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Peek a Boo

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Everything posted by Peek a Boo

  1. hey-- y'all offered examples of what a "decent human being" should believe. So did I. It's not that difficult of an analogy to make. Did you have anything relevant to add, or just "really?" :confused:
  2. because many times it IS sinful to act solely on biological urgings. Scripture details several wrong uses of heterosexual behavior -- even more than homosexual stuff. oh-- and disagreeing with a POV doesn't make one *phobic*. I don't think most people who disagree w/ Christianity consider themselves Christophobic, do they?:confused:
  3. Yet there are statistically accurate stereotypes that tend to hold true across populations and geography. These vary, of course, and the whole point of a stereotype is that it is typical, not guaranteed. ;)
  4. no-- people are free to have their own opinions about certain sex acts and social propriety. Describing an *act* as disgusting is different from calling an entire group of PEOPLE *disgusting*. eta: I'm assuming [from theperspective of a decent human being] that most people's identity as a person doesn't revolve around their sex life...? or do you think a person's total identity SHOULD revolve around their sex life? It lets others know *in what way* you found the movie disturbing and explicit. Personally, I like it when people tell me that certain books/movies/ curriculum are "unsuitable" because of their theological content-- that way I know that their bias doesn't apply to reasons I might choose to engage with the topic at hand. ;) I don't think people here would like to be told what to think about each thing. My idea of a "decent human being" is one who doesn't advocate the intentional killing of innocent humans on demand for convenience without legal consequence or due process as a "right." Others think that is perfectly decent though. This tolerance issue is a two way street. At least, real tolerance is. Go figger. ;)
  5. In addition to the counter protests, last minute legislation, and laughing :D, I think this is a great idea. :)
  6. lol! dh [pilot] ran into him at an airport FBO one time [HF's a pilot too]; personable guy, so i'm betting your dream wasn't too far off. ;)
  7. lol- very true.....white font also shows up in a search. :)
  8. fyi: if anyone WANTED spoilers, you could always type them up and change the font color to white...... kinda like the following spoiler for the long three hour drama investigating what the favorite drink is of the Poster Known as Peek a Boo: it's Coke. any coke. generic will do. lots of it. heavy on the syrup. yes, i know it's mostly HFCS. :)
  9. :iagree: while I agree that they are pretty much all legal adults, there's a real difference in having an experienced traveler in the group that has some serious years of experience under their belt. There's a reason that insurance companies rate PEOPLE under 25 as higher risk: they simply are. Experience counts. and the more,the better. I would have loved to slip my 16yo onto a missions trip to India w/ our pastor [even in 'dangerous' areas] , but I wouldn't advise him traveling to Europe without a defined purpose. At least, not on his first trip overseas. I really like the idea of traveling the US first.
  10. I'd do it and let my kids do it, but i think the health insurance/ living will things are spot on. The accident rate would bother me: if we couldn't find one w/ a better rate, I'd ask to either travel to one that does or postpone it [and do something else fantastical. :) ]. {{Mr. Boo is a pilot too}}
  11. Thanks Elizabeth- ok, so as long as we are able to preview the movie, a competent adult should be able to mark the exact time that the "unsuitable" material begins and ends and simply start/stop the lessons at that point...... right?
  12. i can't get the lessons to play - are there religious references throughout the lesson? I've found very few materials that are "unusable" -- most just require a bit of age appropriate explanation unless you're raising your kids in a bubble that doesn't understand the beliefs of others...
  13. definitely a matter of fundraising. My guys can stand outside a grocery store on a weekend, hand out flyers about an issue/group, and accept donations. they collect about a dollar a minute. My son puts together sponsor information packets for his camps: a simple pocket prong folder, cover letter, student resume, double page spread about the camp, letters of recommendation, list of contact info, and any brochures in the front pocket. It costs less than a dollar to put each packet together [especially since we stock up on folders at the back to school sales], but he's usually able to get about 400 bucks in sponsors. Our 4-H club is doing a yard sale next weekend, and we've had a storage business donate use of a storage unit [and offer to advertise it on their marquis and accept donations for us] and the moms take flyers around to yard sales requesting donations of leftovers that we can pick up and they get a tax deductible donation out of it. We also had a business let us use their empty lot right off a main road for the sale. We're expecting to get over a thousand bucks for a three day sale...maybe more depending on what we get this weekend. Scout camps do have an edge ;) -- they have the backing of council for scholarships and a good rep even among a lot of secular folk. Church camps may be a bit tougher, but there should be enough support w/in the Christian community to cover it. good luck!
  14. Can't thank you enough! Had a BLAST with SOTW and the Activity Guide. Read these forums Regularly and Recommend them All. The. Time. I hope y'all are around when my kids start homeschooling. :) Stay safe and happy- keep your chin up!! Take care-- and God Bless! :)
  15. of a couple people? no. but considering the board fired [oh-wait: 'accepted the resignation of'] an allegedly innocent person [because she didn't really DO anything wrong, she's just taking "responsibility" for someone else's evil statements] so that they could get on with the whole business of keeping public funding.... "outlandish" doesn't seem to cover what that is. as pqr already noted: " Except for a couple of unfortunate forays for political opinion, I think that Ron Schiller actually did a fairly remarkably good job of explaining how NPR works and what you can and cannot expect if you contribute money to the NPR Foundation," made me think of the old saw "Other than the fact that he is an axe murderer he is a pretty good neighbour" =============================== also: so can you clarify exactly who you meant when you said the people above?? It doesn't seem to be a response that is in line with what he was describing....
  16. yeeeeah...... because even the UNmanipulated video is evil. oh. wait. i forgot. Glen Beck says there are severities of evil. so never mind.
  17. I'm trying to figure out your response to his description of a bank's operations: Barry Goldwater But just a rhetorical question...what did the bank do with the money you deposited? Think they just let it sit there, or would you consider that perhaps, via fractional reserve lending, they wrote a loan for someone, who perhaps, runs a business, that wouldn't be written without the added deposits you made? You: Are you referring to the people who just destroyed our economy? I wouldn't call that "job creation" I call that "bend over America!" so can you clarify exactly who you meant when you said the people above?? It doesn't seem to be a response that is in line with what he was describing....
  18. no no no.....we have TWO printers taking up desk space. :) I use the laser jet 4K most often, but like having the HP 6210. They both earn the desktop space....
  19. :lol: you think having Glen Beck support it actually helps???:lol: making it worse than it is isn't too hard. like you said: Is any agenda worth evil deeds or lies? ...that's the exact reason we aren't in favor of supporting the NPR public funding agenda. Not worth the evil deeds or lies.
  20. are you saying that all the BANKS being BANKS destroyed our economy? :confused:
  21. the merits of tax cuts for wealthy people (AKA job creators) are you saying that poor people are the ones creating lasting jobs? not the wealthier people? :confused: If you really thought that money in the hands of the 'working class' would help more than giving it to you, why didn't you simply defer your tax benefit to them, and encourage others to do so also?
  22. We ended up using BJU cuz my guys liked the format, and yeah, I just skipped the chapter on scriptural interpretation and supplemented w/ other biology texts and info online. We did a passel of dissections in a co-op class, starting w/ fruit and working our way up to the sharks/pig.
  23. well, I'm not a young-earth-only kinda gal, and i don't think he presents the Theory of evolution well enough to be able to argue it effectively, but the final straw for me was pre-reading the Biology 2d edition [don't know if it's in the 1st edition also, but I have the 2d]. Page 16, middle paragraph that begins "Of course, there are a few experiments that lend some support to the theory of abiogenesis. A discussion of these experiments is beyond the scope of this module.....However, if you look at the track record of spontaneous generation throughout the course of human history, it is safe to conclude....will also be shown to be quite wrong" He fails to mention WHAT those experiment are, and they are actually pretty fascinating to study. They are NOT 'beyond the scope' since he just spent PAGES discussing older experiments that had *already been proven wrong*. It would have been more within the scope to address the CURRENT experiments.....and it is NOT scientific to ASSUME that they too will be proven wrong. "God did it" is a strong enough Christian defense for me, regardless the scientific theories put forth. I don't know HOW God worked through all this stuff, but He did. :) anyway, that's my biggest bugaboo......
  24. On his blog, Wile quotes Ham: In fact, what he teaches about Genesis is not just compromising Genesis with evolution, it is outright liberal theology that totally undermines the authority of the Word of God. It is an attack on the Word—on Christ. so if I believe differently, I'm *attacking Christ* and undermining the authority of the Word of God. sounds like a pretty substantial allegation to me. did he say "I denounce..."? nah. but he made his point clear enough.
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