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Everything posted by Mom0012

  1. A lot of these comments are making me think my original thoughts on this are correct — she’ll have to suffer the consequences before she makes a commitment to change. I do think she is going to fail her classes this semester. Perhaps that will be the wakeup call she needs. I don’t think that recordings will help. She can easily do the work, but just never makes time for it. I will look at the Finally Focused book. And I’m going to see if there is a coach that specializes in working with ADD college students and time management. Maybe after she fails the classes, she will be more open to wanting help. She is taking two classes this semester. She took 4 last semester and dropped one after I persistently asked her to for a month (it was a math class she was failing badly because she wasn’t doing any of the work). I wanted her to just take one this semester, but she always thinks she can do it. Honestly, I don’t think she has the maturity to be successful in school right now and I’d really like to see her wait a year or two if it doesn’t negatively impact her job because my hope is that with a bit more maturity, she’ll be able to do it. She is very bright and could easily do it if she just made the time, so I hate to see her load her transcript up with Fs in case she decides it is important to her in the future.
  2. I have a young adult that I am working with who has severe ADD. She is on medication, when she remembers to take it. She is bright, likeable and an out-of-the-box thinker, but she’s headed for flunking out of cc and possibly losing a great opportunity that she’s excelling in because she is not able to consistently get there on time. She could do very well in her classes if only she would do the work. My normal thought for someone making these mistakes is that they will have to suffer the consequences of their actions and, hopefully, learn from them. In this case, because of the ADD, I wonder if there are additional tools out there that might help her. She’s working full time, heavily involved in a college activity related to her work that she is absolutely passionate about and going to college part-time. So, definitely not lazy, but she has very poor executive function skills. I’d be grateful for any resources or suggestions that might help me help her.
  3. May I ask who the teacher was? I’m thinking it was Todd Godwin. I’m just wondering because my dd is/was planning on taking Japanese with him in the fall.
  4. My ds had no trouble at all getting accommodations at college even though we had never had an official IEP at home and he never took any classes at the cc during high school. His accommodations were based on the recommendations of the doctor that did his evaluation. The number one skill he has needed to implement his accommodations at college has been a willingness to approach his teachers during office hours to discuss them. His years at a local coop developing relationships and communicating with his teachers helped him with this. If your dd delays taking a class at the cc, maybe she could begin advocating for herself with her coop teachers?
  5. I’m glad you went and got him and that he’s moving into a new room.
  6. Thanks again! I showed her all the options and it sounds like she’s interested in either taking a discrete math class or statistics II at the cc.
  7. This is exactly how I handled it with my ds at this age. Non-negotiable shower every single day and when he saw I wasn’t going to back down, he stopped resisting and developed the good habit of a daily shower.
  8. Arcadia, what would an independent study on math and languages look like? Are you saying the C&P classes are not applied math? Or that they are, but that your son still didn’t care for them? I am wondering because when my dd was looking at becoming an actuary, it was recommended that she get a degree in applied math vs actuarial studies in order to excel in the field and I wasn’t sure what was meant by that. I will see if our library has the AOPS books available. Thank you! Oh, and what is “SPCS”?
  9. I’ve heard so many roommate horror stories. One of my friend’s dd’s went to the same school my ds is at one year before him. She left so hopeful and excited and wound up struggling horribly because of a bullying roommate. Another local girl we know went through major emotional issues at school for the same reason. I’ve told both of my kids not to put up with any of that. If there is a major character issue with their roommate, switch ASAP! No need to brave it out or hope it gets better. Just move on. My ds has been lucky to have a great roommate his first year. It was a huge relief to me because I know something like that could have been the difference between him making the adjustment of being away at college and returning home.
  10. So, it would be the Intro to Counting and Probability class that I should look at?
  11. Thank you! That all sounds like good advice.
  12. Some kids are so immature. I hope the meeting goes well for your son and that he can get some peace with the situation and get through this ordeal.
  13. Don’t get me wrong. It would be great if I could find something she’d enjoy. I’d love that. I just don’t want to get her into something really intense and then have it turn out that she doesn’t enjoy it. She had been exploring the idea of actuary work, and had been thinking about prepping for the first actuary exam for her math this year — probability — but then I think she got so sick of calculus, she started to think she might not like that kind of work. Prepping for that exam is probably still the thing she is most interested in doing. i guess if she did that, I could call it a probability course, culminating in the actuary exam, vs “actuary exam prep”. Hmmm.
  14. Thanks, Kiana. I had noticed that the stats II class wouldn’t transfer to the university closest to us, so it made me wonder if the class was worth taking. Thanks for the other suggestions. I will look more closely at each of them and see if there is something there that sparks an interest for her.
  15. Hmm, hadn’t even thought about computer science. I think pretty much anything would excite her more than calculus. And she liked stats, so stats II could work then, too.
  16. I hate when that happens! I’m glad you finally got it out.
  17. I will take a look. Honestly, this may just be a get it done year for us with math since my dd isn’t super interested and would like to carry on with 4 languages and a slew of other things. I guess that’s why I was originally wondering about the Khan Academy materials.
  18. I’m just glad everyone is enjoying the discussion.😊 Honestly, I don’t know what I’m looking for, but maybe discrete math.
  19. Caroline, what did you find enjoyable about this course? Thank you! Does it have proofs?
  20. Okay, you all are talking over my head with the math, lol. Thanks! So, any ideas where I can find a discrete math class?
  21. I think she just finds calculus kind of dull. I’m not sure why. I don’t believe she has done any proofs in calculus, though. Unless proofs are introduced in Multivariable Calculus? She used Derek Owens for Calculus AB and then Khan Academy to review and cover the BC material. It’s not that she hates it. It’s just at the bottom of her list as far as subjects go.
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