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Everything posted by momee

  1. I'm not familiar with material so I don't feel equipped to be helping her, bottom line, I don't know the material. I have sat down with her and re-read the text stopping every few sentences and discussing. That has helped tremendously. I'm so proud that she has been doing this with only 1 hour of teacher time (class at an outside co-op) but it is not sufficient for her learning. She's had this problem the entire course but has tried to muddle through. Now that we are on a unit (acids/bases predicitions) that builds on previous knowledge she's struggling even more. She has the math down well, that's not the issue. I Where should I go next? Personal tutor is an option. I would love this to be an opportunity for her to seek out help and learn to learn as best she can. If I jump in and hire someone would it hinder that process? I don't want to step out altogether and have her problem solve it on her own - I need help in knowing how to guide her through being a homeschooled high schooler who is learning on her own but not left out in the cold :) kwim? I have contacted the teacher but haven't heard a response yet. I'm not expecting we'll get much more than the already given website (which dd says isn't helpful at all).
  2. (ignore this post completely - she and dh both shot down the plan to do anything but Sonlight.) Sorry - I can't delete it otherwise I would...
  3. Thanks everyone. It is already made so I can't reduce the water being used at this point. It does have a pretty red color I'd like to keep so I'll go with the cornstarch/chicken broth idea. I'm also boiling the liquid down a bit in addition. You all are so smart :) It smells AMAZING<
  4. I've made a chicken curry using onions, chicken breast, curry paste, can of tomatoes and water according to the instructions on the curry paste jar. It is a bit runnier than I would like. Any ideas on what to thicken it with? I was thinking maybe...plain yogurt? I'm not sure because I don't ever cook Indian food. TIA
  5. I'm researching and am curious to know what other christian WTM moms think... 1) Do you know the bible says as a believer of Jesus Christ you have overcome the world? 2) Do you feel like you are an overcomer (victorious)? 3) If so, why? If no, why not? 4) If not, what would have to change, if anything, before you would feel like an overcomer (see victory) in your everyday life?
  6. Here is the link in case anyone would like to check it out... http://www.memoriapress.com/onlineschool/classes/math-and-science/anatomy-physiology
  7. I'm not using first grade but will in the fall. We have used their Kindergarten and 6th grade programs in full. I also do their online Latin and Composition with my high schooler.
  8. Here is my school room. I put money into it (not too expensive, Ikea even!, but I got what I needed without worry over every $10) and dh and I put alot of work into it. If I were to take a picture today it looks almost the same. I love! that it is still working after we've actually been doing school in it a while. I would suggest to take some time first and really think through what you do in a day and build the space around that. I knew my kids would be with me AND without me for periods of work times. I also knew we would be hosting alot of kids at various non-school events here. The space needed to be easily cleaned (cube baskets inside the organizers are easy to throw stuff in) and open. I know I like to change things up (I haven't had to though) so I wanted rollers and easily moving pieces. I put rollers on the bottom of table :) it easily glides against the wall or I can clear things off and it slides to middle of room for a two sided project space - swoooooooon. Hope this helps, the school room pictures can be found under environment. http://tochoosebetter.blogspot.com/ I tried to read a bit about environment (Charlotte Mason stuff mainly) and organization both. I looked at some blogs and decided on colors/textures that made me feel calm, but ready to learn. I also noticed what would personally make me feel rushed, unorganized, and ill prepared in terms of environment. Here is one site that helped me think about things from a kid's perspective and really give thought to environment http://www.explorationsplaystudio.com/coaching.aspx I'd say involve your kids and hear what their thoughts are. I think it's tough homeschooling sometimes for them. Can get lonely and depressing this time of year especially. Find ways to involve what makes them happy in their day and bring that into their space (and yours!).
  9. Quill, I was hoping you would respond. Can I just say you have provided me with a plan with the kitchen I've been looking for forever in your "current favorite" link. 20 x 8'8" with a dining room adjoining it. Love that. Our (potential) builder told us those Don Gardner plans are very popular but usually involve some type of special trusses or something that have to be specifically ordered. He said they are nice but EXPENSIVE to build. Of course. Your suggestion is pretty although it an entirely different exterior than I've been thinking of :) Here is one of my favorite kitchen links ( I read you don't love the open great room idea - and I don't necessarily either but do love this space) http://www.houzz.com/photos/1764312/Las-Lomas-Residence-contemporary-kitchen-austin and exterior links http://www.houzz.com/photos/160883/Olde-Park-Exterior-traditional-exterior-charleston I can email you our plans if you're interested in looking at them and giving me your thoughts...I know some people like to do that for fun. To me it is like plucking my eyebrows, a necessary evil.
  10. If you homeschool, entertain and have more than 3 children I'd love to see your house plan. I'm looking and looking and looking. Hopefully it will have plenty of room, lots of storage, and you love it.
  11. I would give Mr. Piland at Memoria Press a call. Tell him I sent you :) Just kidding - but - he was extremely informative in that he explained the scope and sequence of where Classical Composition would take my child by using the methods of the progym. I am fired up about allowing MP to teach my children writing in this manner. I can see confidence soar. In Fable, our first step on the progym cycle, my 10th grader is learning elements of description in a way very different than what IEW was teaching her. I found this article (posted above but reposted for you: http://www.memoriapress.com/onlineschool/composition/thekeys) to be very helpful. I'm reading through alot right now trying to learn as much as I can. There is A LOT to learn, that's why I suggest talking to Mr. Piland about your specific concerns. I love that the online class is taking over for me. I just have so much to keep up with that learning new methods is all I can handle, much less teaching the kids while I'm learning.
  12. How long it took and how many did you have ? Did you use a scanner that you were pleased with - I want to do MULTIPLE photos (a plastic storage container full) When you finished did you keep them all? If you kept them all the point was probably to use them digitally or back them up in case of damage. My hope is that I can scan them and eliminate all but the best ones. I guess downsizing is one of my main goals. I'm afraid I'll regret the decision to throw some away though and would love to hear from others who've tried to organize their family photos.
  13. That's one of the problems. Too much screentime considering I do my banking, personal calendar, family calendar, emails, skype, facetime, facebook, snapchat (alot of that stuff is teens/kids in my circle), etc, etc, etc. And here too of course ;-)
  14. :) U all are making me smile at least. I'm really torn. We are about to build a house, of which I could potentially be using that phone MULTIPLE times per day. Per hour really. Maybe deleting fb is a good compromise for now. I don't like that extended family will miss out on what's happening - but they can call me instead. I'd like that better anyway!
  15. You all have more self control than I do. I dream of not having that buzzing beeping thing to babysit! That said, there is so much of life that I use it for I think it will be a tough transition. And I kindof like the snapchats my kids send of them doing fun stuff when I'm not with them. No more bible app, bank app, ynab checking transactions to enter, no more having my kids look at me with my face in my phone (I hate that!), no more relationships that are only! through media (fb, texting, email, etc - hate that too). Now that I am posting about it I can see more and more reasons to eliminate it, not keep it. Thanks for talking through it with me.
  16. Will I regret it? The distraction it adds to my days (im's, texts, gmails, cellph answering machine, home answering machine) are getting to me.
  17. We are doing Memoria Press Latin and High School Composition I. Very pleased with both. I get to supervise, not teach those subjects. Composition requires subjective grading. The OL academy class has eased quite a few issues regarding composition in this household. I love that. I'm very excited about where the HS comp classes are headed. Had a long talk with Mr. Piland at the OL academy about the progym. Made me feel much more confident my high schooler is going to be very well prepared for college once she's finished with this scope and sequence. I love that Latin is getting done and I don't have to teach it. Sorry but I don't know it and to teach past the basics is a challenge for me. They are doing very very well with it.
  18. We are very pleased with MP composition. I'm using HS comp 1 with my 10th grader and although she is finding it easy, it will get harder. I've been educating myself on the progym and after discussing where the high school classes are going with Mr. Piland at MP online academy and hearing how they will soon ramp up in difficulty, I am even more pleased with her progress. Here is a sample of a lesson they'll be doing in HS comp II or III - I forget which - but after looking at it again I'm reminded of where we are headed. This year doing fable/narrative is foundational information needed for the future classes and I want her to be solid/confident. http://cdn.memoriapress.com/sites/default/files/products/samples/ct_student.pdf Have you read this? http://www.memoriapress.com/onlineschool/composition/thekeys or this? http://rhetoric.byu.edu/ If this is where you want to steer, I think MP will greatly help get you there. It's a definitely different scope than say, IEW. We tried that and it was not the clear process, the arrangment instruction my student needed. She learned style but not substance. Feel free to pm if I can help any further... Give Mr. Piland a call if you would like. I was very reassured after I spoke with him.
  19. I just re-read this and have been thinking on it... "We are very excited to use the Core from Memoria. Hoping this year is our best so far! " I would have to say hands down this has been our most CONSISTENT year ever. I wouldn't say we are having tons of fun making crafts, doing memorable projects like mummifying a chicken BUT they are growing solid in some things I let slip. They are learning the consequences of skipping a subject of work (no playing on Saturday if all boxes aren't checked) and I have a tremendously!!!!!!!! lighter workload as the teacher. So yes, I will say this is our best year so far.
  20. We're doing the whole shebang. I cannot tell you how nice it is to open and GO :) I am a box checker, so are they. We feel accomplished, and even, dare I say it, DONE when we get to the end of a week on Wed/Thurs!! I love the feeling of being DONE. For years I have never felt DONE with work, always something else we could add in, you know, just for enrichment. When we're done I can even take the next day/days off or move forward to the next week. My choice. Seriously, I am soo relieved to be done with the scheduling. This year I needed school to be on auto-pilot. MP is as close as that gets around here. Thanks for celebrating that with me.
  21. So thrilled with Memoria Press. We are doing their 6th grade, Kindergarten, online Latin and Composition classes and I'm still singing their praises!!! It was a tad pricey in the fall, registration, class fees, curricula, etc but now that we are in the swing of things I am so happy. The planning is almost non-existent. Ordering library books and maybe some rabbit trail craft projects I want to do... The rigor is on par for my children. They are challenged, learning alot, but not in any way overwhelmed. School is getting done consistently, we are on target for today's date (one is ahead) and my homeschool is working! This is all huge change from years past and I just wanted you all who care (fellow hs moms) to hear about it. Hope your coming back to work after the holidays is going well.
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