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Everything posted by mom2tbcnm

  1. Hi, I am trying to figure out some ITBS issues. I am planning to give ITBS this year to by kids. Can I give this test 2x? Once in the fall and once in the spring? And what grades can take it? I will be giving the test myself as I am a certified teacher. Thanks Katty
  2. Yes, we are also doing it right now. (not doing it right now--for all you sickos out there :) Dh is currently out of work and has been for 5 months. We are living on savings and our monthly expenditures are half of what they were when he was working. It is amazing what you can do on just a little money. We now know that we can live on a lot less than we thought we could. You really get to underdstand need vs. want. Katty
  3. I have also tried a bunch of different options. This year's plan is to use a sixpack package covered in contact paper and reinforced on the bottom with cardboard. I am planning to put in glue, pencils, scissors, and rulers and 2 more things maybe markers and colored pencils. Then I can take it to the table and and use it when we want to and there is no lid ( which is an issue for my kids for some reason) This is the plan, but I have yet to implement it. Katy
  4. Thanks! the timeline cards are great! Katty
  5. Wow, I love the worksheets pdf that someone just posted for SOTW2! I wish I had used them last year. Now, on to #3. Are there any free resources for #3? Thanks Katty
  6. I am in a book funk. I can't seem to find anything I like. I really loved the Jane Austin books this past winter. Are their any authors in the same vein that I could try. Not too much mushy stuff, light reading Or, any great biographies recommended by the Hive? Thanks Katty
  7. I didn't read to the end, but thought I;d add my .02 We do spank, but we don't hit. There is a big difference. If you just get torked and whack your kid for being naughty, I consider that hitting. If the kid is naughty and you take him into the bathroom alone and calmly talk to them about the offense, explain that you love them and that's why you discipline them, then spank them (we use the small dowel, too) I consider that spanking, and a form of instructing. Now, that is our opinion, and not shared by all. I totally respect how others choose to discipline their kids as long as they are doing something. Katty
  8. It was a great book. Really interesting. I'm sorry to hear that she died. She seemed to be a neat lady. I didn't know there was a movie. I'll have to watch it. Katty
  9. My ds going into 5th grade has completed R&S 3rd and 4th grade Grammar books. This year, I am trying to spend as little as possible on hs curric (dh without a job) I found a copy of Easy Grammar for 5-6th grades that I can check out of our church library. How do you like EG? is it as intensive as RS? I don't need the writing, but I just wonder if it will be as good as RS for the grammar basics. Any opinions? thanks Katty
  10. I am thinking about selling some handmade things online to make a few extra bucks. I know about Etsy, but are there better places to sell stuff? or do you really like Etsy? Thanks Katty
  11. I haven't read all these replys, but my dh is out of work and has been for 4 months. I would LOVE to get food stamps, but can't because we have too much in the bank. You have to have less than 2000 to your name to qualify. YIKES. We will have to lose our house and vehicle before we could qualify, so anyone who is buying luxury stuff while on FS may not be being truthful. I do totally agree that the amount that you can get is way more than is necessary. I am spending about 120 for 2 weeks for my family of 6. Katy
  12. I have the same issue. I have this PILE of stuff in my storage room that must go, but how? I am thinking about the garage sale route. Yes, it takes time to sit out and watch the stuff. I usually do 8-1, so it's not too bad. I did 2 days last fall of that and it was pretty painless. I really don't mind the bargaining since I am just going to give it away for free to Goodwill on Sunday anyway. I always take less if asked. I didn't make a ton of $$, but it was more than I had before, and more than I could have had for a write-off on taxes. My dh is out of work right now and it will help with grocery money, so I can give my time to make $250 in a weekend. If I really didn't need the money, I would probably do the Craigslist/donate route. good luck, Katty
  13. Wow, I can't believe I just read all those posts! What fun! I have 2 of them to add. I used to work on a riverboat on the Mississippi. It wasn't a gambling boat, just a tour up for a day and a tour down for a day, so we mostly had older people onboard. Some older lady asked me if the bumping noises ( caused by just engine noise and steering) were dolphins. I only answered, "no" and went quickly back to work trying not to make any noise while dying laughing. My other story is good for the Catholics among us. My Catholic friend from grade and high school once commented that it was a shame that priests couldn't marry and have children, "Cuz, how are we going to get more priests?" excellent question, I thought. :lol: Have a great day, Katty
  14. Oh can I relate!!!!! My dh is off work and has been for a month and a half. He is going NUTS. And I love him, but he is making me nuts, too. Some of the stuff he has done to keep busy is helping our elderly neighbors with anything they need, or asking our church if there are widows who could use a hand with yard work. This is not for money and he makes sure they understand that, but it keeps him busy. I hope he gets a job soon. Katy
  15. My oldest ds is 9 and in 4th grade. He is great at memorizing stuff. He can complete 7 sections of his Awana book ( scripture memorization) in one sitting. He gets all of his spelling words correct on a Friday. But, if you were to ask him what those verses for Awana were 3 days later, he would have no idea. Or if he would see those same spelling words on the next Monday, he woudn't be able to get half of his words correct. Any suggestions? It is finally catching up with him because he is now at the level that he needs to use what was learned previously to build on new concepts. Long division kills him, because he doesn't remember his multiplication facts very quickly, and writing paragraphs is impossible because he doesn't remember his grammar or spelling rules. I have tried just stopping and taking a while to go back over stuff he should know, but a week later, he forgets our review. His issue is long term retention. Are there any basic review books out there that I could just do everyday as practice? I am thinking about a few problems of basic math before he does his MUS for the day, or a few sentences to correct before grammar. I hope this makes sense. Does anyone have any suggestions? thanks Katty
  16. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get yucky cigarette smoke smell out of clothes. I just got a big bag of clothes via Freecycle and WHEW do they smell aweful. I washed a load in hot water with soap and vinegar, but they still smell. I have heard of coffee or charcoal? When it gets nicer I will try putting them outside in the sun. Some of the clothes, I actually would like to keep, but not if the smell remains. thanks Katty
  17. OK, I put my pizza casserole in the crock pot at 10:30ish this morning, and apparently it was just on warm, not low! OOPS. Would you eat it? Everything in it was cooked previously. Noodles, grnd beef, cheese, sauce, pepperoni. It was 3:30 when I realized it and put it on high. What's the verdict? Eat it or throw it? Thanks Katty
  18. What do you ladies think? I am trying to spend 300$ a month on groceries for our family. I shop Aldi and a local store most of the time. Is Costco going to save me more than Aldi or Walmart? I would have to drive farther to go to Costco (about 10 miles) I just got an ad for a bunch of coupons and a $10 cash card if I join. Does it really save $? Thanks Katty
  19. Has anyone actually tried these? I can't get any of them to download. Maybe ilt's just me, but I click on download and I get a pdf-type screen that is completely black. Am I the only one? I can take it if I am:) thanks Katty
  20. Thanks for the info! I think I will talk to my dr. This will drive me NUTS if we have to do this for an entire month. He may not make it to his next birthday. So it will benefit both of us :s Thanks again to the Hive pharmacists:) Katty
  21. OK, my 5 yr old ds is normally squirrelly, but he just started taking albuterol in a breathing machine and is acting super hyper squirrelly. It's sooooo hard for him to sit still for the treatments right now. Anyone have experience with Albuterol? Is this a drug thing, or a 5yro thing. Thanks Katty
  22. me, me, me! From central Iowa
  23. Reading level is about hight 4th to 5th and up. I am reading #1 and am enjoying it. Just to warn anyone who might be sensitive to it. It is mildly violent--people trying to "eliminate" others and there is at least 1 OMG (not the letters and not Gosh). Now, there is a really fun website that goes with it to record your clues and earn more. Either I'm too old, or it's a little complicated, but I really don't understand all the clue stuff. Why do you need them? I have yet to find any mention of the clue cards in the book. I am only about 2/3rds through, so maybe this will make sense later. Or maybe I really am too old. Katty
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