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Everything posted by MomtoCandJ

  1. Good morning, dh is home sick again - get dd1 up and on the bus- done - tidy house- kinda - fold laundry (will bring this to living room)- nope - put away clothes- nope - have oil changed and tires rotated on truck and a few groceties- done - get dd1 off bus (or pick her up)- picked her up - dinner- done - baths- well I know dd1 took a shower - go to work - anything else I get done- took nap with dd2, made eye doctor appointments for the girls and I
  2. Good morning- dh is home sick so I can't do some of the things that need to be done (fold laundry, go through school stuff) - dishes- in dishwasher - tidy house- round 1 done - stupid inservice crap for work- started on it - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- done - work - anything else I get done- got trash can from road, other wise nothing else. I really hope dh feels better tomorrow so I can fold laundry and go through my school stuff (my school stuff area looks like a bomb went off followed by a tornado that threw in other miscellaneous crap in there with it)
  3. Good morning - make some phone calls- done - insurance to gripe about dds' Doctor choices- done and issue resolved :) - my school re:financial aid and clinical schedules- well the scholarship I called on isn't available this year :( and the clinical placement office hasnt finished schedules yet - my work re: schedule for week- well have wed. and thurs. will have rest when get my schedule from my client tomorrow night - tidy house- round 1 done - fold laundry- all sorted (did this while on phone, love speaker phone :) ) towels folded and put away - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- done - baths- done - bedtime routine- missed this because I got called into work - anything else I get done- 1 load of laundry, starting to go through my school stuff (actually once this is done the master bedroom will look a lot better), swept/mopped kitchen and hall floors, went to work
  4. I usually show up early but if more than 5-10 minutes early, I will sit in my car. I tend to be early because we live outside of town and just about everything is in town. I never know what traffic I will encounter (tractors, the Amish, lost tourists...)
  5. I'm thinking the Zoo is as much at fault as anyone else, I mean by having such a large gap under the fence.
  6. Good afternoon - parade with dd1- done - ceremony at cementary- done - few things from Walmart- done - fold laundry - ???????- load of dishes and laundry - dinner - baths - bedtime routine
  7. Good morning - laundry- in dryer and doing the afresh cleaning thing in the washer - fold laundry - tidy house- round 1 done and living room vacuumed - help dh put in AC- done - have dds clean their room- going - deep clean kitchen some more??? - dinner-???? - baths - bedtime routine - anything else I get done
  8. My youngest brother got a job at the Oklahoma City Zoo starting end of June/ beginning of July and I'm trying to help him find someplace to live that is near the zoo. 1 bed/1 bath is all he needs and he's trying to get something furnished because he doesn't have any furniture and won't really have the funds to buy any when he gets there. Dh and I are going to helping him move out there. Is there any big no nos we should be aware of?? We are from Michigan :)
  9. Try not to go insane... My brother is fine and on his way home... Thank God!!!!
  10. Well I'm up here with the kids, hit a deer on the way up. Did very little damage to my car.
  11. He had a mild heart attack, after dd1 is done with Girl Scouts, I'm taking dd2 and going up there to watch his kids. Trying not to disrupt their routine too much with all that is going on.
  12. He had a mild heart attack, I'm leaving to go up there in a couple hours to watch his 3. He's being transported to the cath lab at another hospital, he most likely has hardening of the arteries like my dad did. I'm taking dd2 with me, dd1 and dh are staying home. We are trying not to disrupt the kids' routine too much as they have had so much happen to them already.
  13. Thank you all, I'm hoping it's nothing serious as I would most likely have his children with me (my mom works and would be the one caring for him) and though I love my nieces and nephew dearly, they are a handful (no fault of their's, let's just say there is a reason they are with my brother) I would have to quit working to care for them because dh wouldn't be able to handle all 5 kids on his own while I'm at work.
  14. Just found out my 30 yr old brother is being rushed to the hospital for chest pain (family history of heart attacks that kill before age 60, my dad at 57 and my grandpa at 37), my brother has sole custody of his 3 children, please pray it isn't anything serious. I love my nieces and nephew dearly but they are a handful and I would have to quit my job to help care for them as my dh wouldn't be able to handle all 5 kids on his own while I'm at work.
  15. Just found out that my 30 yr old brother is being rushed via ambulance to the hospital for chest pains please pray. He is a single dad of 3 (he has sole custody), our dad died of a heart attack at 57 and my dad's dad died of a heart attack at 37.
  16. Yup, dh lucked out with the job that he has now and I'm going to school for nursing (my local hospital is always hiring RNs because people start out there but then decide to chase the money south to Bay City or Saginaw at the bigger hospitals). We started out in Saginaw (we lived on Drummond for a while where I grew up and then moved to Saginaw when dh was laid off from one of the few decent paying employers up there). Saginaw started going down hill shortly after we moved there in 2004, we stayed there until 2006 when we moved to Georgia, employment sucked in Georgia too so we moved back to Michigan in 2011, dh lucked out that his cousin was hiring and he has been there ever since making enough to support us. We also lucked out with our home as dh's grandpa let us buy it on land contract which made payments more affordable for us.
  17. My girls are on the young side at 7 and 2 but I put "I might depending on circumstances". Included in dh's and I's 10 yr plan is the provision of building a house on our current property and leaving our mobile home where it's at. The reason for leaving the mobile home is so that if we need to take care of any of our parents, they can have their own space in the mobile home but still close enough so that we can help with daily things. Another reason is so that if sh!t hits the fan with either one of the girls then they have a place to stay as well until they get back on their feet. Included in the plan is that dd1 gets my current car (I get one every 10 yrs for my birthday and she turns 16 the year I'm due for a new one) and dd2 gets whatever dh has when she turns 16 (he also gets a different vehicle every 10 yrs, about 5 yrs after I get mine so that would work out for dd2) Since dh and I came of age during the beginning of this recession thing (I think it started in Michigan before most states), we understand how hard it can be to be self sufficient just starting out and we are willing to help where we can. But we won't support them if they are not trying to do it themselves.
  18. Good afternoon, I fell asleep shortly after getting home from work, dd2 was happy to go to back to sleep with me :) - call school about summer workbook- actually they called me because dd1 got bit by a mosquitoe by her eye (she wants to come home but I told her to put some ice on it and if it gets worse then call me)- dd1's teacher is providing dd1 a free copy :) - laundry- in dryer - fold laundry - tidy house - continue kitchen deep clean???? - get dd1 off bus - dd1 Girl Scouts - while dd1 at Girl Scouts get some milk - dinner - baths - bedtime routine - anything else I get done- anxiously await news on my brother and pray I don't need to make an emergency trip to the UP and bring his children back with me
  19. Good morning - go home- done - nap- done - dinner- meat pulled to thaw - pack up for work - work (another over night) - anything else I get done
  20. Good morning, haven't been on this board in a while.... - laundry- in dryer - dishes- in dishwasher - tidy house- done enough - start kitchen deep clean (it needs to be done before I start back to school in August along with the rest of the house (though living room has been done along with girls room)- stove/oven, vent done (well burner grates in dishwasher and oven self clean going, vent filter drying outside), organized cabinet above dishwasher (where dd2's sippy cups are, had to match valves with lids because it irritates me to have to hunt them down), cleaned out/organized fridge (freezer was done a few days ago) - when dd1 gets back from friend's house she needs to clean her room - nap- done - dinner- too hot - pack up for work- done - work (overnight shift) - anything else I get done- found parts for lawnmower (air filter and because it's an older mower, I need to order them online)
  21. Good afternoon - go to sleep- done (I worked an overnight shift last night) - call work re: paycheck and schedule: done paycheck should be in mail today and have schedule for next week (if she bumps my hours I will get overtime and they don't like that but it's thier problem not mine) - tidy house - nap???- dd2 not in a napping mood :( - get dd1 off bus - take dd1 to friend's house - dinner - work (only 2 hrs tonight) - bedtime with dd2 - anything else I get done
  22. Good morning - clean out car- done - laundry- done - fold laundry- done - tidy house- done enough - nap- tried, dd2 is refusing - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- done - work (I work overnight tonight)- all packed up just gotta put my scrubs on and go - anything else I get done- loaded dishwasher
  23. Good morning - get brakes done on car- done - go to CU to fight a charge- did over phone - fold laundry - tidy house - get dd1 off bus- picked her up, medical issues - go to dd1's spring concert - work - bedtime routine - anything else I manage to get done- took dd1 to ER for a medical issue she had at school (our regular doctor couldn't get her in and recommended the ER, really wish urgent care was still in my area)
  24. I self medicate with coffee and Mt. Dew. I also take a multivitamin but that's more general health than ADD.
  25. Good morning - tidy house- done enough - fold laundry- it's all sorted - call work to get schedule- I think I have it for the rest of the week - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- meat thawed- done - work- done - bedtime routine with dd2 - anything else I get done- watered plants and took them out side, 1 load of laundry, dishes in dishwasher, swept/mopped kitchen and hall, vacuumed living room
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