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Everything posted by tdbates78

  1. Oh, and I just found a $5 off coupon for Allegra in our Sunday ads! I can see why everyone complained when these meds switched to OTC...they are expensive!
  2. Thanks ladies! I've never really had severe allergies (I am allergic to my cat but it only flairs up when the seasond change) so Im new to all of this. Yes, the constant need to try to pop my ears is driving me crazy! And just the relentless heaviness feeling.
  3. My problem was probably being lazy and going to the Minute Clinic (inside CVS) instead of my dr, but everytime I go in there my appointment runs at least 30-40minutes behind and its annoying.
  4. Thank you! It does feel like the Claritin isnt working. I had no idea its strength is lower than the others. Im going to Target today to look for Allegra! I'm concerned that the fluid could eventuallt cause an infection if not taken care of? Or yes, needing tubes at 38! I've never had problems wirh my ears until this year.
  5. I steer clear any any outdated dairy items! Not worth the risk.
  6. I live in a suburb of a larger city. So within about 15 minutes we have: 7 parks (the kind with playgrounds, a few walking trails, ball fields, maybe a small lake) A nature preserve Our neighborhood has access to a 4 mile greenway for biking/walking Two splash pads A large pool at the Y (we are members) A museum Golf courses Carowinds (amusement park) We are about an hour and a half from the Appalacian mountains and 2 hours from the beach, which is great for daytrips or weekend trips. I really like it here but Im envious of everyone who has either of these things in their backyards!
  7. I would totally be on board with a Disney cruise! I've only heard really great things about DCL!
  8. Where do you go to the beach? The beach for us is not a day trip, it's going and staying for the week. We usually go to the Gulf Coast, it's driving distance for us, and it's really been difficult to find decent rates in the last decade But I really would like anyone's suggestions for the best time and place to visit the beach on a reasonable budget, 4-5 people. It takes me forever to search, there are sooo many places, and I hate to risk money on a place without at least a recommendation. Im not sure if its too far of a drive for you, but Mrytle Beach is pretty cheap. Very touristy, not my favorite, but its great for kids (lots to do, even when weather isnt great) and pretty inexpensive. We can actually afford to stay right on the beach there, vs some other beaches in NC and SC.
  9. Thank you! We love to travel but we limit ourselves to what our budget can allow. I kind of think of it as a fun game to see where we can go within our budget. I was just throwing it out as a comparison based on (our) cost, not necessarily trying to compare one to the other in terms of things to do.
  10. Agreed. Which is why I apologized and regret even bring it into the equation.
  11. So back in January I went to the Minute Clinic, sure I had an ear infection in my ears. It was fluid, due to allergies, and I was told to take Claritin D and Flonase. I take these things religiously and its still happening daily. This constant pressure, like coming down from a higher elevation or flying. So in addition to Claritin and Flonase Im also taking Sudafed almost daily. We went to a water park this morning and now its really drivng me nuts. Im assuming water from the wave pool got into my ears, but Swim Ear doesnt help. The pressure, heavines and I can hear my jaw click (if that makes sense). Do you think this is really allergies? I dont want to go to my Dr just to be told the same thing (allergies) but its getting really old. Any thoughts?
  12. Good point! We discuss these things, just not formally. Guess that doesnt matter? They are, however, terrible eaters so I do want to go more in depth on the value of vitamins and nutients. Maybe I can scare them into eating ;)
  13. We switched from MM, to MUS, to CLE this year. I usually choose secular materials but we really love CLE so far. My girls struggled with MM so we had to backtrack in CLE butthey finally seem to be picking up the concepts.
  14. Im from southern Illinois and the Lincoln Library im Springfield is really nice. Wish I still lived close so I could take my girls! We also used to visit New Salem, IL on field trips. Its been a long time since I've been, but the historic area has (or had) recreated cabins that us children thought were cool.
  15. Im from southern Illinois and the Lincoln Library im Springfield is really nice. Wish I still lived close so I could take my girls! We also used to visit Salem, IL on field trips. Its been a long time since I've been, but they had recreated cabins that us children thought were cool.
  16. Not everyone lives within driving distance to Disney. When I lived in St. Louis, airfare to Orlando was often close to or over $300 each. So in reality its not really a stretch to compare the two, financially, based on where you live. And that was my point about feeling the need to justify my own opinions. Everyone needs to relax and like what they like!
  17. I hope nobody thought my comments were snarky, as they werent meant to be. I posted several times that I can understand the lure of Disney, even if its not my thing. My OP was mainly my surprise as my daughter not loving it. As far as FF miles to Europe, two of the 4 were covered. The other two were $400 each roundtrip to Zurich. I eish I never brought up Europe. I get that its not a fair comparison. My point was mainly the high cost of Disney vs a recent trip we took in which we spent close to the same budget. But yes, completely different and not fair. I apologise. I can appreciate Disney for what it is. The landscaping is gorgeous. The theming is unlike any I've seen. My girls loved being referred to as "princesses" by the staff :) Its just expensive, to us, for something none of us were overly excited about. We do like theme parks. We have had season passes to Carowinds,our local park, for 4 years now and was just there this morning. Everyone has their personal preference as to what is worth spending their money on. We are just as happy hiking nearby in the Smoky Mountains, spending a week at the beach, visiting my hometown of STL as we are going to Europe or a big vacation. We like to travel, wherever and whenever. Its dissapointing when something doesnt work out but thats life. I have no regrets about visiting WDW, even if we chose not to return. I will say that I felt the need to justify our not liking Disney several times during this thread by those that love it. I was mearly asking if anyone else's kids didnt care for it. Instead I've been given thoughts and suggestions as to why we probably didnt like it. Its fine. I get the love. But its okay if it isnt someone else's vision of a dream vacation. If we all loved WDW imagine how busy it would be :)
  18. Thanks everyone! Our state (NC) has no curriculum requirements. My girls attended K and the first half of First Grade in public school, where they learned some health and safety (taking care of your teeth, nutrition, visit to the fire station) but I would like to reinforce and expand on that. Things like why they have to get vaccinations, why its important to eat a wide variety of foods, why we sometimes catch colds or get sick, calling 911 in an emergency, that type of thing. I don't want it to be all year, but maybe a few times a week for a month or two, or to coincide with a unit on learning about how our bodies work. I will check out the internet for worksheets and videos. And of courses my library. Will look into R&S as well. I appreciate the suggestions!
  19. We got back from Europe a little over a month ago ($400 rountrip tickets to Zurich! Though a few were free with FF miles) and it was the first trip abroad for our 7 year olds. We purchased a few Amanda Bennett and Teachers Pay Teachers country unit studies and devoted the last week of school before we left to learning more about the could countries we were visiting (in our case, Switzerland, France (Alsace and Paris), southern Germany and Austria). We watched YouTube videos and documentaries and read books. We had intentions of keeping up some of their school work on our to trip, but not gonna lie it didn't happen. They get so much out of being there, more than what can be taught in a book. The experiences alone are a learning adventure. My girls LOVED our trip and still talk about it daily. The best advice I can give is to be flexible. Museums sound great, but if your kids are tired or not interests its going to ruin the experience. You don't need to drag them into every museum for them to get a lot out of the trip. We tried to pick and choose wisely and were OK if plans had to change on the whim. And definitely seek out the fun museums! We did the Caillier chocolate factory in Switzerland. And in Paris thee favorite thing was....the carrousel next to the Eiffel Tower! Since, you know, we have no carrousels around here or anything :p Definitely experience the Eiffel Tower light show at night. Its glittery and amazing and very magical for little ones. Where will you being Germany? We've done some of the castles along the Rhine and Mosel on a previous, before-kids trip that were so fun. You are going to have an amazing time!
  20. Do you do a formal health program for early elementary or do you lump it in with science? We are doing interest-led science next year. Wondering if I should add in health? If you do, where do you find your materials?
  21. I have chronic pain (fibro) so I can relate. So sorry you are in pain! Epsom salt in a hot bath can be very soothing. I just throw a cup or so in the water. I agree with the others to just take it easy and wait it out. Good luck!
  22. I completely understand. It is easier in Disney to accommodate members of a group without someone having to feel like a burden, which I often do. I also understand why many love Disney. And for most kids I imagine Disney is a magical place. We are fortunate to have FF miles and the ability, on occassion (not most years) to take that long of a trip. Next year will just be a week at the beach. And that sounds great too!
  23. I wasnt comparing other than to say that the cost was similar, as we had FF miles so airfare wasnt a factor. Of course Disney isnt the same.My comments were on the sheer cost of WDW. And I eat GF (and dairy free) in Europe and in Disney :) I readily admit WDW is great for those of us with food allergies and intolerance. I never felt left out in Disney when it came to eating the pancakes, cupcakes etc and that was super nice. And Babycakes, in Disney Springs, makes vegan cupcakes and goodies that are sooo yummy!
  24. Ironically Im in the Disney Store right now because my daughter that didnt love WDW still has an obsession with Rapunzel and $20 burning a hole in her pocket :p
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