explained that she said “something got switched around” and she would not be available for a while. I immediately assumed there was a mix up on her end because of my having rescheduled. So, a different person offered to help me. We went into his office, and to make this story shorter, it all just amounted to his trying to get me to lock some funds into some CDs, and also, for some odd reason I couldn’t figure out, to get me to switch account types. I was fine with him at first, but then I just began to feel pressured and my instincts were not trusting his shifty eyes and demeanor. I was then just really annoyed with myself for answering the phone in the first place and wanted to leave. He wanted me to make an appointment with their investment banker. I just said I’d call and meet with him later and left. I still don’t know what the push was for to switch account types. There had to be some hidden benefit for them that I wasn’t allowed to know about. They all seem to want to get rid of very old account types (insurance companies have done this with us, too. That was a whole ‘nother run around) probably because they don’t want to accommodate the stipulations these old accounts may have. And they wanted to pressure me to lock away our money into CDs and investments. Anyway, it’s all so annoying and now I will never want to answer the phone if the bank calls. He kept harping SO MUCH on how he only had my best interest in mind, but I know they are just trying to look out for themselves in some hidden way.
  16. Maybe those are the ones who should eat at home, lol. 🙂
  17. This wedding is cocktail attire. So, no black tie. But this person would be showing up in a tux to draw attention to himself. He doesn’t have any relationship at all with his granddaughter. But I won’t worry with any of it further, except to come here privately and vent and post about things if I need to.
  18. Yes. This makes perfect and describes it perfectly. I don’t think everyone experiences it quite like that.
  19. I have a thought about this…. Some people notice things like that. Some people are totally oblivious to all sorts of things. I notice things. I don’t mean to notice things. I don’t make it a point to notice things. My brain just works that way. Noticing doesn’t mean judging, necessarily. I would have noticed if someone didn’t wash. I would mentally try not to let my mind go to judgmental thoughts, but the fact is, not washing is very unsanitary. So, I would try to let it be, in my brain, more of a neutral observation rather than a judgment. That’s hard though because, well, that’s gross. So you see something. You observe. You can’t unsee it. It just is what it is. But I don’t know why I notice things. My brain just does. I can’t make it not do that, but I try to not let it turn into judgment. (Not saying you are judging, Scarlet). I think I am very self aware of myself being an observant person. I don’t think we all are super observant. I think it varies wildly.
  20. Good. That’s what I will do.
  21. I guess by now y’all can tell that I haven’t been to many fancy weddings and may even live under a rock, but is it poor etiquette for someone, for example, the grandfather of the bride, who is not in the wedding party, to just decide on his own to wear a tuxedo to the wedding? Two others are planning to attend only the reception without any rsvp. I’m sorry….I will probably be dumping wedding stuff here between now and then. I just hope the bride’s day is happy and not full of family weirdness. But I honestly don’t know if the tux thing is bad manners. Is it best for me to not try to straighten any of this out and only be concerned for myself? Let others do what they want, wear what they want, say what they want? I feel like just not trying to explain that, yes, you need to rsvp, etc. Is it okay to just turn a blind eye to it all?
  22. I just would never eat there. I don’t think I’d say anything.
  23. This is something I wanted to share for people who don’t wear foundation and have a hard time with white cast from sunscreen. 🌞 I tried mineral based sunscreen yesterday (after cleansing and moisturizing), and then put a light layer of tinted sunscreen over the untinted sunscreen. It worked very nicely. The problem has been not being able to find a tinted mineral based sunscreen that I like well enough to use alone whether it not be the right shade, too expensive, too oily, or don’t like some of the ingredients, etc. The Thinksport works pretty well for the face, not being a shiny finish. So, it’s not Elta or MD Solar Sciences, but it is very very good for the price and for being suitable for the face as compared to most whole body sunscreens. So, it’s moisturize with a dewy cream, add a light layer of Nivea German version, light blot, let dry, then Think Sport, then a very light layer of Raw Elements stick. Just enough to tamper down the white cast. It gives a very slight warm toned, bronzed effect….very slight….and white cast is gone. Another light blot. Done. The result is enough hydration for my over 50 skin, a slight bronzing effect, NO shine, and no white cast. The no shine for such dry skin needs was tricky, but this works! I’ve been dealing with ghost face for so long. This works and it looks totally sheer and natural. You could use just about any tinted sunscreen because you only use such a small amount. The Raw Elements is quite dark, but it blends in perfectly to my skin tone. I’m very fair. Rubbing more spf over the first layer doesn’t really disturb or remove any protection. So I like that. So this is just my skin care tip of the day…..for people who don’t wear foundation over their sunscreen and have problems with white cast. My face looks so much warmer and natural now. Here it all is. The pump bottle is just what I wash my eyes/lashes with. The next one is oil based cleanser, then Cetaphil Shea butter cream (I repurposed the container from a different Cetaphil formula that I didn’t like), and Nivea. Lastly, Think Sport and the tinted stick.
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