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Everything posted by SueTx

  1. Laughing so hard I'm crying. My kids are mad that I won't let them read it after giggling so much :lol: Thanks ! Sue
  2. Thanks for sharing this - we LOVE Star Trek. The kids each have a different series they love. My favorite is Next Generation. Voyager was the hardest for us to get into (it took a while to warm up to Janeway), but we all grew to love it. Enjoy, Sue
  3. Thank you both for taking the time to respond. I will continue on through chapter 15 (3rd. edition), but use the linked schedule as it lists fewer problems than the MFW schedule we were working from. Blessings, Sue
  4. dd is about to finish chapter 14 of Jacob's Geometry. I'm ready to say she has completed the course. How many chapter do you feel are necessary to have completed Jacobs? I know as a homeschooler the decision is mine, but I'm looking for other opinions. Thanks, Sue
  5. from my 16 yo dd... Why did the boy have to go to the school dance with a prune? Because he couldn't find a date. from my 10 yo ds... Why did the chicken cross the road, roll in the dirt, and cross the road again? Because he was a dirty double crosser Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the Shell station Why did the skeleton cross the road? To get to the body shop What does baby corn call its dad? Popcorn Why did the boy's mother knit him three socks? Because he'd grown another foot
  6. Knock Knock Who's there? Banana Banana who? Knock Knock Who's there? Banana Banana who? Knock Knock Who's there? Orange Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say "banana"
  7. I agree with a lot of others - you do it gradually. dd is 17 this summer and now plays ultimate frisbee 3 times a week at a nearby park with 40 or so other homeschoolers. When she first went, I sat in the bleachers. A few weeks later, I just sat in the car. Then I took her and dropped her off. Now she drives herself and takes her 13 yo brother. She only sees the boy she likes in group settings. They did go to the homeschool prom together, but it was a chaperoned event and another girl rode with them in the vehicle. The more she shows how responsible and sensible she is, the more she is allowed to do. Sue
  8. Excellent for any recipe - butter the pan, then dust it with a cinnamon/sugar mixture before pouring in the batter. Sprinkle the same cinnamon/sugar mix over the batter before baking. It gives the banana bread a lightly crunchy, sweet coating that my family loves. Enjoy, Sue
  9. I have a roaster (different brand), but I don't use it. It's large size makes it more difficult to clean than it's worth.
  10. It looks pretty good - and it's Free :001_smile: Any reviews before I spend time on this? Thanks, Sue
  11. So glad he's doing better. Earlier this year my 7 yo dd had a similar accident where the back door slammed on her finger and completely severed it below the nail. Within two months, the finger had completely regenerated - nail and all. Kids heal so quickly :001_smile: Hugs to you both, Sue
  12. cookie dough - no contest but we also prefer brownie dough, cake dough (batter), ... Sue
  13. ds (now 6) has clubfoot. He wore his brace until he was 4. We had him sleep with us during that time. dh and I had many a bruise from his moving and flipping his legs during the night, but it was the best arrangement for us. Sue
  14. Gotta love that British sense of humor :001_smile:
  15. I'm curious. How close to NM standing would ÿour student need to be in order for you to want to spend the money on a high dollar prep course? 10 points? 20 points? 30 points? DD's scores improved 27 points from her freshman year to sophomore year. They would need to improve 27 more to make the cut off next year. I need to decide whether or not it may be worth it to spend the money on a prep course. Thanks for your input, Sue
  16. Is it possible (or even advisable) to go to Statistics after Algebra 2? Or would it be better to go to Pre-Calc first? I'm planning ahead for dd's dual credit classes and was trying to figure out if Stat could be one of them. Thanks, Sue
  17. Just got back from seeing it with dd - 16, ds - 13, ds - 10, and two littles. Everyone loved it.
  18. Ds will be at Shriner's Hospital. Thank you for all of the suggestions. Now I have one less thing to worry about :001_smile: Sue
  19. I need some suggestions. My five year old ds will be staying in the hospital for 2-3 days/nights. What are some games/activities I can take up there with him to keep him occupied? I'm hoping for some ideas outside of the everyday things he does at the house. Thanks, Sue
  20. Dd used BJU for pre-algebra and algebra. She is currently using Jacob's for geometry and really enjoying it. I had planned on using BJU for algebra 2, but am now wondering if there is something more along the lines of Jacob's out there. I can't find that Jacob's has an algebra 2 unless I'm missing something. Any suggestions? Thanks, Sue
  21. dd is 4 and can read up to book 6 in Sing, Spell, Read and Write (short vowel sounds). I'd like some suggestions on what to use with her for Kindergarten. I'm thinking of using My Fathers World K and not doing the reading portion. Any other ideas? I wasn't prepared for this as 3 other dc didn't read until they were 6 or 7. Thanks, Sue
  22. Dd, after using the public restroom and reading the word "sex" written on the stall, comes out and says, "Hey mom, someone wrote six in Latin on the bathroom door". :) SueTx
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