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Everything posted by momee

  1. Sorry, not too descriptive in my title. I don't want a pancake flipper type spatula but a cake batter type...I also would love for it to withstand pan heat so I can scrape frond from the bottom of my pans. I have a Pampered Chef one but it is too small and doesn't seem to endure the heat well. The ends are starting to get damaged. I'm looking for a big fat one, nice handle and withstands use over time.
  2. Confessions of a homeschooler blog has a picture and where to order the palm tree, I know she does. I just can't find it there for you right now. Here is her blog link...maybe you can contact her personally. http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/blog/2013/05/letter-r-preschool-activities.html Here is the link for the letters http://shared.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/phonics/ChickaboomAlpha.pdf
  3. This is a wonderfully inspiring website. Her studio is beautiful. May help...beware...the playspaces transformed online class is quite pricey. Be sure to poke around her site, she has quite a few free videos that may help you. http://www.playspacestransformed.com/
  4. We are just beginning with Fable and Narrative. If I can answer any questions by looking at the materials, I will be glad to. I am using them with my 7th and 10th grader. The 10th grader is participating in the MP online HS comp I class. http://www.memoriapress.com/onlineschool/classes/composition-and-writing/high-school-composition-i Considering what I paid for it, I am expecting GREAT results :) Just kidding. I'm excited for her to experience increased confidence and skill. As I look forward I can see huge possibilities for next year and 12th grade with them if it works.
  5. Mine is an L shaped kitchen. I travel from the stove down the counter to the sink, continue to the trash can and around the L to the fridge. I seriously dislike it. Ideally I'm thinking a square with island in the middle, but cannot figure out where I want the sink, fridge and stove. Add in that I get stand alone ovens if I want and I am very confused :) Thanks for helping me plan for our addition.
  6. Recipe is really worth the effort. I got my unsweetened coconut flakes at Whole Foods but I don't use them in this.
  7. I'll ask there and if I get great answers (or even moderate answers, lol) I'll post them here.
  8. http://www.dailyprogress.com/news/debate-on-virginia-s-homeschool-law-encapsulated-in-buckingham-family/article_f76001bc-fd53-11e2-8bbf-001a4bcf6878.html
  9. Have some questions regarding workload and the way you handle incorporating individual lessons plans. For ex: we are subbing First Form Latin for their suggested Third Form so we have an individual lesson plan for FFL.
  10. If you still have Memoria Press Classical Composition I am very interested in it. I'd be glad to make an offer for shipping as well as the material.
  11. The recipe is amazing. Everyone who has tried it LOVES it!
  12. I'm obviously new to all this. I have some in my cabinet but the exp date says use by 2012. Smells ok - organic and cold pressed. Toss it? Also found this review of TJ's oil on Amazon... "The price point of this product makes it immediately attractive. It's only detractor, the labeling, fails to mention the various qualities that a health concious consumer needs to know when comparing the more expensive alternatives. After some research, a manager at the Trader Joe's-Bollinger helped unravel this dilemma by providing the following information. Trader Joe's Coconut Oil is: non-hydrogenated, cold pressed--no heat is used at any time during the processing, raw filtered, unpasturized, and is strained. Hope this helps!" So I'm looking for oil that is non-hydrogenated, cold pressed, raw filtered unpasturized and strained? Any info you feel like typing, I'll be happy to read. I'll be doing some research. Just for fun went to my cabinet again and found these oils Sunflower oil - toss? Grapeseed oil - ok but don't cook with? toasted sesame oil - fine either way? sesame oil expeller pressed - ok to cook with? and high heat refined expeller pressed safflower oil - no good, used in processed foods, toss? and of course the big glug jug of evoo - trying to use WAY less of that stuff!
  13. I don't want to use canola or "vegetable oil" in this...any idea what other oil I could use? I'm new to the oil subbing ideas. http://books.google.com/books?id=Ud_nFsXqSVEC&pg=PT124&lpg=PT124&dq=fruit+and+seed+granola,+weelicious&source=bl&ots=eTwDGXETO1&sig=qptCWM1eUawLsq4-bCVssUOWjdE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=KQf9UbL8NMPD4AOcroCoAQ&ved=0CEwQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=fruit%20and%20seed%20granola%2C%20weelicious&f=false Here is the blog post I was reading about oil subs, just not sure which one would work here... http://mywholefoodlife.com/2013/08/01/whats-the-deal-with-oil/
  14. Might I suggest keeping my desk in order every morning? See my picture? That has been my early summer goal along with cleaning our school room of any unused materials. Things feel clean, organized, and ready for action. If I see crazy, I feel crazy, then my kids think I'm crazy. (I'll be sure to post a midwinter photo just to keep it real for everyone :)
  15. I would love some resources to help me pretty-up our schedule, workbox labels, and magazine holder thingies. Clearly, I am word document challenged if I even have to ask. I guess what would be ideal is a form that I could just fill in...labels and fonts and forms. Help?
  16. Can't share a review...yet. Just received it in our big package from MP. We are very excited to use the Core from Memoria. Hoping this year is our best so far!
  17. We are having this for dinner tomorrow night... http://plantoeat.com/recipes/575752 Chloe's cookbook is a fave here. Lots of pictures of her though, we just ignore those pages, haha. http://www.amazon.com/Chloes-Kitchen-ebook/dp/B005FLNZVU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375215986&sr=8-1&keywords=chefchloe Lucystoner's sauce looks great as well.
  18. Winter: http://plantoeat.com/recipes/886689 Lentil Soup from the Fresh 20 - super amazing - always triple it and this cold weather soup is my husband's very favorite thing ever http://plantoeat.com/recipes/385248 Make-Ahead Vegetarian Moroccan Stew http://plantoeat.com/recipes/731263 Chicken in Creamy Tomato Curry: Chicken Tikka Masala Summer: http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1281744 30 min Tortellini Salad with pine nuts and basil http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1257484 30-Minute Braised Cod Veracruz and http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1281723 30 minute chicken tagine and these when I'm feeling energetic (and have alot of limes on hand) http://plantoeat.com/recipes/713458 America's Test Kitchen Menu cookbook Fajitas
  19. Here are some of my favorites. These are all tried and true and we love them. You'll notice some are very healthy, some not so much. We fluctuate between the two around here. Helena from the board's rice - so amazing - would love to cook with her one day in person... I seriously would cry if I lost it...made me a hero in my home :) WELL, not that great but pretty life changing seeing as before it I was using boxed. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/181246-had-some-amazing-mexican-food-help-me-with-a-recipe/ Here is a not healthy meatloaf recipe my family loves. We haven't had it in a while because we aren't doing much ground beef. The horseradish is crucial. We get the German kind at the Food Lion, forget the name. Really makes the dish, in my opinion. Credit goes to a friend on these boards and to Southern Living. http://eat.at/swap/forum1/7917_My_favorite_is_Horseradish_Meat_Loaf_from_Southern_Living She also gave me the Olive Garden Toscana Soup recipe that gets requested every time I take the dish somewhere. Really great stuff in the winter... http://plantoeat.com/recipes/182777 This is one of our great lunches, made usually by my 14 year old. The 12 year old needs to learn to make it. Soon. http://happyhealthymama.com/2012/02/sesame-noodles-with-red-pepper-and-edamame.html LOVE this salad, but beware of ordinary grocery store out of season napa cabbage. Use the good stuff...super healthy :) http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1364140 (credit: Fresh 20, February 1) My super healthy eating best friend often drops hints on how much she loves me to make this for her: http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1015991 (another fresh 20 hit) These two are our recent favorites. DD makes both and the results are amazing. 30 minutes to boot! Winners in our book. http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1281723 30 minute Chicken Tagine from America's Test Kitchen 30 minute meals. GREAT!!! cookbook and http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1257484 Braised Cod Veracruz from ATK 30 min as well. YUMMMMY and easy with Sam's frozen cod filets. Enjoy
  20. In case anyone is wondering more about the pace...week8 phonics lesson... p 48-49 The Cat and The Rat 1. A man has a cat. 2. The cat has a rat. 3. The cat naps. 4. The rat ran fast! 5. The cat ran at the rat. 6. The rat ran as fast as the cat. 7. That rat! She was taught the skills to read all of that up to this point in the lessons. The problem was she didn't have the attention or "stamina" (only word I can think of) to complete the assignment. This was happening multiple times. Now that she is 5 and has more attention I think we will be fine. Hope this helps someone on the fence between the two programs. BTW - Confessions of a Homeschooler's Letter of the Week is also an excellent resource to build the mental muscles MP K requires. http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/letter-of-the-week
  21. Got too hard. She wasn't quite ready for adding, was starting to resist the phonics she had previously enjoyed and the reading of more than 3 words on a page was getting to her. Well, that and all the writing. I'm hoping when we start up again all of that has resolved and she is at least mentally ready to do it. There may still be some resistance in writing all that is required and if so we will just pare that down. I posted an update so that those who are on the fence might be encouraged that doing the Pre-K program isn't such a bad decision. I think if we had gone with Pre-K her recognition would be cemented and we would be more than ready to do K this fall. Live and learn :)
  22. Has this been released yet? I read in another post someone said they are halfway through it and I have yet to find where to order it. I'm thinking it was a typo and they meant WWE level 2.
  23. Just wanted to come back and let everyone know we ended up stalling around week 8. I've taken the summer off and plan to start her again at week one reviewing number and letters. We could have just waited to order MP K and done more of the Confessions of a Homeschooler letter of the week stuff. That would have cemented recognizing and writing letters and numbers. I was so excited she was putting words together that I kind of stopped with the very! important task of letter/number recognition. Now she has forgotten some over the break. HTH
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