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Everything posted by MomtoCandJ

  1. My youngest LOVES Peppa Pig :) and yes she is 2
  2. Good morning - tidy house- round 1 done - use carpet scrubber on couches- done - start kitchen deep clean - read and/or crochet some- crochet a cover for a jar for dd1 to give to her teacher :) - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- done - baths - bedtime routine - anything else I get done- called dd1's school to remind her to turn in her flower sale stuff, made appointment for oil change in the car for tomorrow. Made dd1's teacher a gift for teachers week. Did some college budgeting (lord I hope I get some scholarships)
  3. Good morning - dd1 has friends over so supervise them and make sure they clean up later- they are cleaning up now- done - dishes - laundry- Done - fold laundry- done - help dh package up meat for freezer- done - finish living room deep clean (ok at this point it's shampoo couches and find a home for misc. stuff)- nope - start kitchen deep clean- nope - take dd1's friends home- done - dinner- done - baths- done - bedtime routine- done - anything else I get done- paid house payment
  4. Good morning - work on living room deep clean some more (hope to finish but not likely)- well surface cleaned today, may decided to deep clean a little later (ok a specific corner that really needs it) - dishes- in dishwasher - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- leftovers - baths - bedtime routine - anything else I get done- took a nap with dd2
  5. Well that's crappy, he's a veteran too. Next they will be complaining that he and gf are homeless folks living on the streets, and who would be to blame??? The "city" of Huntsville. Maybe just maybe if people would freakin mind their own business (as in these people who are harming no one) there wouldn't be so many homeless. There are homeless people in my area (in town) because of these stupid "zoning" laws. These people lived in campers with generators and solar panels on their own property waiting for the "city" to approve their building permits. Said city couldn't get enough people to approve the building permit but could get enough to approve the condemning and removal of these campers.
  6. Good morning - start living room deep clean- started and still going - dishes - laundry- in dryer - get $ for sitter and get a can of tomatoe sauce for dinner- done - meet sitter in town to pay her (I forgot to get the $ yesterday)- done - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- done - baths - bedtime routine - anything else I get done- tried to nap with dd2, talked to advisor, went grocery shopping
  7. I passed all of my classes!!! B- for pharmacology B+ for fundamentals and an A- (or an A if they round me up from a 93.84 to a 94) in critical thinking, either way I'm gonna be on the dean's list again!!!!! Now my brain is fried and I need a nap but won't get one. Though I can go to bed early with dd2 who hasn't had a nap today.
  8. Good morning - continue the great kids room purge- Just a few things left - laundry- in dryer - fold laundry - study for tomorrow's finals- studying though not really catching anything new - get dd1 off bus- done - dd1 GS- done - dinner- done - baths- done - bedtime routine- 1 down 1 to go - anything else I get done- made advising appointment to register for fall semester, got some sour cream at Walmart for dinner, talked to dsil about dnephew' graduation next month.
  9. Well I passed have an 81.9% overall for the class. Got an 80% on the exam itself. I wanted it to be higher but oh well. I passed and that's what really matters
  10. Good morning... Need prayers that I pass the pharmacology exam this morning - get dd1 and I up and dressed- done - make sure all bags are packed- done - get dd1 one bus- done - me to school- here - pharmacology exam- done and now anxiously awaiting for grades back - return school library books- done - fundamentals HESI exam- done did ok with a 72.59% (this is a homework grade and homework is only worth 10% overall) - get some groceries- done - dd1 Girl Scouts- changed it to tomorrow night - dinner - baths - bedtime routine
  11. Study for finals- have done review questions for 10 chapters so far... Going to nap with dd2 and then do some more I think I have 10 chapters left for review question and then I'm going to read the key points I printed and highlight what sticks out as odd (the teacher has a thing for the odd stuff like no nitro with ED drugs, vancomycin causing Red Man Syndrome if infused too fast, and giving aspirin 30 minutes before giving niacin to help with flushing)
  12. Good morning - get girls and 1 up and dressed- done - make sure dd1 has all of her stuff ready- done - load dd1's science fair stuff up into the car- done - take dd1 to school- done - transfer $- done - drop donations off at local thrift store- done - get $- done - study- doing some - tidy house- round 1 done - get dd1 off bus - go to dd1's school for science fair - dinner out - bedtime routine - anything else I get done- nap with dd2, got lunch out with dd2
  13. Good morning - study- have done some - tidy house- round 1 done - laundry- in dryer - transfer and get $- done - go to store for a few things- done - get gas- done - get dd1 off bus- done - help dd1 finish her science fair project- done!!!!! - dinner- done - baths - bedtime routine - anything else I get done- nap with dd2
  14. Good morning - get dd1 and I up and ready for school- done - dd1 on bus- done - go to school- done and managed to pass 3 exams with an 84% or higher (one dosage calculations, a HESI pharmacology proctored exam and the last unit exam for fundamentals) - dinner- done - study- did a little - help dd1 with her science fair project- just gotta print, glue and buy a toy mouse and its done - baths- done - bedtime routine- getting there
  15. Well we got the new washer and dryer, bought new smoke alarms, fire extinguisher, shelf to put on above washer and dryer and a picnic table. I also bought some new clothes for going to GA next month. Hope not to have to spend much for a while.
  16. Good morning - school work/ study for exams- finally finished pharm EAQs (took me 3 days), did another practice HESI exam for pharm, did some practice quizzes for fundamentals - help dd1 with her room (mainly supervise and help maker her bed- done - dishes - help dd1 with her science fair project- worked on it some more, need to find more info specific to the rubic - tidy house - clean bathroom - dinner- decided - baths/showers - bedtime routine - anything else I get done
  17. Good morning - tidy house- done - dishes- done - laundry- load in dryer - fold laundry- done!!!! - help dd1 with her science fair project- working on it- she's going to a friend's house for the night so will finish tomorrow though I will find websites for her tonight to print pictures and gather info. - change bedding on all beds- Master and dd2's beds made - school work/study for exams - dinner- done - get a few groceries- done - baths- done - bedtime routine - anything else I get done- ripped plastic off and took Styrofoam out of the windows, helped dh put shelf up above the washer and dryer, took out tall plastic cabinet to dh (he's going to use it in the shed), went through kids clothes
  18. Good morning - get up and dressed- I'm up but not dressed, don't feel like putting on my school scrubs yet - anxiously await phone call from washer/dryer delivery people- it will be here in about 30 minutes!!!!! - greet sitter- done - go to school- done - get $ for laundry soap- done - get laundry soap (need the HE stuff)- found some samples so I can start a load before I leave for school if it's all hooked up - school work/study for exams - laundry- getting some done - dinner- flying pancake guy at dd1's school - baths - bedtime routine
  19. Well made hotel reservations for going to GA, haven't made the ones yet for staying in GA but I made the reservations for the hotel at the half way point there and back. The rooms for the half way point were free because we used credit card points :) will probably make reservations tomorrow for the GA hotel. Going to GA for nephew's graduation.
  20. Good morning - get girls up and dressed- done - take dd1 to school (she has a project due today that I don't want ruined on the bus)- done - nap???- a little one - tidy house (as best I can with out being able to do laundry, can't wait for Thursday)- kitchen done, dishes in dishwasher - school work- completed 2 of 4 EAQS - get dd1 off bus- done - dinner- meet pulled to thaw - baths - bedtime routine - start studying for final exams (and make a study schedule) - make a list of things to be done when I'm done for the semester - anything else I get done: reserved hotel rooms for going to GA and back (still need to reserve rooms while in GA), have some one picking up old washer/dryer tonight around 7 (we gave it away and the people taking it are going to fix it for the local homeless shelter), went to Walmart for a few things, reserved rooms for GA, called on credit card (it was compromised)
  21. Good morning - study for tomorrow's exam - tidy house - dinner - baths/showers - have stuff ready to go for tomorrow - bedtime routine
  22. Ugh washer died last night so we spent 1900 on a new washer and dryer along with delivery and set up to be done Thursday. The old washer is part of a stacked set for apartments so it made sense to buy a new set (I'm sure the dryer part will die with in a few months).
  23. What is the best detergent for an HE washer???? My washer died last night so we picked out a new Maytag HE top loading washer and matching dryer that are being delivered Thursday (getting a new dryer because our old set was a stacked set as in they are built together and cannot be separated). I know I need HE but have no clue what's the best, my old washer was a standard washer so I didn't need to pay much attention to labels except for brand name due to allergies. Oh and no Pyrex or Gain as there are allergies to those.
  24. I get dd1's school pants at old navy and children's place
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