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Everything posted by sbgrace

  1. I got 30 minutes on my exercise bike, pilates, and some work w/weights (arms/legs).
  2. My son takes Zyrtec year round. A couple of us take it in our allergy seasons.
  3. I got a coversational pace 30 minute walk today with family--pretty weather (not nearly so beautiful of scenery as those pictures AusMumof3 and Jenny posted.) When I got home did a 30 minute body groove HIIT.
  4. I got 30 minutes on my exercse bike early this morning. I really thought I would work in some other things, but the day got too busy.
  5. I forgot to post yesterday. I did a boosted walk at home and strengthen/stretch exercises.
  6. I did 30 minutes on my exercise bike this morning. Tonight I did some Body Groove, then a meditation/relaxation based pilates.
  7. I did a boosted walk at home, some work with weights, and then strength and stretch based exercises for my back. It feels to good to get it done earlier than usual today. I plan to do a stretch/relax something this evening.
  8. I did some time on my exercise bike this morning--fast pace, but I got interrupted several times. I don't think I made quite 30 minutes total (my cardio goal). I did a lot of non-routine house upkeep today, so that adds to my movement I suppose. It was exhausting anyway. I did a 20 some minute pilates flow tonight, which challenged my balance and strength way more than I expected.
  9. I got a Walk at Home boosted walk this morning, later I did a strengthen and stretch routine.
  10. I had more time than usual today, so was able to get an hour total on my exercise bike and, this evening, worked in a pilates/yoga flow routine.
  11. I'm having some serious shoulder pain. About six years ago, I tore my rotator cuff. I was on a trip at the time--the ER doctor told me I needed to fly home and see a surgeon. I was in such pain! But we couldn't leave as my kids were competing and, by the time we got home, I felt good enough that i just ignored it. It's never been fully functional in terms of range of motion since that injury. But pain is not normal for me at this point. Today I worked on stretches and PT type things I found online for that shoulder (and some light walking). I'll re-evaluate tomorrow.
  12. I got my movement done just after I got up this morning--a Fitness Marshall sweat session and "fiery" pilates routine. If I can squeeze it in, I really want to do a relaxation pilates sometime today. I'm pretty stressed right now.
  13. I did 40 minutes on my exercise bike, work with my weights, then some back focused strengthening and stretching exercises. I plan to do some relaxation based pilates tonight if I find time.
  14. I did a body groove HIIT, then pilates focused on arms and abs.
  15. I did my exercise bike, then strength focused pilates.
  16. The police/CPS interview the whole family and become involved part would not happen in my county. Anything can happen in a custody dispute.
  17. I tried a Body Groove HIIT today. It was about 20 minutes of HIIT and 10 minutes of warm up/cool down. I'm not sure Body Groove is going to be a a good fit for me, but I've got a month subscription to keep trying out various routines. I did a pilates tonight (obliques focus). And I added some weights based work tonight. I keep forgetting to do that.
  18. That sounds miserable. I'm sorry. Yay you! That's so great! --- I did a body groove routine, then a HIIT pilates. HIIT is not my favorite type of pilates by a long shot, but it came up in a 28 day series I'm doing. I'm glad I didn't skip it (I was tempted). Then I did a mix of strengthen, stretch and, finally, relax things from a few different sources.
  19. It is fun/funny--exactly that combo for me! --- I did 30 minutes on my exercise bike this morning, and then tried a body groove workout tonight. I've been thinking of trying one of their DVD's for a while, so I'm doing on demand for a bit to see what I think of the various options. I plan to do a relaxation pilates before bed.
  20. I did 30 minutes of aerobic dance (uncoordinated flailing in my case--got my heart rate up) with fitness marshall this morning before my teens were moving, then I did quite a bit of back focused work (strengthening and stretching). I plan to do a relaxation based movement later today.
  21. I did 30 minutes on my exercise bike and a stretching focused pilates.
  22. I love her stuff too! ---- I did a Fitness Marshall sweat session today. Then I did some specific exercises to strengthen my back (pilates and PT based).
  23. I did 30 minutes on my exercise bike, a pilates routine, and some work with weights today.
  24. I did the Walk at Home boosted walk for cardio and then a mix of strengthening and stretching exercises I'm using to focus on some specific weak spots. Tonight I did my favorite relaxation based pilates.
  25. Good to see you here. I'm glad you got movement today and hope you get your mojo back!
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