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Everything posted by momee

  1. Made it this am and the little one said, "Go ahead Mom. You can make this again."
  2. I'll play because I have many recipes from the Hive that I just love. It's good to give back :) this one is a yearly ritual - about to teach my girls to make it themselves http://plantoeat.com/recipes/183818 This feeds an army, is crockpot friendly and the taste is perfection with basmati rice. We live on this over the winter. 3 Cups Moong Beans OR red lentils (rinsed) 9 Cups water 3 vegetable boullion cubes 3 tsp salt 2 tsp chili powder dash pepper 1 1/2 tsp tumeric 1 tsp ground cardamom 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp Dal Masala (purchase at Indian food store) 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp cinammon 1 onion -- diced 5 cloves garlic -- minced 1 inch piece of ginger -- frozen and then grated 2 28 oz can diced tomatoes, juice and all. (add last -- 1 hour before serving) Cook on high for about 4 hours or low for 8 and serve over basmati rice! Not the souper :) healthiest thing on the planet but SOOO good http://plantoeat.com/recipes/182777 I just posted about this one but in case you missed it - amazingly comforting http://plantoeat.com/recipes/1502326 This is more summery but uhmazing http://plantoeat.com/recipes/791873 and last but not least my dh's all time favorite - AND HEALTHY to boot - a real winner! Make Ahead Moroccan Stew - crockpot and pantry friendly and cheap! If you make it, let me know. I'm seriously in love with this recipe. http://plantoeat.com/recipes/385248
  3. I have tried to sell them before with no luck at all. Would you help me set a fair price? Year 1 c 2006 all four units Loom CD Map Aids reading assignment pages have multiple penciled checkmarks on them Writing Aids c 2008 with disk and Writing Workshop CD (no scratches on either disk) Classic Year 4 some pages in page protectors Reading Assignment pages written on and Writing Assignment pages written on with various writing throughout
  4. Curious - are you ladies who are just finishing in August allowing longer than a 36 week pace for classes or did you start at an "off" time?
  5. "We chose to outsource more so that she can spend this year really internalizing what it's like to meet deadlines imposed by others, keep track of assignments on her own, manage her time, etc" Exact reasons we chose to outsource as well. Thanks for reminding me what the goal was, and how we are meeting it. That is truly cause for celebration. Not guilt. I. Just. Hate. Guilt :) Karen - I had the same issues with my older son. We fought and fought. I wish!!!!!!! I could had stepped back and been more allowing of his mistakes being his, not mine as you seem to have a good handle on with your dd. Good for you. Hang in, those moments seem forever, but they are truly over quickly. Wish I could have them back. Melissa - I bet you are teaching her far more than you realize. Just might not be about the Trojan War or Augustine. Make the most of those "taxi" rides. I'm sure she'd love to hear your wisdom. Thanks for sharing.
  6. "you have to monitor yourself to make sure you're not allowing them whatever time they want." oooh. Something new to worry about. Just kidding. This is important for us right now though, thanks for saying it.
  7. We haven't outsourced everything. Maybe what is giving me pause is just a change from making the lessons, teaching them and doing them with her. I also have two other children, for whom I am "at the elbow" most if not all of the time. She's doing what SWB said she should be...checking in daily but most times two/three times a week instead of subject by subject. And that is a GOOD THING. :) Maybe I'm just lamenting the new stage she's in and that's she's growing up so fast?
  8. Thanks, Candid. I'm not sure I'm wording the issue correctly and your response has helped me clarify a bit. Maybe I'm having trouble adjusting to the change from being totally responsible for almost all of her classes since preschool. Just trying to dialogue with other hs moms and make sense of it all.
  9. I'm worried that I've left off some of my responsibility (don't know how to word it exactly) towards the oldest in our home school. We have outsourced the majority of her classes this year. I think the worry is that it is "my job" to be teaching her and that I may be relegating a responsibility that should be my own (again, not sure how to convey this). I hate those home school mom guilt moments. I do check over her work, dialogue with her about her core work that I'm supervising, but for the rest, she's under the instruction of other teachers. (And doing excellently, I should say.) Off to re-listen to SWB's Teaching Children to Learn Independently (again) and be reassured that in 10th grade, this dd is doing just as she should be for her own education. Any comments you can add to the wisdom SWB has already shared about independent learning would help. Any links you know of to old threads with great wisdom about this from those who've btdt would be great too.
  10. Sorry, I am a subscriber. Found the same one on a cooking forum through google. Hearty Chicken Noodle Soup Serves 6 Published in: America's Test Kitchen 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1Whole chicken (about 4 pounds) -- breast removed and split, remaining chicken cut into 2-inch pieces 2 med onions -- cut into medium dice 2 quart boiling water Table salt 2 bay leaves 1 large carrot -- peeled and sliced 1/4-inch thick 1 med rib celery -- sliced 1/4-inch thick 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme 2 cup egg noodles (3 ounces) -- preferably wide ¼ cup minced fresh parsley leaves Ground black pepper Heat oil in large soup kettle. When oil shimmers and starts to smoke, add chicken breast halves; saute until brown on both sides, about 5 minutes. Remove and set aside. Add half of chopped onions to kettle; saute until colored and softened slightly, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer to medium bowl; set aside. Add half of chicken pieces; saute until no longer pink, 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer to bowl with onions. Saute remaining chicken pieces. Return onions and chicken pieces (excluding breasts) to kettle. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until chicken releases its juices, about 20 minutes. Increase heat to high; add boiling water along with both breast halves, 2 teaspoons salt, and bay leaves. Return to simmer, then cover and barely simmer until chicken breasts are cooked and broth is rich and flavorful, about 20 minutes. Remove chicken breasts from kettle; set aside. When cool enough to handle, remove skin from breasts, then remove meat from bones and shred into bite-size pieces; discard skin and bone. Strain broth; discard bones. Skim fat from broth, reserving 2 tablespoon s. (Broth and meat can be covered and refrigerated up to 2 days.) Return soup kettle to medium-high heat. Add reserved chicken fat. Add remaining onions, along with carrot and celery; saute until softened, about 5 minutes. Add thyme, along with broth and chicken; simmer until vegetables are tender and flavors meld, 10 to 15 minutes. Add noodles and cook until just tender, about 5 minutes. Adjust seasonings, stir in parsley, and serve. Recipe Notes Makes about 3 quarts, serving 6 to 8 http://www.cookingjunkies.com/rec-food-recipes/hearty-chicken-noodle-soup-767.html
  11. Sooooooo great. perfect for the head cold your family will probably get that ours has been dealing with for weeks. http://www.cooksillustrated.com/recipes/detail.asp?docid=5926
  12. I didn't read the thread at all but have contemplated starting a conversation about the way some of us treat each other here. I agree that it must be the online factor. I think in the "real world" as well people have lost a sense of accountability to each other. The tone of the WTM boards has definitely changed over the 7/8 years I've been here. I have read some things lately that make me wonder..."Wow, would she say that to her face?" I also try to make note so as not to participate in a thread certain people are in. Grace seems to be something some refuse to offer if someone replies in a way that could be misread. In my opinion rudeness and (dare I say it) indecency is on the increase. Just sayin'.
  13. "I don't think it's my job to please my husband and "do well in his eyes." If that works for you, great, but dh is not my boss. He's my husband." I apologize if I was unclear and caused you to misunderstand me. Things don't always come across well on these forums. I didn't mean to imply at all that my husband is my boss. I must say, though, I do feel it is my "job" to please my husband. To be his helper is my privilege and responsibility as his wife. I aspire to train my girls with that mindset by my example. When they are married, I hope their husband is a priority to them, and as such someone they seek to please. All that being said, my husband takes his role seriously too. (To be a protector, provider and with responsibility for the welfare of our family.) I sincerely hope my girls find a man like their father. One who works hard on their behalf, who is gentle in his ways, and who is selfless. He will do anything, anytime for any of us. He is a model of selflessness to us. He's shown me the beauty in that. It's a refreshing breath of fresh air (from what I see on TV and read in books) to know I'm not taken for granted, but valued and if I may go so far...cherished. It's crushing to see the opposite in a marriage. As such, I can only hope I would return that gift back to him. I am glad to be a servant to my husband (though coming from a totally different background where that was NOT taught it is difficult). I am definitely not his slave. Just trying to speak to the fundamental difference in how I think maybe you interpreted my comment. Please take this in the spirit given, of respectful discussion, not an attempt to be argumentative. Maybe we need another thread altogether...instead of talking about this question in the OP "How do you see your role as a mother? Is a messy kitchen a sign of happiness, or an excuse for laziness? Share thoughts below." we could ask "How do you see your role as a wife?" Thanks for making me think about a deeper issue than I would have normally today :)
  14. I dunno. Now that I am older, I would seriously consider his criticism. Before, I would have been vindictive, nasty and downright immature withholding all kinds of things (cleaning, attention, etc) after any negative comment about me. Maybe age helps season some things? I actually want my dh's input now. I want to please him and do well in his eyes. I think when I was younger I was lacking confidence and instead of receiving criticism felt I needed to defend myself. My dh thinks I do amazing things here at home and values that job highly. That doesn't mean he doesn't see room for improvement. Thank God, he graciously knows how to talk to me about those things now. After 20 years that is the sweet fruit of our intimacy, I think. I think it's a sign of a healthy marriage to talk about things like that, even if after a period of time has gone by. Seems like the dh in the OP is comfortable sharing his feelings. I see that as awesome. Maybe I'm just weird.
  15. Nicely said ladies. I have to echo what has been said. And that it's a beginning of the year thing. Check back with this thread in April when the sun is shining and we can take off for the day.
  16. http://www.girltalkhome.com/blog/mothers-servants-and-gods-saving-power
  17. Yay!!! What a great price. My older kids loved this, hope the younger will as well.
  18. Not sure if this will help or hinder but we are getting back to basics around here as well. I've decided to trust Memoria Press to lead us there. I feel they do a wonderful job at concentrating on the basics (from what I have experienced so far). http://www.memoriapress.com/curriculum/classical-core-curriculum
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBKXXWItwK great thoughts...from the self titled "hs guru" herself AND she speaks about burnout. Go girl!!!! preach it.
  20. Thanks, Yvonne. Worked out an incredible deal with Memoria Press to have both girls enrolled in First Form. Very pleased with them both being in an online class and the cost ended up being very reasonable. Yay! Thanks for the suggestion. And just in case anyone else is reading this...the younger can interact with the class. It's a modified sibling discount. Mr. Piland at MP is excellent, highly recommend them for customer service. Looking forward to a great year.
  21. Here's my go at spices. http://tochoosebetter.blogspot.com/2013/08/better-dry-crust-with-peace-and-quiet.html The whole kit and kaboodle is very special to me. The money for it was a surprise Christmas gift from dear friends when DH was out of work. DH went on a special trip with me to Ikea to help get rid of pantry moths (horrible experience) and organize those 50 bags of stuff from Whole Foods when he asked me to cook only ETL foods (Eat to Live) for him.
  22. I've signed DD up for the online class with MP using Henle but am having second thoughts. Based on research, I see I can use FFL with both of my girls and give 1 year HS credit to the high schooler. MP online: Pros - older DD wants to go into nursing and anytime she can be stretched academically is a good thing for her, totally online, I only have to check in and monitor Cons - cost is steep! ($500 plus $100 for books) FFL at home: Pros - basically free other than workbook since I already have for younger DD, FFL spends more time on grammar which older DD is challenged with Cons - relies on mom if problems arise (who knows NOTHing about Latin) Opinions?
  23. "Mine is a long-U with an island across the open part. The main sink is on one short side of the U; the refrigerator, microwave and second oven are on the other short side; and the range is against the wall along the long base of the U. Then I have a prep sink on the refrigerator end of the island. I prep mostly on the island across from the range, and I bake to the right of the range. This arrangement actually works quite well." This is exactly what I was picturing. Glad to hear it is working well. And for you other ladies enduring a not so well designed kitchen, God bless you :) It is quite a privilege to cook for others, hope your day blesses you!
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