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Everything posted by MamaBearTeacher

  1. That sees high for that part of the country, even right on a lake. Whenever we are travelling and I am finding the prices really high I just keep looking and somehow I find something that is priced more reasonably. You are booking almost a year in advance. I would look a bit more. If you cannot find anything else, remember you will save a lot on meals.
  2. scalloped potatoes or potatoes au gratin Oh, sorry. I don't think this freezes well.
  3. Is there a novel where this occurs in a male-female relationship? I would prefer it if it were a somewhat contemporary novel. Also, nothing too scary.
  4. I feel really ashamed of this major grammatical error. I did laugh a lot about the still and now I'm thinking of building one. Don't tell. I did not use the mouthwash last night so that is why I am alive today.
  5. The worst! Some restaurant pizza is good and she will probably do fine with homemade. Pizza doesn't take long to make and you can even use pita bread or something else if you don't have time to make your own crust.
  6. Low sugar, no MSG ( has many names ) Lots of veggies, whole foods, homemade Was the pizza homemade or store bought? If homemade, what was in the sauce? She might do okay with a healthier, more simple sauce or a different crust.
  7. Yes, I forgot to say that it is alcohol free.
  8. If I remember correctly there is a national organization that supports parents who have children with metabolic disorders. I'm sorry but I forget the name. They might be able to tell you what to do if the specialists say no to your daughter's case or they might provide other useful information. I hope you find answers that lead to solutions!
  9. Tom's of Maine mouthwash that was opened maybe a year ago and expired in May 2017? You don't have any other mouthwash in the house.
  10. There is no way I have time for an annual maintenance or repair. I don't really have time for a hobby at all. If I have to repair it I will probably throw it out and forget sewing.
  11. I will not be quilting at all. Curtains, cushion covers, table cloths, cloth bags, hemming pants, dresses and other small alterations. Maybe sewing zippers on. And all of this only if I can find time.
  12. I am learning to sew and have never used a machine before. I am looking at the Singer Tradition 2259 and the Singer Simple 3337. The Singer Tradition is bigger-looking. Does that make a difference? The Singer Simple has nice feature like automatic threading and an LED light but it has more bad reviews on Amazon. Are these good enough for a beginner or will they break easily? A somewhat experienced sewer told me not to spend more than $400-$500 which surprised me because I saw these machines for about $100.
  13. But that's how I found her name. She wants to works one-on-one with special needs kids and adults in their homes. She said she was happy we live near her.
  14. According to her resume she had never worked with NT kids. She has only worked with adults who have addictions and special needs kids in a summer camp and cooking for a group home of adults. She has never worked in someone's home. She seemed very enthusiastic to meet and work. There were a couple of weird things in our correspondence that I brushed off in my head but now I do not plan to contact her.
  15. She is not a "service". Her name was sent to me as a match because she was looking for work in my neighborhood.. I'm glad I found out upfront how much money she wanted. It was way too much. She would not be working with my 2 kids alone as me and my husband would be there bringing them to the washroom and serving them food etc. I had explained that to her.
  16. I love it! I think it has more finer too so that's good for you!
  17. Then it would look nice and be functional too! Thanks! :)
  18. Is this acceptable in any situation? What if it is an hourly rate instead of a salary? What if it is to provide care for someone's children in their home? while they are in the adjacent room? She is not a consultant with her own company. I got her name from an online matching service. Maybe this is just a rant or a JAWM but before we were about to arrange an interview/meeting she said that she usually charges xx but that she would charge me much more. I had asked her to send me her resume and she had very little experience. I know you are never supposed to talk salary when you are applying for a job in the business world but in a way that almost seems more appropriate to me than our circumstances. If you want to work with my special needs kids in my home, do not start out by telling me how much you want to make off them! (rant)
  19. I think I might do something like this. I might double the fabric so the pattern is on both sides.
  20. I like the idea of a tension rod. Do they just sell the ones for showers or thinner ones too? I am also thinking of putting Velcro at the top of the frame and attaching fabric and then I would have to find a way to make the fabric go up during the day without a string.
  21. Thanks. I am thinking that I do not want to block out the light completely because I need to see into the room in the morning to see if they are sleeping and to make sure they are okay. Plus, some light in the morning is good for giving them a proper sleep/wake routine. I don't want an expensive or cumbersome contraption. If they find a way to break it it could cause a lot of damage to the wall and that would cause us more problems. I am really looking for something simple. Like I buy a piece of medium blue or green fabric on sale that will partially block the light. But how do I attach it to the wall so they can't pull it down and so I can pull it back during the day. They are teens now and taller than me.
  22. i don't know. The window is on the top floor. We cannot open the window during winter because it is too cold. I have not seen outdoor shutters where I live. How do they open and close? are they expensive?
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