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Everything posted by momee

  1. They don't want to repeat the mistakes of their older sibling. They don't want to cause angst in the home or see mom and dad anxious because of them. They are interested in learning and want to do well. For those of you facing the new school year after the fallout of a rebellious child, take heart. You are not alone, it is a new year, and you have learned lots of helpful things. Put those things to use and bless your kids who do want the chance to learn. And last but not least, grace has been the key in restoring relationship with our oldest. It felt like it was forever, but it really wasn't. Growth comes in many forms. Acknowledge where praise is due and stay hopeful. I'm married to a formerly rebellious teen who is now the best man, husband, dad ever. They change. They mature. His Mom says there are always going to be ups and downs. It is how you handle them that will change your life :)
  2. Here is the plan I mentioned in another post. Want the kitchen sink under a window but because the washer and dryer wall is the best construction wise, it may not work out. floor plan.pdf floor plan.pdf
  3. You are all so fast :) I'm not sure what to plan for exactly. With that many people involved, planning for everything sounds like a good idea. I wonder...have any of you found a resource that was particularly helpful in the planning stage of designing a kitchen. There are so many books at the library and a ton of websites. Any tried and true resources? Thanks for helping me think it through. Not sure how to put up the floor plan. It's a google doc pdf now...is there a way I can easily upload dimensions?
  4. I get to start from scratch with my dream kitchen plans. Since my in-laws are moving in with us...I'm going to be cooking with my mother in law and my 3 daughters. Two stoves, plenty of counter space and separate refrigerator/freezer are all mandatory. Other than that, I don't know what else I need to include. Do I want an island or table? We will have an adjoining open dining space. There is a real possiblity the inlaws will eventually be in a wheel chair so I'm thinking high island wouldn't be a good idea.
  5. MEP reception mentions them as a manipulative. I'm guessing they mean a model of a cube, sphere, triangle...?
  6. Can anyone help me figure out what I did wrong here... I wanted a copy of Moosewood Simple Suppers cookbook. Went to amazon, found a used copy for under $10, clicked purchase and now it is being shipped. For $22 and $13 shipping!!!!!!!!! (ETA: I see now I somehow ordered the paperback copy with two day shipping instead of the lowest used price and $3.95 shipping. Maybe it was the one-click setting? That stinks. This better be one great cookbook!!)
  7. What type of curricula will you be using? Things like Math Mammoth or Confessions of a Homeschooler mean you will have to print things often. On the other hand, Memoria Press provides all of the materials for you. That is what helped make my decision. Well...that and the fact that I have spent a ton on furniture this year.
  8. Caution: this link could be expensive http://www.playspacestransformed.com/ Maybe they will get some creative juices flowing for you. I've been steadily gaining progress in my school room. Her #1 goal : Creating an asthetically and purposefully designed playspace that inspires both the child and adult so optimal state for learning occurs and more fun can be had. That makes me want to buy it. The price: not so much.
  9. Sorry, yes. Memoria Press. http://www.memoriapress.com/
  10. Sorry to be unclear. I re-worded the original post. And yes, I am speaking of the lesson plans. It does look awfully repetitive so far.
  11. I'm switching from a literature based curricula (SL) to a workbook based one. Huge change! I hope to see more writing and contemplating on paper more than has been required of her to this point. I personally need clear guidelines for all subjects. We would both appreciate a daily schedule so both of us can feel successful. I am looking forward to the blessing of actually TEACHING her instead of spending additional time working out a schedule. I think my biggest worry: It won't be fun. MP wrote an article about just that very topic...page 40...Summer 2013 issue. Thoughts?
  12. I am finding the print on the lesson plans very small. Is there a way to change the font on a pdf file? Also, if you have used the K4 materials, did you just print every document she had in the zip files? The lesson plans jump around alot, I am having trouble knowing how many pages within each file to print.
  13. "Then make another counter like on your teaching table and put it *between* the two student tables. Is that sorter unit under the window to hold paper, etc? A counter between the two desks would extend their work area." Loved the idea of changing the desks. Did that, looks great, but why put a shelf between the two? If they are at their desks, how would that extra work space help them. I would think they would have enough with the middle island??? ***Actually it may not happen because we are building a large addition on to that side of the house and that window is slotted to go and become a door to the over addition space. It basically will be a huge walk in room unfinished for storage (happy dance).
  14. Here you go - it is still in process. Trying to think/pray through the way I want our room to look and feel. The room is far from done, but isn't all of life? http://tochoosebetter.blogspot.com/2013/06/environment.html
  15. I would love advice on how to be more organized in how I assign work, how my child receives it and how her desk is set up. We have this lovely new shiny new school room and I am overwhelmed and at a loss as to how to improve our workflow (and a little advice on setting up our spaces). Moving from subject to subject when we get to it in our day is NOT going to work this year. You would think after homeschooling for 9 years!!!!!!!!! I have enough experience to figure this out. I'm using workboxes with the new kindergartener :) but those aren't quite what I'm looking for with my middle and high schooler. I want to be as prepared as possible, so doing as much as I can in advance. Help me please :scared: I don't know where to start. The hard surfaces are set up. Pretty desks that allow crafting as well as schoolwork. Plenty of shelves. Horizontal slot thingie to hold papers and books. Hanging file folder holder on the wall. Ikea ledges hung for display. Picture frames and magnet board all done. ...its the what goes into the hanging file folders, where she is to keep her daily schedule, how to be more accountable to me in terms of checking up on projects, storing just the things she needs so she's not distracted, etc that's giving me trouble. I need a system.
  16. http://www.myhomeschoolmathclass.com/boot-camp-2013.html We love Jann in Texas around here. Love the online component of her classes and the quick impact of her boot camps. Maybe the Geometry one would help the OP? My dd took Alg I with her and did wonderfully.
  17. Does anyone have the Abeka kindergarten phonics and math materials for Kindergarten they are looking to get rid of? I'm starting ALL over again with my youngest and we're going to try the Abeka route. I'm sure someone out there has the materials that they keep thinking they'll use but haven't and are looking for a great new home for it.
  18. Looking for blog posts or lists that might help in setting up a new school room.
  19. Looking to think through how best to use this great tool more in our school day.
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